Next, Ye Tian first refined the materials for these three formulas, and then used these materials to cultivate.

In this way, become familiar with the subtleties of these three recipes.

After a period of time, Ye Tian completed his first life recast.

In fact, his current cultivation has not yet reached the time of life recasting, and doing so will affect the foundation.

However, this replica body was originally used for experimentation, and naturally, there was no need to care about the fundamentals.

After trying again and again, Ye Tian gradually understood the specific defects of these formulas, and then he had to erase these defects and improve the formula step by step.

So, Ye Tian began to perfect the formula.

However, it was very difficult at the beginning. Not only did the formula fail to be perfected, but the sequelae of the new formula were even greater, and it even failed completely.

But Ye Tian did not fail every time, and there were times when he succeeded and perfected.

As long as it is perfected once, it is progress. After making progress again and again, the formula will naturally get better and better.

It’s just that this method consumes too much resources, so Ye Tian has a lot of wealth and different silver sand, otherwise he really can’t support such consumption. 29

“The creation of each formula is the sacrifice of countless resources and a large number of ancestors, and it is no wonder that those big forces are reluctant to publish the formula, or even strictly control it.

Ye Tian muttered.

In the blink of an eye, the first year of the Hundred Thousand Worlds has passed.

After such a long time, Ye Tian didn’t know how much Isosilver Sand was consumed, but in the end, Ye Tian really perfected and created a complete formula.

The reason why it is a complete formula is not that Ye Tian successfully broke through to the high-order infinite life form with this formula, but that when the life was recast again and again, he did not find any drawbacks.

That’s the standard for complete recipes!

“This recipe is called the Silver Dragon recipe!”

Ye Tian muttered.

This recipe requires a total of twenty-eight kinds of materials, of which the main material is different silver sand, and it is a large amount of different silver sand.

This formula requires ten times more isosilver sand than other materials, and it also replaces several precious materials.

In general, this formula is several times more expensive than those several incomplete formulas, and the requirement for isosilver sand is too high.

Although he has not seen other complete recipes, he also feels that his recipe should be general in terms of resource utilization, and it is a recipe that wastes resources.

Of course, he can still perfect and create better recipes, but it will take a long time.

“Forget it, if you can successfully create this silver dragon formula, just use this formula to practice. Anyway, I don’t lack the silver sand, so I don’t care about this resource consumption!”

Ye Tian muttered.

Later, he refined a batch of silver dragon formula materials, also called silver dragon gold!

He has not yet reached the level of using the silver dragon gold, he needs to first raise the cultivation base to the limit of the middle-level immeasurable life form, and then use the silver dragon gold.

In this way, the potential can be maximized.

If you use silver dragon gold to complete life recasting now, although you can break through to the realm of high-level immeasurable beings, your future achievements will not be high, and it will be difficult to upgrade to invincible levels at the level of high-level immeasurable beings.


In the following years, Ye Tian focused on collecting a lot of resources that would help improve his cultivation, and also tried his best to acquire some resources that could improve his immeasurable will.

But his boundless will is very high, and there are too few useful resources for him.

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