“Does the Cantilever Pavilion have a formula for Yijinsha?

Ye Tian asked.

“This question is a secret!” Fengyin Grand Ancestor said: “However, even if there is a formula of Yijinsha, it is impossible to sell it. Even ordinary formulas are not allowed, let alone Yijinsha formula. In addition, Yijinsha formula does not exist. Those with incomplete formulas, because no forces will study the incomplete formulas.

Ye Tian nodded. Isojin is so rare that it is impossible to use it to study the incomplete formula.

Afterwards, Ye Tian talked with Fengyin Great Ancestor and found that the Cantilevered Heaven Pavilion would not even sell the Yijinsha formula materials. Unless he traded a large amount of Yijinsha, the Cantilevered Sky Pavilion would only give him a small amount of formula materials.

But Ye Tian naturally wouldn’t do this unless he was stupid!

If it really sold a large amount of Yijinsha to Cantian Pavilion, how would you explain the origin of Yijinsha?

At that time, Cantian Pavilion will definitely take action against him, or follow him.

Moreover, even if a large amount of Yijinsha was sold, there was no way to gather enough materials to recast his life more than nine times.

Afterwards, Ye Tian left the Cantilevered Heaven Pavilion.

“In the next period of time, I will not leave the hurricane capital first. I have exposed the different sands this time. Even if the ancestors of Fengyin will not do anything, after the news is leaked, it does not mean that other ancestors will not spy on me!

Ye Tian thought so, and stayed in the capital of hurricanes.

Anyway, he now has a huge amount of different silver sand in his hand, which can be fused into a huge amount of different golden sand, and then perfected and created a formula based on the silver dragon formula.

In this case, he can refine the Yijinsha formula materials by himself.

Anyway, he already has experience, just spend some more time.

So, over the next few years, Ye Tian spent his time creating the Yijinsha formula.

Since he didn’t know the Yijinsha formula and didn’t have any incomplete formulas to refer to, he could only create according to the Yinlong formula.

In a blink of an eye, a period of time passed.

“There are really high-level immeasurable beings to spy on me〃||!’

Ye Tian frowned slightly.

Maybe that high-level immeasurable lifeform thought he was hiding deeply, but he still couldn’t hide his copying talent.

Apparently, his sale of Yijinsha has been exposed.

However, he did not panic at all, even if he really encountered danger, or was targeted by a major force, he would stay in the hurricane capital.

He also has other replica bodies that do not affect his actions.

Ghost Mountain.

The Great Ancestor Fengyin of Cantian Pavilion is seeing a high-level immeasurable life form, this is the Great Ancestor from the headquarters.

“The Great Ancestor of the Ape Leopard, you are here!”

Fengyin Great Ancestor smiled.

“Let’s take a look, after all, you have actually acquired some Yijinsha here. Although the quantity is rare, it is still possible to save a little and gather a few materials. It is impossible for the major forces to sell Yijinsha, but now there are ancestors who sell it. , The above is naturally curious. Have you heard about the origin of the great ancestor?

The Great Ancestor of the Ape Leopard asked.

“I heard that it came from a hopeless place!” Fengyin Dazu said: “However, it seems that it is not good for us to do this!'”

“What’s wrong?” The Great Ancestor of the Ape Leopard sneered, “If he really found a place where heirlooms came from, then he might find more of them, or he might have more than that!”

“Anyway, I’m not involved in this matter!”

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