The ruins in front of him were different from the ruins he knew.

The former relics were all places where various powerful forces or strong people once lived, and after a long time, they became relics.

However, this ruin is not like that.

“So this is the relic of the intersection!”

Ye Tian muttered.

Before he came, he had a little understanding of the situation of this relic, which belonged to the relic of the intersection, that is, it was related to the intersection period.

If the same place has experienced the intersection period countless times, and the energy contained in the intersection period is strong enough, then it is possible to form a natural relic after a long time.

Such relics are naturally formed and take on various forms that cannot be predicted.

But in fact, most of the intersection periods are not fixed, and the real mountain collar and the channel that cut off Montenegro are not the intersection period, but can only be regarded as the intersection crack.

On the contrary, once the ray gap in the restricted area was cut off, it belongs to the confluence period, and it is a fixed confluence period.

However, the glow gap is too small and the energy contained is too low to form a relic.


The ruins in the core area of ​​Jiuyou Xueyuan have the appearance of a strange stone pagoda. This strange stone pagoda has no trace of any external force, and it is very large. Half of it is in the territory of Xuanqi, and the other side has stepped into an unknown place. It should be somewhere outside Xuanqi’s territory.

“According to the information, Biao Xue’s goal is to point directly at this place. Could it be that he already knew that there were ruins here?”

Ye Tian guessed.

The truth is afraid that this is the case. Perhaps before the endless years, there are signs of the formation of relics here. Therefore, after breaking the seal and regaining strength, the blood ancestors came here.

Unexpectedly, the ruins actually formed here.

In fact, after the relics are formed, it is difficult to be found, and special methods are needed to guide the energy, and then the relics can be completely revealed.

After that, the ruins will be turned into treasures and truly exist forever.

And Xuanqi Territory has such a treasured relic, and even powerful forces use the Relic Treasure as their headquarters to easily step into places outside the Xuanqi Territory.


A high-level immeasurable life form entered, and Ye Tian went in without hesitation.

After entering this ruins stone pagoda, Ye Tian received some information and learned the information of this stone pagoda.

This stone pagoda has a total of eighteen floors, and there are nine floors inside Xuanqi Territory, and nine floors outside Xuanqi Territory.

This stone pagoda is a relic pagoda, formed naturally, so there is no assessment, but if the high-level immeasurable beings want to benefit from the relic pagoda, they need to be recognized by the relic pagoda.

The so-called recognition is to meet the standard.

For example, the requirement of the first-layer Ruins Stone Pagoda is that the body of flesh and blood must reach a certain level to meet the standards of the Ruins Stone Pagoda.

Since the first floor is not large, many high-order immeasurable beings can see each other after they come here.

But Ye Tian didn’t see the Great Ancestor Oxue, obviously the Great Ancestor Oxue was not on the first floor, but went to a higher level.

“The bloody guy is not here/||!”

A top third-stage high-level immeasurable life form snorted coldly.

Ye Tian looked at the other party and knew who this high-level immeasurable life form was.

The Great Ancestor of Xinghai of Xuanqi Pavilion, who is also the Great Ancestor of Xuanqi Territory, is very close to the fourth stage, and is known as one of the high-level immeasurable beings most likely to enter the fourth stage.

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