Soon, one after another high-order immeasurable lifeforms were tested, and nearly half of the high-order immeasurable lifeforms failed to meet the standards of the Ruins Stone Pagoda and were directly kicked out.

Perhaps they are the existences that countless great ancestors look up to in the outside world, but there is nothing they can do here. Once they are kicked out, even the top third-stage high-level immeasurable life forms cannot resist.

Perhaps only by becoming a high-level immeasurable life form in the fourth stage, can it compete against the rules of the Ruins Stone Tower.

And many high-level immeasurable lifeforms have also figured out the standards of the ruins stone tower, and they only need to test the data to reach 2 or more, they can pass.

And most of the high-level immeasurable lifeforms only had a few points of data, and were immediately kicked out.

The point is that some third-stage high-level immeasurable lifeforms with slightly weaker strengths meet the standards, while some top third-stage high-ranking immeasurable lifeforms have been kicked out.

Obviously, this data is not based on cultivation base.

“It should be based on the potential of flesh and blood!”

Ye Tian guessed.

After all, the first layer is to detect the flesh and blood. Since it is not based on the cultivation base, it is not based on the strength of the flesh and blood. The high probability is the potential of the flesh and blood.

The potential is not good, no matter how high the 250 cultivation base is, it will not be recognized by the ruins stone tower, and will naturally be kicked out.

Finally, Ye Tian also went up and stood in the aperture.

The next moment, a piece of data emerged.


Seeing this data, all high-order immeasurable beings were shocked.

You must know that the previous best data was only close to 4, but Ye Tian directly raised this number to nearly 4.8.

This means that Ye Tian’s flesh and blood body has far more potential than other high-level immeasurable beings.

And Ye Tian himself had some surprises.

“I didn’t expect that the physical potential of Xuanming Great Ancestor’s cloned body is much higher than that of other high-level immeasurable beings present!” Ye Tian secretly said.

If his real body is copied to the body to detect, the number will be more exaggerated.

After all, he did not invest too much resources in the cloned body of Xuanming Great Ancestor, so the potential of the flesh and blood body is still limited.

At this time, the Ruins Stone Pagoda also gave Ye Tian a piece of Blood Saint Gold.

“It’s also blood saint gold. Many high-level immeasurable beings here have obtained blood saint gold. It seems that the blood saint gold of the Ruins Stone Pagoda is really (cjfj) a lot!”

Ye Tian secretly said.


In an instant, Ye Tian teleported to the second floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda.

After entering the second floor, Ye Tian obtained a bit of information from the Ruins Stone Pagoda and learned about the situation on the second floor.

In order to obtain benefits on the second floor of the Relic Stone Pagoda, a life must be derived for the Relic Stone Pagoda, and the derived life must meet the standards of the Relic Stone Pagoda in order to obtain benefits.

The area of ​​the second floor is much larger than that of the first floor, but for the high-order immeasurable beings, this area is still nothing.


A drop of blood fell in front of Ye Tian.

“Immeasurable blood!” Ye Tian was slightly surprised, the Ruins Stone Pagoda gave him a drop of immeasurable blood, and let him use the immeasurable blood to derive a kind of life.

Immediately, he discovered that every high-level immeasurable life body has obtained a drop of immeasurable blood, and they all need to use this drop of immeasurable blood to derive a creature that meets the standard.

The point is, what is the standard, they are completely unclear.

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