“The technique of infinite magical powers!!!!”

The first reaction of Xuanxin Great Ancestor and the others was this, because the breath of this power was an immeasurable magical technique.

Xuanqi Territory has fifth-stage high-level immeasurable beings, and they have naturally seen fifth-stage high-order immeasurable beings in their long years, and they are no strangers to the technique of immeasurable magical powers.

For example, Xuanqi Pavilion has a fifth-stage high-level immeasurable life form, but it is not currently in Xuanqi Territory.

Therefore, the Great Ancestor Xuanxin was very familiar with the breath of the immeasurable magical powers.

“No, it’s not a real immeasurable magical technique, it can only be regarded as a prototype, and the breath is more than a thousand times weaker!” Xuanxin Great Ancestor reacted.

But even if it is a thousand times weaker, it is not comparable to the high-level immeasurable life forms of the fourth stage.

“Even if it were me, if I resisted this move head-on, I would be injured. Jun “250” Shan Dazu is weaker than me, and he is already in a state of severe damage, so he can’t handle this move at all. Even if he uses his trump card to save his life , may not be able to save lives!”

Ancestor Xuanxin secretly said.

“Can’t stop!”

Ancestor Junshan saw the seed power of Ye Tian’s immeasurable magical powers, and knew that he could not stop it. If there was no strong person to rescue him, he would almost certainly die.

But at this moment, a ray of light covered his whole body.

“It’s eldest brother’s boundless extreme field technique – conversion technique!”

Grand Ancestor Junshan was excited, knowing that he should have hope to save his life.

His eldest brother is the city lord of Tongshan City, the Great Ancestor of Tongshan Mountain.

The transformation technique is very special. As long as the limitless realm is covered, the Great Ancestor of Tongshan can transfer other people’s attacks to himself. It is very convenient to use it to save people.

At the same time, it can also transform the enemy’s attack on itself to other targets.

It is precisely because of this limitless extreme technique that the Great Ancestor of the Copper Mountain is difficult to kill, so it has a great reputation among the fourth-stage high-level limitless beings, which indirectly means that it has the effect of invincible defense.

Obviously, the Great Ancestor of Tongshan came here, and at this critical moment, he used the conversion technique to save the Great Ancestor of Junshan.

However, things went beyond the expectations of the Grand Ancestor Junshan.


The sword glow transformed by the seed power of the technique of infinite supernatural powers spanned time and space and penetrated the body of the Great Ancestor of the Copper Mountain in the distance, which was equivalent to breaking the conversion technique.

Although Jianmang has become a lot more illusory, there is still a lot of power, continuing to stab the ancestor of Junshan.

“Do not!”

The Great Ancestor Junshan was in despair and did not understand why his eldest brother had already used the transformation technique, why he still could not stop this sword beam!


The sword light penetrated the body of the ancestor of Junshan, causing his flesh and blood to burst.

The Great Ancestor of Tongshan immediately teleported over and forcibly condensed the body of Great Ancestor Junshan, but the aura on his body was rapidly decreasing, and he fell from the fourth stage to the third stage in a blink of an eye, and his life was dying!


The Great Ancestor of Tongshan immediately fled with the Great Ancestor of Junshan. As for the other third-stage high-level immeasurable beings, he didn’t care, and it was too late.

“Even if the Grand Ancestor Junshan does not die, he is completely abolished. His cultivation is no longer in the fourth stage, and it is estimated that he can barely maintain the third stage. The combat power is not as good as the powerhouse of the Infinite Blood List!” Xuanxin Grand Ancestor said.

At this moment, Ye Tian continued to shoot, instantly killing the three copper mountain city high-level immeasurable life forms that blocked the time and space.

The strength of these three is not weak, second only to the powerhouses of the Infinite Blood List, but facing Ye Tian, ​​like an ant, he waved his hand and was killed.

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