Years go by.

In the blink of an eye, the first year of the Ten Thousand Worlds has passed.

Ruins Stone Tower.

Ye Tian is still cultivating, and he is refining the last drop of immeasurable blood at the limit. Once the tempering is completed, then his 129,600 drops of immeasurable blood will be completely tempered to the upper limit.

He has a hunch that once he has tempered the last drop of immeasurable blood to the upper limit, his strength will usher in a surge, just like the last time when all the immeasurable bones were tempered to the limit.

This is a transformation of the whole body, a qualitative transformation of the flesh!

Soon, the last drop of boundless blood was finally tempered to the upper limit by Ye Tian.


The 129,600 drops of immeasurable blood in the whole body began to boil, and a blood cocoon wrapped Ye Tian, ​​letting him transform into the blood cocoon.

At the same time, the blood cocoon was also absorbing the energy around him, and Ye Tian absorbed the energy layer by layer of the Ruins Stone Pagoda to help him transform his body.

After a long time, the blood cocoon absorbed enough energy and no longer absorbed the energy from the outside world, and Ye Tian’s transformation continued.


The blood cocoon split open, and Ye Tian walked out of it 29.

At this moment, his breath is much stronger than before.

“The physical body is at least 70% stronger than before, and the infinite blood has produced subtle changes, and the speed of recovery is too fast!

Ye Tian thought to himself.

He tried to burn a drop of blood, and it didn’t take long for him to recover.

What this means, he is very clear, that is, he can burn endless blood in battle, and as long as the speed of recovery can keep up with the speed of consumption, he can burn endless blood for a long time.

“This ability is good!”

Ye Tian was quite satisfied.

At his current level, the next step is to hit the fourth stage.

However, he is not suitable for the impact of the fourth stage now.

After all, he has just broken through to the peak of the third stage, and the flesh and blood body has not completely adjusted to stability, and it still needs a certain period of adaptation.

After the adaptation period has passed, you can go to the fourth stage, otherwise the success rate is too low, even if the forcible breakthrough is successful, it will affect the foundation problems, and the future practice will not be smooth.

“After waiting for tens of millions of years, the adaptation period should be over, and then I will go to the fourth stage!”

Ye Tian has a lot of Void Gold Water, so it is not difficult for him to hit the fourth stage.

As long as the time is up, he can become a high-level immeasurable being in the fourth stage.

this day.

A hidden figure came from outside the Ruins Stone Pagoda, trying to break into the Ruins Stone Pagoda, but not forcibly, but just using this method to contact Ye Tian.

“It’s him!

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