
Ye Tian’s body began to transform, from a Bone Transformation Realm to a second Bone Transformation Realm, and his strength was rapidly improving.

After a long time, Ye Tian’s cultivation has officially entered the second bone transformation.

“Breaking through the cultivation base, the strength is much stronger than in the past!”

Ye Tian said excitedly.

With his current strength, he is already strong enough to crush the ordinary four-time Bone Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestor, and is stronger than many Bone Transformation Realm-breaking geniuses.

“The most powerful one in Xishan is the Lord of the Giant Bones, and he should not be my opponent now!

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Of course, it is impossible for him to upgrade the vest of the Lord of Blood Fish to the Second Bone Transformation Realm, so he would have to consume a large amount of Primordial Origin Crystal.

After all, the vest of the Lord of Blood Fish is not the real body, and there is no way to replicate the vest of the second bone transformation. It can only be practiced step by step, which is a waste of resources.

Therefore, for the time being, he will not improve the cultivation of the Blood Fish Lord’s vest, unless he really has no shortage of Primordial Source Crystals in the future, and the number is unimaginable, then he will do so.


Ye Tian copied all the other cloned bodies except the three vests, and they all turned into the second bone transformation.

dark sea.

When the Lord of Darkness saw Ye Tian and found that Ye Tian had broken through to the Second Bone Transformation, he was immediately dumbfounded.

“Lord of the Endless, you have broken through to the Second Bone Transformation?”

The Lord of Darkness is a little unbelievable, how difficult it is to change from a bone transition to a second bone transition, even if there are sufficient resources, it may take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Primordial Era years to complete the breakthrough!

How long has it been since then, the Infinity Lord broke through?

How is this done!

“Fortunately, I found a lot of Primordial Source Crystals in the Primordial Forbidden Region, so I broke through!

Ye Tian said.

This isn’t a lie, it’s a real fact.

Therefore, he did not count as lying.

It’s just that he naturally wouldn’t say how to find the Primordial Source Crystal.

“Find a bunch of Primordial Source Crystals in the Primordial Forbidden Region/||?” The Lord of Darkness didn’t know what to say, he could only say that Ye Tian’s luck was too good!

He had also been to the Primordial Forbidden Region before, and he had not even found a single Primordial Origin Crystal.

Moreover, the Primordial Forbidden Territory is still so dangerous, it is not a small amount to find the Primordial Source Crystal needed for the Infinity Lord to break through!

However, he could only be envious. If he were asked to go to the Primordial Forbidden Region to find the Primordial Source Crystal, he would not dare to go, nor did he think he had such luck.

“Lord of Darkness, I am going to arrange some of my clan to experience the forces under the Dark Sea, it should be no problem!”

Ye Tian suggested.

“Of course, you can call the shots yourself, you are the most powerful Bone Transformation Realm in the Dark Sea at present, where do you need to ask my opinion!” The Lord of Darkness said.

“Lord of Darkness, after all, the Dark Sea was established by you. I only joined it halfway. Naturally, I have to ask for your opinion.”

Ye Tian said quickly.

“It’s okay, you can arrange whatever you want!

The Lord of Darkness.


Ye Tian arranged a group of human races to enter some forces under the Dark Sea.

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