The suppression of the Primordial Forbidden Territory has become smaller, coupled with the near extinction of the Primordial Ominous Object, which has led to many Primordial-level geniuses who have entered the Primordial Forbidden Territory.

However, at this time, it is a little difficult to gain something.

At this moment.

Ye Tian has not searched for resources in the Primordial Forbidden Domain. If he copied the Primordial Ominous Object at this time, he would be killed by those Bone Transformation Realm anyway.

Therefore, he gave up the Primordial Forbidden Territory.

Anyway, for him, there is no way to obtain a lot of resources in the Primordial Forbidden Domain.

“The territorial sea boundary seam has been upgraded, there should be more than one ancient treasure land like this, and it will gradually appear in the future, and there will be no shortage of opportunities.

Ye Tian thought to himself.

this day.

In the territorial sea boundary seam of the ancient ruins, a golden light illuminated the entire ancient ruins, spreading and extending to the endless territory.

This kind of vision immediately attracted a lot of blood changes, and even alarmed the existence of bone changes.

Ye Tian also came here for the first time after getting the news.

“What happened?”

“The area where the golden light shines is too large, it must be an unimaginable treasure!”

“Even if treasures are born, it’s not something we can compete for. It must be those Bone Transformation Realms that are eligible to compete.”1

“Let’s just watch the excitement, don’t get too close, or be careful to die!

A bit of blood change is discussed here.

343 “What the hell is this?”

Ye Tian saw the Lord of Darkness and asked curiously.

The Lord of Darkness looked at the golden light that stretched across the huge area, and had a guess in his mind.

“It’s a bit like the picture of the primordial golden tree being born!” The Lord of Darkness guessed: “In the primordial period, the primordial golden tree was conceived, and it looked like this, but the scale was not so large!

“Could it be the second ancient golden tree?”

Ye Tian guessed.

“Can this give birth to a second primeval golden tree?” The Lord of Darkness was shocked.

“I don’t know, I’m just guessing!”

Ye Tian can’t guarantee that this is a vision bred by the ancient golden tree!


More and more bone changes are coming.

The Lord of the Ruins and the Lord of the Void also came one by one.

Likewise, Ye Tian’s three vests also came.

The Bone Transformation Realm did not break into the depths of the ancient ruins, but quietly waited for the end of the vision. After all, no one dared to guarantee that there was no danger, and there was no need to rush in.

Moreover, if the vision did not end, the treasures that were conceived would definitely not be fully conceived, and it would be of little value to snatch them.

As time passed, the golden light became more and more dim.

Gradually, an image of an ancient golden tree (cjfj) was projected.

“It’s really an ancient golden tree!!!!”

A group of Bone Transformations were shocked.

The ancient golden tree in the seam of the territorial sea was destroyed in the ancient times, and now another ancient golden tree has been bred.

“This ancient golden tree is much larger than the ancient golden tree of the ancient times!”

The Lord of the Void said.

Before the Primordial Era, there was no Primordial Golden Tree, and there was no Primordial Technique. Therefore, the Master of Hollow Void did not become an Primordial-level genius, but was only a world-breaking genius from beginning to end.

Later, when he learned about the ancient technique, he was already in the state of bone transformation.

Because of this, the top group of Bone Transformation Realm in the territorial sea boundary seam is not an ancient genius.

After a period of time, the ancient golden tree was completely conceived.

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