I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 101: Brain Is Really Good Enough

Chen Hao didn't know that he was hated by Wang Shenjing.

He returned to the Institute of Genetics and found that it was also in chaos.

A large number of ferocious beasts below the seventh level are besieging the Genetic Academy.

Chen Hao mentally swept over, but did not find Ling Xiaoru!

He doesn't care about other people's life or death.


When he raised his hand, thousands of thunderbolts struck down.

Of course, it is much weaker than Ji Shanhe's Thunderbolt!

However, it is more than enough to deal with those beasts below the seventh rank.


In a split second.

The fierce beasts besieging the Institute of Genetics caused a lot of casualties.

Chen Hao didn't lose heart enough to kill Ji-yin and others together.

Only aim at places where the beasts are relatively dense, and bombard them.

Although there were some accidental injuries, in general, many people were saved!

"This... this is a ninth-order powerhouse!" Someone said in shock!

"We are saved, the ninth-level powerhouse is here to save us!"

"With a ninth-level powerhouse coming, did Dongcheng win the battle?" Someone speculated.

They're not too far away from the East City, but they're not too close either.

The rumble of fierce battles could be heard over there.

The eruption of the lava toad raised the temperature of Jiangyun base to a terrifying state, and then there was a sudden heavy rain and thunder.

They all felt this, and their hearts trembled equally.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of battle scene it was.

Chen Hao resolved the siege crisis of the Institute of Genetics with one move.

He ignored the cheers of the others!

With a flash of stature, he flew in from the entrance of the defensive cover in an instant.

This kind of defensive cover can't withstand his punch at all, but it is the life guarantee of many people!

He didn't pretend to smash the defensive cover with a punch.

Although Chen Hao didn't want to waste time killing ferocious beasts and saving more human beings, he was also not a monster who disregarded life.

He stretched out his spirit, and found Chen Qing in an instant. Ling Xiaoru, who was seriously injured, was lying beside her.

"what happened?"

Chen Hao's figure flashed and appeared next to Chen Qing. Before he entered the defensive cover, he shrunk his figure to the size of a normal person.

Otherwise, with his body height of more than ten meters, although he can't break through the defensive cover at will, it is difficult to move, and if he moves casually, several people may be trampled to death!

"Brother! Are you back?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Qing immediately jumped up and shouted.

"Hmm!" Chen Hao glanced at her, and nodded when he saw that she was not injured.

He looked down at Ling Xiaoru.

At this time, Ling Xiaoru's face was pale, her abdomen was still wrapped in bandages, and she looked dying.

"How did she do this?" Chen Hao frowned and couldn't help asking.

Before he left, he told Ling Xiaoru to pay attention to safety and not to rush ahead foolishly.

I didn't expect to complete this sample as soon as I came back.

"Brother, you want to avenge Miss Xiaoru. Miss Ru was pushed to the beast. Fortunately, someone rescued her, otherwise she would have died!"

With tears in her eyes, Chen Qing said angrily.

After Chen Hao left, everything was safe and sound.

Ling Xiaoru couldn't enter the defensive cover, but she wasn't too far away from the defensive cover.

Follow along with some guards and kill the beasts.

A genetic warrior saw Ling Xiaoru fighting alone, so he brought his genetic team over to invite Ling Xiaoru to join him.

Ling Xiaoru was simple-minded, and agreed to be with them without thinking too much.

She had been fighting with her brother's genetic team before.

For a group like the Gene Squad, she had an inexplicable trust in safety.

Unexpectedly, after the east wall collapsed, more and more beasts entered the base city.

Especially after the defense line of the City Lord's Mansion was breached, a large number of fierce beasts rushed to the Genetic Academy. There were not many high-level fierce beasts, but the low-level fierce beasts came like a tide.

Human nature is revealed in moments of crisis.

The genetic warrior who had taken care of her meticulously, unexpectedly pushed her out when a seventh-level ferocious beast rushed out to save his life!

Ling Xiaoru was wounded by the seventh-rank beast on the spot. Fortunately, the eighth-rank expert from the academy happened to stay not far away and made a timely move. Otherwise, Ling Xiaoru would be lying in the belly of the beast right now.

"The brain is really good enough!"

After knowing the situation, Chen Hao was speechless to Ling Xiaoru's innocence.

"But why let her lie here?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Hao looked around and found that the place was a mess, and there were a lot of low-level injured genetic people lying there!

He took a look and found that many of the seriously injured were just wrapped with a bandage at will.

There is no healing medicine at all, just relying on personal hard work!

"That...we have no money!" Chen Qing said weakly.

Hearing this, Chen Hao understood.

Some people would rather have healing potions moldy than share them for free.

...asking for flowers......

And it will also increase the price of the elixir, making a fortune.

Chen Hao didn't say anything to accuse.

"let's go!"

He picked up Ling Xiaoru, who was as angry as silk, and lifted Chen Qing with one hand and left immediately.

It is not a big deal if the genetic person is seriously injured, as long as it is not an important part, as long as he has enough blood, he can slowly repair it!

Chen Hao didn't trouble the Gene Man who pushed Ling Xiaoru to the beast.

Human nature is like this.

He hoped that Ling Xiaoru would learn a lesson from this experience, and he must be on guard against others.

That genetic person came to Ling Xiaoru inexplicably because he had some unreasonable thoughts about her.

Besides, besides Ling Xiaoru, Chen Qing also doesn't know who that genetic person is!

The reason why Chen Qing understood the situation was only what Ling Xiaoru said when she was sober.

Chen Hao came and went quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the defensive cover came out.

He originally planned to grab a wave of treasures in the Genetic Academy.

But he didn't know where the treasure house was hidden.

Just like the basement of the City Lord's Mansion, if Xu Wangsheng didn't lead the way, he wouldn't be able to find it.

The materials used for the construction of these treasure houses generally contain the effect of blocking the spirit.

Chen Hao brought his two daughters to a shop selling animal-sourced medicine.

Randomly rummaged through it, and found some pills for recovering Qi.

Immediately stuff it whole into Ling Xiaoru's mouth.

The elixir that melted in the mouth instantly restored a lot of Ling Xiaoru's blood.

She finally woke up leisurely!

"Sister Xiaoru, that's great, you finally woke up!"

Seeing her open her eyes, Chen Qing called out excitedly.

"Xiaoqing!" Ling Xiaoru responded weakly.

"When you wake up, quickly refine the elixir in your body to repair the wound, and we have to run away!"

Chen Hao said coldly.

Hearing this, Ling Xiaoru looked up at him, although she was a little afraid of Chen Hao, but the moment she saw Chen Hao, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

So he closed his eyes and refined the elixir to restore his blood energy.

"Brother, do we still have to run away? Where are we going?" Chen Qing caught the key word.

"Whatever, let's talk about leaving here anyway, there is still a terrifying beast that will come back!" Chen Hao said.

He planned to arrange Chen Qing and the others in those super large base cities.

In this way, he can work on improving his own strength with peace of mind. .

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