I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 102 Devil, Don't You Need To Practice?

Ling Xiaoru regained some blood energy, after the wound healed.

Chen Hao took them out of Jiangyun Base City.

It exploded in an instant, almost at the speed of sound.

Fly to the northeast.

Chen Hao knew that there was a super base in the southern coastal area, Jiangnan Base City.

That's pretty much the regional center of the South.

The population has exceeded hundreds of millions.

Such a population-level base city has strong men above the king level sitting in it.

"Staying in the Jiangnan base, Chen Qing and the others will basically not be in any danger, but they also need to practice!"

"It seems that we have to hunt a large number of ferocious beasts, dig out the sources of beasts and sell them for money!"

Chen Hao was thinking while flying.

At this time, he turned into a dragon-shaped creature with blue butterfly wings. On the huge paws sat the pandaren Chen Qing who was looking around curiously, and the white ape girl Ling Xiaoru who closed her eyes to repair her injuries.

Chen Hao calculated that he had been flying for nearly an hour.

It was almost a thousand kilometers away from "690" Jiangyun City.

He decided to find a place to rest.

When the sun rises.

Just hunt and kill the beasts.

"Tonight, let's rest here first!"

Chen Hao landed in a big mountain.

He punched open a stone hole, and let the two women find a place to rest at will.

The blood in his body is strong, and he doesn't need to rest.

But after this long battle, he felt it necessary to sum up his combat experience.

His strength has improved so fast that he doesn't know much about his abilities.

The previous battles have been reckless!

It only relies on the beast source stored in his body.

"It's cool to be reckless, but it consumes too much energy!"

Chen Hao crossed his legs and thought.

Seeing him cross-legged and eyes closed, the two women thought he was tired and didn't dare to disturb him, so they rested separately.

the next day.

Chen Hao took them to hunt the beasts in the barren mountains.

Although high-level beasts are hard to find, those low-level beasts run everywhere.

Chen Hao let go of his mind and used the Nine-Tailed Fox's mind-disturbing ability to instantly gather fierce beasts with a radius of several thousand meters, and then he killed them all with a random lightning strike!

"Wow, brother, you are so amazing!"

"There are so many beast sources, we sent them!"

Chen Qing opened her mouth and shouted loudly, it was the first time she had seen such a scene where thousands of beasts were killed instantly.

But the focus of her attention is not on Chen Hao's strength.

Instead, he instantly thought of the value of these ferocious beasts.

The nature of the little money fan is immediately revealed!

Ling Xiaoru also showed shock.

She also felt that Chen Hao's strength was extremely terrifying, hundreds of times stronger than when he was in the safe zone.

In the safety zone outside the wilderness, although Chen Hao's strength was equally strong, he still needed a lot of fierce beasts to deal with it slowly. At this moment, when he raised his hand casually, he attracted thunder and bombarded him down.

"Go down and dig the beast source!" Chen Hao said with a smile.

The shocked appearance of the two women made him feel a little vanity.

But I saw that I could kill a thousand fierce beasts.

He showed another look of regret.

"If there is no snake dragon king, hunting those beasts outside Jiangyun base city, at least tens of thousands of beasts can be killed at once."

Wait until Chen Qing and the others dig up all the beast sources.

Chen Hao took them to another direction and continued hunting in the previous way.

Low-level beast sources can't improve his strength, but they can restore his vitality.

So, Chen Hao fought all the way.

Not afraid of consuming blood at all.

He set a small goal, to earn 100 million first!

Large swaths of ferocious beast areas were cleaned by him.

As a result, some genetic teams that hunted ferocious beasts came here to search for a long time but did not find a single ferocious beast.

After a few days.

Inside a huge stone cave.

"Oh, if I were stronger, I would be able to keep up with Miss Xiaoru's speed and speed up the speed of digging the source of beasts, so that our Lu Yuan would be at least ten times more!"

Chen Qing looked at the beast sources piled up in front of her, and said regretfully.

She had just fused the genes, and the blood energy raised by refining the animal-derived elixir was not too fast.

If you want to reach the second level, it will take several months!

In the Institute of Genetics, her talent is considered pretty good, but when she saw her brother, she killed a large number of beasts with one move, and each of those beasts could easily kill her.

Such a gap made her feel useless.

"Xiaoqing, you have just started to practice, and you will become very powerful in the future!"

Ling Xiaoru comforted, in fact, she also felt that her fifth-level strength was useless in front of Chen Hao!

"I can't do anything more than help him pick up the source of beasts!"

Silently glanced at Chen Hao, who was roasting the beast meat, and thought.

She felt that she couldn't even cook the most basic barbecue, and she was inexplicably depressed.

"If you don't have enough strength, just practice hard. If you have time to yell there, it's better to refine one more beast-derived elixir to increase your blood!"

Hearing Chen Qing yelling, Chen Hao said expressionlessly...

One sentence pointed at Chen Qing's vital point.

His sister's character is too out of character.

I can't concentrate on refining the elixir at all. In the past, when there were no resources and no resources, I shouted and worked hard to practice every day. Now the animal source elixir in my arms is going to be moldy.

"Are you a devil!" Chen Qing said angrily.

In fact, she has worked very hard, but seeing that Chen Hao doesn't need to practice at all, her realm has been improved!

After knowing that Chen Hao's realm has reached the eighth level.

Her mentality collapsed and she couldn't concentrate on cultivation!

"Brother, why don't you see you refining pills? Don't you need to practice?"

Chen Qing walked over to pick up a piece of roasted animal meat, took a bite hard, and glanced at Chen Hao curiously.

When he left Jiang Yun, he was only at the second level of strength.

But it's been about a month and a half.

Her strength has reached the eighth level, which is unbelievable for her.

She didn't know Ling Xiaoru's character before, so she didn't dare to ask Chen Hao.

Now that I have been with Ling Xiaoru for a long time, I also know why Chen Hao is willing to bring her along!

Although Ling Xiaoru is older than her, her mind is as simple as a child's!

All of a sudden, she accepted this lovely young lady!

He even thought of turning her into a little sister-in-law!

So in front of her own people, she can speak straight.

"I'm practicing all the time, but you haven't seen it!" Chen Hao said lightly.

"You're lying! You don't even have animal source medicine, how can you cultivate!" Chen Qing immediately retorted.

Did she know that the eighth-level realm needed to refine the eighth-level animal source elixir 3.9, and Chen Hao didn't have a bottle of elixir on him.

"What are you doing to lie to you, but I really don't use pills, I just eat animal sources!"

As soon as Chen Hao raised his hand, several beasts flew into his hand.

next moment.

Under Chen Qing's shocked gaze, he chewed it up and swallowed it!

"How is this possible..." Chen Qing was dumbfounded.

Ling Xiaoru was also horrified, she was always curious about how Chen Hao improved his strength, but she didn't expect to eat the source of beasts directly!

"Nothing is impossible. In fact, there are quite a few people who directly refine animal sources to improve their strength. Of course, you should feel at ease refining pills!"

"Without a strong will, it's easy to lose control and go berserk!"

Chen Hao looked at them amusedly, he wanted them to try to refine the beast source, after all he knew the power of evil spirit.

The fierce evil spirit can increase the damage of the attack several times!.

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