I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 106 The Woman In The Red Dress, Suzaku Gene

Before the words finished, Chen Hao disappeared in place in an instant.

when it reappears.

He has come to the woman in the weird red dress.

The fist containing fearful power bombarded her head.

Although the weird woman didn't manifest a trace of beast gene, Chen Hao would not underestimate the enemy just now, the speed that the woman showed just now proved her ferocious strength.

"If you don't ask for it, you're a thief!" Chen Hao said indifferently.

Chen Hao also did not enter the animal state.

He didn't intend to kill this woman in one fell swoop, but he just wanted to teach her a lesson.


Before Chen Hao's fist touched the woman in the red skirt, a flame rolled out of the woman's body and instantly attacked Chen Hao's fist.

The crimson flame was extremely hot.

All of a sudden, Chen Hao's fist was scorched.


Chen Hao immediately backed away and couldn't help but gasped.

next moment.

With a big wave of his hand, he condensed an ice wall to block the chasing Huo "Two Fifty Zero" Yan.

"What kind of flame is this? Not only is the temperature extremely high, but after being burned by it, my mental strength has dropped a lot!"

Chen Hao's expression changed drastically.

With his strength, except for those above the king level, no one can make him feel palpitations!

With a dignified complexion, he fixed his eyes on the woman in the ancient red dress.

She is still like a starving ghost, crazily eating barbecue.

She ate more than half of the huge elephant-like barbecue in the blink of an eye.

The flames that attacked Chen Hao have slowly receded into her body.

As if it was just the self-protection of the flame in her body before.

"Who the hell are you?" Chen Hao asked in a deep voice.

click click click!

What responded to Chen Hao was the voice of the woman in the red dress chewing meat.

The woman in the red skirt completely ignored Chen Hao's inquiry, as if she only had barbecue in her eyes.

"This starving ghost-like woman, what kind of gene is fused, and the temperature of the flame in her body is many times stronger than that lava toad!"

"Since I ate my barbecue, even if I don't cripple you, I have to fuse your genes.

With that said, Chen Hao activated the lava toad's genes, wrapping himself in a thick layer of lava armor.

Then, he threw himself at the woman in the red dress again.

As expected, the flames in the woman in the red dress shot out instantly and rushed towards Chen Hao.

next moment.

The lava armor on Chen Hao's body still couldn't resist the scorching heat when it touched the crimson flame.


Chen Hao was in excruciating pain, and this flame was completely burning his soul.

Ignore all defenses and burn directly into the bone marrow.

But this time, Chen Hao didn't back out like before.

Enduring the severe pain, he continued to reach out to the woman in the red skirt.

At this time, the woman in the red skirt had already devoured the whole piece of barbecue.

Turning around and seeing Chen Hao's claws attacking her, she fought back with a powder fist.


The fists and palms collided, and a scorching heat wave broke out.

The strength of the two is comparable!

Each step back a few steps.

The woman in the red dress glared at Chen Hao angrily, but did not continue to hold on to Chen Hao.

Turn around and jump up.

The typical run after eating the overlord meal.

Chen Hao didn't go after her either, his mind was no longer on the woman in the red dress.

The moment he touched the fist of the woman in the red dress.

A reminder sounded in his mind.

However, there was only one notification tone, which made Chen Hao think that something went wrong with the system.

Although the power of his punch just now did not fully explode all the power, but it has reached the level of the ninth level, and the person who can equal his strength is also the level of the ninth level.

Now a person at the ninth level has only one gene in his body!

Hao's intuition is incredible!

When he reacts, he will be even more shocked after he hears the content of the prompt tone clearly!

"Ding, the SSSP-level Suzaku gene was detected, is it a fusion gene?"

He lost his mind for a moment.

I can't believe that the prompt sound in my head is the gene that speaks to the SS$P level.

It is also Suzaku, one of the four mythical beasts!

"Fusion Gene!"

After Chen Hao was stunned for a while, he immediately recited a sentence in a hurry.

Wait until the sound of successful integration sounds in my mind again!

Chen Hao still felt a little unreal.

But the virtual panel does display the Suzaku gene!

Genetic Qualification: 17%

Realm: eighth level

Blood gas: 323500/362200


Beast Sha: Level 2 Sha Soul

Gene: Suzaku Gene (SSSP grade)

Kui Niu Gene (SSP Grade)

Unbranched Qishui Ape Gene (SP Grade)

Blood-sucking dragon gene (SP level)

Nine-Tailed Fox Gene (SP Level)

Snake Dragon King Gene (SP Level)

Lava Toad Gene (SSSR Grade)

Frozen Gelong Gene (SSSR Grade)

"I'm so lucky, I didn't expect a piece of roast meat to be exchanged for a kind of Suzaku gene, it's amazing!"

"But what is the origin of this woman? She actually fused with the Suzaku gene, saying that she is a strong person at the peak of human beings, and the strength she displayed just now is a bit inconsistent!"

Chen Hao looked up at the direction where the woman in the red dress was leaving.

He had no intention of catching up.

Since her genes have been fused, there is no point in catching up!

"In the future, there will be more barbecues, and there may be some people or beasts with rare genes!"

Chen Hao's thought flashed, and then a ray of flame burst out from between his fingers...

This is the flame of the Suzaku gene.

He stared curiously at this small flame, and found that its scorching temperature had distorted the space!

"Now I feel that the fire element in my body has reached an extreme state."

"The fire elements in the sky and the earth don't seem to need to be pulled deliberately, they have slowly condensed!"

"Is this the horror of SSSP-level genes?"

"The genetic level of the federal assessment, reaching the SSSP level is already the highest level, and I don't know if there is a higher level!"

Chen Hao felt that if he fought against the lava toad again, he didn't need to use illusion at all, he could just burn it alive.

Of course, the blood energy consumed in it is also immeasurable!

"Brother, are you okay!" Chen Qing ran up and asked.

The battle between Chen Hao and the girl in the red skirt was only in the blink of an eye, and the two girls didn't react until the girl in the red skirt left.

"It's okay, I'm fine!" Chen Hao smiled happily.

"Who the hell is this?" Ling Xiaoru asked suspiciously. Her strength had already reached the seventh level. If Chen Hao hadn't shouted violently, she would not have noticed the appearance of the woman in the red skirt.

"Never mind her, she's a good person anyway!" Chen Hao said.

"Good guy? Is the one who stole our barbecue a good guy?" Hearing this, Ling Xiaoru was stunned.

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously and said no more.

It made the two girls even more confused. Fortunately, neither of the two girls is very curious.

Otherwise, you will be depressed to death.

Ling Xiaoru looked up at the direction where the woman in the red skirt was leaving.


Originally thought that at 2.9, his own strength was not enough, but he didn't expect that in front of the master, he didn't even notice her figure!

"It seems that I still have to work hard, otherwise Angkor's strength will definitely leave me far away!"

Ling Xiaoru thought to herself.


Her eyes widened.

Because she saw a huge flame, flying from the distant sky.

"Angkor, look!" Ling Xiaoru exclaimed.

"I saw it!" Chen Hao frowned.

His eyesight far exceeds that of the two women.

At a glance, he knew that the flame was the woman in the red dress from before.

There are two figures behind it, who seem to be chasing her.

"Those two people, the woman with the Suzaku gene, is not their opponent?!"

Chen Hao pondered.

What made him depressed was that the woman in the red dress flew towards where they were.

"A few!" Chen Hao scolded. .

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