I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 107 The Woman Who Comes Out Of The Space Rift

"Brother, what should we do?" Chen Qing looked worriedly at the approaching flames.

"Never mind." Chen Wu said flatly.

If he hadn't merged with the Suzaku gene, he might have taken Chen Qing and the others to run away together.

Now, he is really not in a hurry.

When he was fighting the woman in the red skirt just now, if he hadn't been restrained by her flames, he really wouldn't be afraid of her.

"No wonder that woman turned around and left. She was chased and killed by others, so she wouldn't have robbed her of her things as well!"

"But how did she fuse with the Suzaku gene? Is the Suzaku beast so easy to kill?"

Chen Hao thought hard but couldn't think of a reason.

After a while.

The woman in the red dress turned into a flame bird and approached them.

"It's best not to provoke me, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chen Hao looked at the flame bird quietly, hoping she was just passing by.

Don't try to bring trouble to them.

The flame bird is fast.

However, the speed of the people behind her was even more frightening, as if they were afraid that the flame bird would walk away again, and flashed to the side of the woman in the red dress in a burst of 21 bursts.

Shoot her instantly.

At this time, Chen Hao also saw clearly the person who was chasing and killing the woman in the red dress.

He is shaped like a human-shaped hound, with blue and white flames lingering all over his body.

Claws with hot green and white flames quickly grabbed the woman in the red dress.

And the raging flames around the woman in the red skirt also rolled towards the human-shaped hound.

"Hmph, I still want to resist!" The humanoid hound snorted coldly.

Facing the crimson flames of the woman in the red skirt, not only did he not stop them deliberately, but he even let her jump up.

Chen Hao didn't know what the bluish-white flame radiated from that person's body, but he knew that the flame catalyzed by the Suzaku gene was extremely hot.

At this moment, Chen Hao has already seen their realm clearly, both of them are in the ninth-order realm.

However, the blood of the humanoid hound is even more fierce, and has reached the peak of the ninth order.

This made Chen Hao feel even more puzzled.

What kind of strength is it that the woman who can possess the Suzaku gene retreats all the way.

Although the woman in the red dress seemed to have been seriously injured, her body was fused with the Suzaku gene.

"Could it be that that guy's blue and white flame is also not simple?" Chen Hao asked himself.

Thinking of this, he showed a little interest in Hound Gene.

for a while.

He stared at the two people in the air without blinking.

I thought I could see the collision of two different flames.


It was a horrifying scene that came into view.

When the crimson flames attacked the Houndman.

He opened his mouth suddenly, making an inhalation.

next moment.

The crimson flame that hit him was sucked into his mouth.

In the end, he also looked greedy and wanted to suck more flames.

After absorbing the crimson flame.

The Houndman clawed at the flame bird.

The flame bird was instantly sent flying, and no longer condensed into the form of a bird, but restored the original appearance of the woman in the red dress.


"How could he swallow Suzaku's flames in his stomach!"

"What kind of ferocious beast's gene is fused with it?"

Chen Hao couldn't believe it. Originally, he thought he had the Suzaku gene and a lot of animal sources to restore his blood.

Even if he is a king-level powerhouse, he still has the power to fight.

However, before using the Suzaku gene to fight, he discovered that he regarded it as a powerful gene.

In front of the dog hunter, it seemed vulnerable.

"It seems that in this world and that vast world of desolate beasts, you really can't be arrogant because of the fusion of a certain high-level gene, or you will still die if you encounter a restrained gene!"

Chen Hao said with a solemn expression.

"However, since I encountered a gene that can devour flames, I can't let it go."

"We have to find a way to copy his genes."

Chen Hao stared at the dog hunter.

He was preparing for the time when the dog man and the woman in the red skirt would lose out in the fight.

Then go up and copy the gene of the hound man.

And he was equally curious why the woman in the red skirt only had one gene in her body.

And it is also the highest level Suzaku gene.

In his cognition, no matter what, a person with a ninth-order gene should have multiple genes in his body, and people with one gene are all people with a first-order gene.

You must know that if you don't integrate the first gene, you can't practice.

And no one can fuse more than SR-level ferocious beast genes at the first level.

So this woman in the red dress made Chen Hao very curious.

"Is she the mutant person that Lu Xuanfeng mentioned? Or a bloodline person?"

Chen Hao's mind flashed the scene of being despised by Lu Xuanfeng when he met Lu Xuanfeng, saying that there are all kinds of geniuses in the world.

His ability to rapidly increase blood energy cannot even be seen by Lu Xuanfeng.

"Hahaha, cool!"

When Chen Hao was thinking, the dog hunter in mid-air seemed to be in a very happy mood after swallowing a ray of Suzaku flames.

when he laughs.

When he saw the woman in the red dress and wanted to run away, he suddenly flashed his figure and gave her another fierce claw.

Blast her directly to the ground.

"Hmph, if you still want to run, you can provide me with flames!" the houndman said indifferently.

His voice just fell.

A figure suddenly flashed beside him.

"Master Tianxiao, how are you doing!" He asked the Houndman respectfully.

The person who suddenly appeared has a pair of butterfly wings on his back, which looks like a black-striped butterfly fused together.

"Look for yourself, she can't run away anymore!" Lin Tianxiao pointed at the woman in the red dress with his chin, and said proudly.

"Congratulations, young master!" the man said flatteringly with a look of dog legs.

"Hahaha, Ah Fu, you have contributed a lot this time, and you will be rewarded heavily when you go back!" Lin Tianxiao raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Thank you, young master!" 573 heard this, Lin Fu's expression was extremely excited, and he thanked loudly.

"No, you deserve it!"

"This woman who came to Earth from the Wild Beast World has the talent of fire in her body, which is almost as rare as feathers. You can find her and tell me the news.

"It's also worthy of my cultivation of you in the past!"

Lin Tianxiao looked down at the woman in the red skirt and said slowly.

He was waiting for the woman in the red skirt to consume her last blood.

This would make it easier to capture her alive.

"Don't dare to forget the kindness of the young master!" Lin Fu still respectfully said.

He looks like a slave, without the dignity of a ninth-level powerhouse.

Lin Fu is also at the ninth level.

But he knew that the ninth rank was completely worthless in front of the man beside him.

Lin Tianxiao also took Lin Fu's respect for granted.

He is the descendant of Lin Cangming, the most powerful man in mankind.

On Earth, anyone who hears the name Lin Cangming will give up three points.

"There are three little worms over there. Go over and make them disappear. I don't want anyone to know that I have a woman with an extremely powerful flame talent in my hand, especially the woman who came out of the space crack."

"Although there is an ancestor, no one dares to provoke my Lin family, but it's better to be cautious, after all, I don't want to be targeted by those vampires who swarm me when they see high-level blood!"

Lin Tianxiao glanced at the three of Chen Hao and said expressionlessly.

PS: Ask for a flower with the cheek!.

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