I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 108 The Same Flame Burns Everything

Lin Tianxia and Lin Fu did not deliberately lower their conversation voices.

The distance from Chen Hao and the others was only a few hundred meters, and with their hearing, all the content of the conversation was transmitted to their ears verbatim.

"The woman in the strange dress just now is a person who came out of the wild beast world, but the humans in the wild beast world are too scary. A woman who just ran out has the Suzaku gene in her body!"

When Chen Hao heard Lin Tianxiao's words, he couldn't help being dumbfounded!

"Not everyone is like this, otherwise, the earth would have fallen into the hands of these aliens long ago!"

The next moment, he denied himself again!

Just when I was about to continue listening.

Hearing that Lin Tianxiao wanted to make himself and the others disappear suddenly, Chen Hao's expression turned solemn.

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant, completely treating them like ants, killing them as much as he wanted without any mercy.

"I'm afraid this guy usually kills innocent people in vain!"

"Since this is the case, I will start killing people today, and it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!"

Chen Hao stared at Lin Tianxiao and said coldly in his heart.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to get close to Lin Tianxiao and copy the gene in his body that could devour flames.

It's all right now, don't think too much about it.

Others already wanted to kill him and others, and they needed to be polite to him.

Just do it.

"Ling Xiaoru, take Chen Qing to hide later."

"I'm going to meet that arrogant dog man!"

Chen Hao warned Ling Xiaoru in a low voice.

Ling Xiaoru opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but knowing her own strength, she could only nod her head to listen to Chen Hao's words.

"Brother, you have to be careful!" Chen Qing said with a worried face.

"Don't worry, it's just killing a garbage dog!"

Chen Hao said domineeringly.

Although his voice was very low, it still fell into the ears of Lin Tianxiao and the others without missing a word.

Chen Hao left a sentence: dog man, stone swallowing dog man.

Lin Tianxiao's face was full of haze, and his eyes were dark.

The blue-white flame outside his body rose several meters in an instant, and the temperature also reached a terrifying level.

"Ah Fu, what are you waiting for, let these rubbish disappear from the world w々!"

Lin Tianxiao suppressed the anger in his heart and said fiercely.

What he hates most is that someone says he is like a dog.

Since he fused the Tengu gene.

The guy in the family who had opposed him since he was a child would call him a dog when he saw him.

With Chen Hao at this time, it seemed like a retreat.

He has nothing to do with that guy, and now a trash who is no more than eighth rank calls him like this, how can he bear it.

"Yes!" Lin Fu clasped his fists immediately and said.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked down at the three of Chen Hao.

He could see through the realm of Chen Hao and others at a glance.

"Eighth-level, seventh-level, and fifth-level. Although the number of people is a little smaller, it is still a good genetic team."

"You can hunt and kill a lot of beasts alive!"

"It's a pity, who let you break through the secret of Master Lin Tianxiao, not everyone can know the secret of Master Lin!

Lin Fu said slowly, and also slowly flew towards Chen Hao.

"Now I'll give you a chance to kill yourself, so at least you can leave a whole body!"

"It's not quite right. This place is in the center of the barren ridge. If the beasts are rampant, they will turn into the feces of the beasts, so it can't be regarded as leaving a whole body."

"How about this, you cut yourself off, and I won't torture you!"

"Otherwise, it will not be so easy for you to want to die, especially the two women, wake up!"

Lin Fu's laughter is very weird, his words make people very uncomfortable!

He glanced at Ling Xiaoru and couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, Ling Xiaoru is in the animalized form of the white ape, but she has a graceful and slender figure, a delicate and beautiful face, and a white fluffy tail.

As for Chen Qing, a ball of black and white pompoms!

Completely ignored by Lin Fu, he said that the two women were just incidental.

"Dead pervert!"

When Chen Qing heard Lin Fu's last sentence, she couldn't help cursing angrily!

"Oh?! It turned out to be a small pepper, so I like it even more!" Lin Fu looked wretched.

Seeing Chen Qing responding to his words, she couldn't help but look her up and down.

"How about suicide, or have to endure inhuman torture"

"A man's life is owed!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Chen Hao.

But seeing that Chen Hao is still calm, I can't help feeling a little annoyed!

He said so much trash talk just to annoy Chen Hao and others and make them agitated.

In this way, his actions will be even more sleepy!

As for torturing women.

With his ninth-level strength, he still has his back against the Lin family.

What kind of woman I have never seen before!

Although Ling Xiaoru was amazing, he didn't dare to delay Lin Tianxiao's affairs.


Chen Hao said in a flat tone.

Lin Fu is already a dead person in his eyes, but he has just reached the ninth level.

Chen Hao even killed several existences at the peak of the ninth order.

"Hmph, you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin, that's the kind of person you are!"

Lin Fu's complexion changed instantly when Chen Hao called him an idiot.

"Since you don't know what to do, go to hell!"

"Sink into my dark world!"

After the words fell, Lin Fu flapped the black butterfly wings behind his back.

A large amount of black powder rushed towards Chen Hao and the others with the flapping of the butterfly wings, like a cloud of black mist descending from the sky!

""․ snort!"

Seeing this, Chen Hao snorted coldly.

With a wave of the hand, a flame instantly shot towards the black mist!

Needless to say, Chen Hao knew that these black powders should contain toxins.

So I don't know how toxic it is and what kind of effect it has.

But in Chen Hao's eyes, this is all a trick!

He who has the Suzaku gene still looks down on those weird genes.

"Think that such a ball of flames can destroy my powder? Brother, do you have any misunderstandings about the ninth level!"

"Or do you think that if you reach the eighth level, you are already invincible in the world!"

Lin Fu sneered.

His black powder contains the effect of making people stunned and sinking, even king-level powerhouses must be treated with care.

Encounter a general flame.

Its toxicity spreads faster!

"Do you really think your flame is as fierce as that woman's flame, and can burn my black powder?"

Lin Fu laughed wantonly and said that he could already foresee Chen Hao's end.

If he knew that Chen Hao had fire elements, how could he waste so much drool!

Immediately stun them!

"That woman's (good) fire can burn your powder?"

Chen Hao almost laughed out loud when he heard this!

He could tell that the woman Lin Fu was talking about was the woman in the red dress who had the Vermilion Bird gene in her body.

Brother, I'm afraid you don't know that I also have birth genes!

My flame and that woman's flame are exactly the same type of flame!

Chen Hao jumped up.

Crimson flames blazed all over his body.


The flames around him instantly expanded.

In an instant, Lin Fu's black powder was completely burned!


Lin Fu couldn't believe what he saw.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and immediately shouted: "Young Master Lin, his flame is also not an ordinary flame!"

His words just came out.

Before he could react, the fiery flame rushed towards him.

Lin Fu instantly fell into the sea of ​​flames!


He let out a scream that tore his soul!

PS: "Ask for flowers", "Ask for a monthly ticket".

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