I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 109 Let's Wave Our Hands, For The Righteousness Of The Human Race


"Young Master Lin, save me! Ahhh...it's hot!"

Hear Lin Fu's heart-piercing screams.

Lin Tianxiao couldn't help scolding angrily: "You're a trash who doesn't do enough to succeed!'

"You can't do this well!"

"It's embarrassing to be made into such a mess by a guy who is one level lower than me.

As he spoke, he glanced at the woman in the red dress, and saw that she would not be able to recover for a while.

Then he cursed again: "Trash!"

Firewing behind him slammed.

Immediately, he flashed his figure and rushed towards Chen Hao!

in a blink.

As if Lin Tianxia was not afraid of the flames, she submerged into the fiery flames that erupted from Chen Hao.

"This... This fire is really not simple, it is actually burning my blue and white flame!"

Lin Tianxiao, who had just rushed into the sea of ​​flames, suddenly found that the blue and white flames lingering around him were burned by Chen Hao's crimson flames!

If it wasn't for his majestic blood, he would be able to continuously fuel the green and white flames outside his body.

He might fall into the same situation as Lin Fu!

"Such flames are more to my liking!"

Lin Tianxiao didn't feel anxious because of Chen Hao's fierce flames, but became even more excited!

"I didn't expect that I would get so much reward from going out this time, and I would encounter two rare flames, and the fire of this eighth-level genetic person is hotter and purer than that woman's fire.

He was in a good mood, and said loudly: "I suck!"

After the words fell, Lin Tianxiao opened his mouth wide and sucked in the crimson flames that lingered all over his body.

one time!

The flame released by Chen Hao was devoured by Lin Tianxiao crazily as if encountering a black hole.

"Hmph, let me see how much you can devour!"

Seeing this, Chen Hao snorted blankly, and he shot Lin Fu who had turned into a black reef corpse at will.

Focus all your energy on Lin Tianxiao.

Chen Hao didn't bully him, but opened his arms suddenly, mobilizing a lot of blood, pulling the fire element between heaven and earth.

After merging the Suzaku gene, he seemed to be the darling of the fire element of heaven and earth, without much effort at all, the fire element with a radius of tens of kilometers rushed towards him.

Then it merged into his flame, making the flame that erupted from him more vigorous.

For a moment, Chen Hao's flame turned from a cluster of flames into a forest-burning fire!

After Lin Tianxiao devoured it for a while, he found that the fire not only became bigger, but also became hotter!

"How is this possible? How could the fire element in his body be so powerful!"

"No, this guy can pull the fire element of heaven and earth, but it is only an eighth level, why (cbaf) can pull the fire of heaven and earth?"

Lin Tianxiao suddenly panicked.

He already felt that the flames swallowed into his body had reached a bottleneck.

Can't go on swallowing anymore.

To continue devouring, he had to refine the flames that had just been devoured in his body into his own fire element, and fuse it with his Tengu gene.

It doesn't matter if it can't swallow the flames.

His blood energy was also rapidly consumed due to the intensification of Chen Hao's flame, and the temperature soared.

"If this continues, my end will be the same as Lin Fu's, and I will be directly burned into charcoal!"

"Damn it, my Tengu gene has the ability to eclipse the sun and the moon, that is, it doesn't have the effect of instantly refining flames!"

Lin Tianxiao was very angry, and he was extremely unwilling to leave him like this!

Not only did he lose the extremely rare flame from Chen Hao, but he also couldn't get it from the wild beast woman race who hunted and killed half of the earth.

"My friend, we were at odds just now. As the saying goes, we don't know each other. You have seen that your flames can't hurt me at all. In order to avoid both sides being hurt, it is not a good thing to let others take advantage of the opportunity. How about we wave our hands?"

Lin Tianxiao said suddenly.

He has already seen Chen Hao's strength, which is completely beyond the eighth-level category, and his combat power has already reached the king level, so he plans to negotiate peace with Chen Hao.

After all, if he continued to fight, his probability of defeat would be higher.

He didn't hear Chen Hao's response, so he continued to persuade: "Well, you heard the content of our conversation just now, that woman is not from our earth, her strength is also shocking, if she hadn't been in the world of wild beasts earlier I was injured, and I can't hurt her!"

"Don't look at her half-dead state now, in fact, they contain the blood of fierce gods in their bodies, and their recovery ability is extremely terrifying. We continue to fight and consume blood energy. Once she recovers, we will be in trouble!"

"How about waving your hands at this point? How can you say that the person who insulted you has been killed by you, and I will not pursue it. After all, he is just a slave."

Lin Tianxiao suppressed the anger in his heart, showed a gentle smile, and said a lot in a flat tone.

I hope Chen Hao can listen to his words.

"Hmph, after I go back, I will immediately call someone to capture this pariah alive, and let you provide me with flame devouring every day!"

He secretly hated.

"Can you stop laughing, you laugh so disgustingly!"

Lin Tianxiao, who was calm on the surface but anxious inside, didn't hear what he expected, but heard Chen Hao's mocking words.

"You..." Lin Tianxiao concluded angrily.

"What on earth do you want? Do you really want to hurt both of us, and let that foreign woman kill us one by one before giving up?"

"Are you still a human race on Earth? Do you know what kind of harm will be caused if that woman escapes? How many people will die because of you?"

Lin Tianxia said righteously.

This is his usual method, always scolding others with the righteousness of the human race.

In this way, not only can you exalt your own image, but it can also make those who have been scolded by him feel guilty, and finally succumb to his righteousness.

"That's really good, how about I kill that woman first, how about we settle personal grievances?"

Chen Hao suddenly suggested that he pretended to be thinking as if he had listened to Lin Tianxiao's words.

"No, that woman can't be killed!" Lin Tianxiao immediately vetoed it.

"Why can't you kill it?" Chen Hao pretended to be stupid.

"Although this woman is from the wild beast world, she is very dangerous, but she still has value to use. For example, we can torture her about the situation in the wild beast world. This is a great achievement for us earthlings!"

Lin Tianxiao said loudly with awe-inspiring aura.

Hearing this, Chen Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes.

If I hadn't heard that you coveted that woman's flame and wanted to take it back and slowly devour it, I would have almost believed your nonsense!

"My friend, put away your flames! We are compatriots, there is no need to kill each other over trivial matters!"

Lin Tianxiao continued to persuade, he was so anxious!

The blood gas in the body is almost plummeting.

While he was speaking, not only did Chen Hao's flame not fall, but it became more and more fierce.

"This, let me think about it!" Chen Hao's tone was a little hesitant.

"Yes!" Lin Tianlu said calmly.

He thought that Chen Hao's heart was already moved after hearing his words.


He waited and waited, but he didn't wait for Chen Hao to say another word, and Chen Hao showed no sign of restraining the flames!

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Tianxiao suddenly shouted angrily: "Bastard, dare to play me!"

It was only at this time that he realized that Chen Hao was just delaying time, basically playing with him.

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