I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 110 In The Future, I Can Completely Dominate The Earth

Lin Tianxiao was furious, but he had nothing to do with Chen Hao.

At this time, he seemed to be in a sea of ​​flames.

And Chen Hao is equivalent to incarnating into this sea of ​​flames.

Even if he wanted to attack Chen Hao, he couldn't do it.


"Who the hell is this guy? How did he fuse with such a terrifying fire element gene!"

"If I continue to entangle with him like this, my blood will be exhausted."

Lin Tianxiao was extremely depressed, he never imagined that Chen Hao's strength was so sharp.

He thought it was just three random bugs, but now he was caught in a dilemma~.

If Chen Hao's problem is not resolved, he will not be able to bring the red dress-woman smoothly.

"I am a child of the Lin family, friends, it is best not to mistake yourself, otherwise the consequences will be beyond your imagination!"

Lin Tianxiao said in a low voice.

Since temptation doesn't work, he can only intimidate.

This is the best way, if you move out of your backstage, the brave people may be afraid of you and beg for mercy, but if you meet the cruel people, they will kill you at all costs to avoid future troubles.

That's why he didn't expose his identity to threaten Chen Hao from the beginning.

"The Lin family?" Hearing this, Chen Hao tilted his head and thought.

I don't know the weight of the Lin family at all.

Don't look at his realm has reached the eighth-level realm, and his combat power is directly catching up with the king-level powerhouse.

It has only been a month since he came to this world.

At the beginning, he walked alone almost all the time, and although Chen Qing and the others were added later, the knowledge of the two girls was similar to his!

They who have always been at the bottom, how could they know what kind of existence Lin Tianbao said about the Lin family in the entire human race!

"It turns out that he is a child of a noble family. Could it be that he is so arrogant, but he just met him by chance, so he is going to kill him!" Chen Hao thought to himself.

Because of their wealthy backgrounds, these people act perversely on weekdays and regard human life as worthless.

Chen Hao doesn't hate the rich, but he is very disgusted with these arrogant and domineering families.

He ignored Lin Tianxiao's warning.

After silently absorbing some beast sources and recovering the consumed blood energy, the flames that erupted from him became more and more violent!

"You...do you want to die? Do you know how powerful my Lin family is?"

"Lin Cangming, the most powerful human being on earth, is the patriarch of my Lin family clan, and you have an inestimable powerhouse who has joined our Lin family. Once I investigate what you have done today, even if you have a hundred lives, it will be difficult to escape! "

"I'm giving you a chance now, vote under my command, and I can let go of the past, otherwise there will be no place for you on Earth!"

Lin Tianxiao's imposing manner was compelling, and his tone was very domineering.

He carried out his ancestor, and also wanted to trick Chen Hao into following him.

"Let me be your dog leg, just like the guy who was just burnt? There is nothing wrong with your brain!"

Chen Hao said mockingly.

The Lin Fu just now was also a ninth-level powerhouse, but Lin Tianxiao was completely indifferent when such a person died.

Let alone let the past go, don't say that Chen Hao has never thought of turning to anyone.

Even if I thought about it, I would not choose such a person.

Otherwise, it is even possible that people will sell it in the blink of an eye!

"What exactly do you want?" Lin Tianxiao said through gritted teeth.

His emotions have reached the breaking point.

"I don't want to do anything, I think it's good now, you can't do anything to me, of course, I can't do anything to you either!"

"Just chatting like this, isn't it good, I don't want to know about the woman in the wild beast world!"

Chen Hao said casually.

He was completely unhurried.

"Okay, okay! I will remember what happened today! No matter who you are, if you are still safe and sound after today, I, Lin Tianxiao, will abolish my cultivation!"

Lin Tianxiao laughed angrily.

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and exploded in speed, unwilling to continue entangled with Chen Hao.

Otherwise, the person who suffers in the end will be him, and it can only be him.

He ignored the woman in the red dress.

He plans to find one or two king-level powerhouses to surround and kill Chen Hao after he goes back!

If he can be captured alive, it doesn't matter whether the woman in the red skirt wants it or not.

After all, the flame erupting from Chen Hao's body is obviously more pure than the flame of the woman in the red dress!

Although the human race in the wild beast world contains a powerful bloodline of ferocious beasts in their bodies, they also have to undergo awakening again and again in order to fully display the bloodline in their bodies!

Lin Tianxiao didn't know what kind of beast's bloodline the red skirt woman had, but with the sharp flames of the red skirt woman, he judged that it would be difficult for the red skirt woman to awaken the next bloodline.

Otherwise, if she continues to wake up, wouldn't she be going against the sky!

"Did I let you go?"

Seeing Lin Tianxiao turn around and run after finishing his harsh words, Chen Hao caught up in an instant.

He hasn't even copied the genes in Lin Tianxiao's body yet, so how can he escape easily!

What's more, Lin Tianxiao had no brains to say harsh words, and wanted to turn around and trouble him.

That being the case, Chen Hao felt that it would be better to kill the trouble in the cradle.

"Fall into the illusion!"

Chen Hao instantly used the Nine-Tailed Fox's ability [Charm to interfere with other people's spirits] on Lin Tianxiao.

Chen Hao can make anyone who is weaker than him mentally fall into hallucinations for a short time.

...asking for flowers...

Battle between masters, race against time!

As long as the other party loses focus for a short time, even if it's just a snap of the fingers.

He can take the opportunity to shoot and kill him with one move!

As soon as his voice fell.

Lin Tianxiao's eyes suddenly lost.

for a while.

The expression became trance!

At this moment, Chen Hao immediately took the opportunity to make a move, and there was a piercing bird song in Miehai!

A huge flame bird.

He rushed towards Lin Tianxiao in an instant, and swallowed it into his stomach in one gulp!


The scorching sensation of terrifying burning soul made Lin Tianxiao scream miserably, and he also woke up from the hallucination.


Lin Tianxiao, who had just recovered, turned pale with shock.

This time he was not in a sea of ​​flames, but in a cage of fire domains.

Not only is it difficult to escape, but the temperature of the flame is also unimaginable.

The bluish-white flames outside his body were constantly eroded by the red flames and ceased to thrive, just like turning from fire into flames!


"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!"

"I can work like a horse for you without any complaints!"

"Don't kill me, I'll kowtow to you!"

Lin Tianxiao's face was distorted by the flames. Enduring the severe pain, he knelt and kowtowed frantically!

The desire to survive is overwhelming!

At this point, he stopped talking about the background.

Identity, dignity, all these are worthless in front of life.

"If I knew this was the case, why did I do it just now!" Chen Hao said flatly.

He has already touched the genes in Lin Tianxiao's body.

Now Chen Hao's vision has been raised, except for the SP-level Tengu gene, other genes below the SP level are completely out of sight.

He chose to fuse the SP-level Tengu gene.

"It turned out that it devoured other flames and refined it into my own fire element. This Tengu gene is good, but it's a pity, it's completely useless to me!"

Chen Hao sighed regretfully.

Originally, I saw that Lin Tianxiao was extremely powerful, directly devouring the flames of the woman in the red skirt!

The gene that thought it could devour flames infinitely!

Unexpectedly, there is a limit.


"I'm not reconciled! It's hard for me to fuse a gene that can be devoured and become stronger like the ancestor!"

"In the future, I will completely control the earth......

Lin Tianxiao's blood was exhausted, and he hadn't finished speaking before dying.

It was pointed out by Chen Hao to intensify the fire.

Burn to ashes!

"Go to hell and dream!"

"In the future, even if someone can dominate the earth, that person is the only one!"

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