I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 111 Showdown, I Have Suzaku Blood

After Chen Hao finished killing Lin Tianxiao and his dog servant Lin Fu, he instantly retracted the flames.

In a flash, she landed beside Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru.

"Brother, you are amazing!" Chen Qing cheered happily when she saw Chen Hao come back.

Ling Xiaoru also showed an expression of admiration.

Chen Hao ignored them, frowning, showing a heavy expression.

"It seems that we are going to leave here and hunt beasts in another place!"

"The two guys just now looked arrogant and domineering. I am afraid that their identities are not weak in the Federation. Now that they have been killed by me, I don't know if his family will have any means to find them!"

There are endless beasts in the wild beast world, and some powerful families have the ability to enter and hunt some rare beasts.

Chen Hao felt that Lin Tianxiao was clamoring that he was the descendant of the first strong man, so he thought that the family of the first strong man had some means of detecting the death of the family's descendants.

"This kind of person is a murderer. We stayed here at 21 minutes to hunt ferocious beasts. He came out out of nowhere to kill us. Now we have to face his family members!

It’s really not peaceful to die!”

Chen Qing pouted indignantly.

She managed to improve her strength quickly, and now she has to change to another place.

Time to rush.

She felt that she could break through to the ninth level of strength.

"Since Angkor thinks that guy's family may take revenge on us, let's leave quickly!"

Ling Xiaoru looked worried. After her brother died, she no longer had any relatives. Now she is accompanied by two siblings, Chen Hao.

I don't want to see what kind of good or bad the two brothers and sisters have.

"Well, you guys pack your things."

"Time is running out, get out of here quickly!"

"I have a bad feeling!"

Chen Hao urged the two girls.

Hearing what Chen Hao said, the two girls became even more flustered, flustered for a while, and packed up their things.

In fact, Chen Hao is not afraid of the family of the strongest.

He didn't believe in the strength of the first strong man, and he could go against the sky. The genes in his body were extremely complicated, and the strength that erupted was quite astonishing.

For the powerhouses above the ninth level, it is not without the experience of a battle.

The reason why he was in a hurry to leave was just because he was worried that someone would attack the two girls.

"Can you take me away with you!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Chen Hao's ear.

That is the woman in the red dress, the woman who has the Suzaku gene.

Chen Hao had already noticed that she was approaching, but he felt that she was not malicious, so he had to pay attention to it.

What's more, although the woman in the red skirt can still move, she is indeed injured.

A woman who couldn't win against someone like Lin Tianxiao.

Chen Hao doesn't know how to put it in, so just pay attention to it and be careful.

They were planning to leave anyway.

"No!" Chen Hao refused indifferently.

"You..." The woman in the red dress didn't expect Chen Hao to refuse so quickly. Didn't he hear that he was a human race in the wild beast world?

With myself by my side, it is absolutely possible to enter the wild beast world without knowing everything.

And she still has the blood of Suzaku in her body, which is extremely rare even in the world of wild beasts.

"You heard what that person said just now, I am indeed a human race from the wild beast world, and I have rare blood in my body.

As long as you take me away together, I can give you a trace of blood essence. I know that the human race in your world needs the blood essence gene of ferocious beasts to obtain extremely high abilities.

In this way, neither of us will suffer!"

The woman in the red skirt confessed everything.

Now that she was seriously injured, it was impossible for her to escape being chased and killed by herself. She had just entered this world, and was being targeted for no reason.

No matter where she ran, she was found, which horrified her.

Clan members were killed in the wild beast world. In a panic, they rushed into a world with space cracks and were chased and killed.

She was very sad.

If it wasn't for the unrevenge of the family, she would have wanted to take her own life.

The woman in the red skirt said a lot, but Chen Hao still refused.

He knew that the rare bloodline mentioned by the woman in the red skirt was the bloodline of the Suzaku, but he had already copied the Suzaku gene.

Therefore, the woman in the red dress is completely worthless to him.

"You..." Hearing this, the woman in the red dress almost ran away.

"Okay... I have a showdown, I am a human race with the blood of the chaotic-level Suzaku beast, as long as I fuse my blood essence, I can awaken the ability of the Suzaku beast.

Now you know the importance of my bloodline!"

Seeing Chen Hao's indifferent expression, the woman in the red dress directly showed her hole card.

In order to gain a ray of life, she didn't care about the leakage of her blood.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Chen Hao just nodded and hummed.

"Hmm? What does um mean? Do you agree to take me?"

The woman in the red skirt was mad because she found that she had a serious generation gap with Chen Hao.

"Of course not, isn't it the Suzaku bloodline? It's very rare. Don't hinder us. If you want to live, you won't run for your life!"

Chen Hao remained expressionless and spoke lightly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the woman in the red dress didn't have any malicious intentions, and he copied her Suzaku gene, he wouldn't even bother to talk nonsense to 240.

"Isn't it the blood of Suzaku? I..."

The woman in the red dress froze for a while, not knowing what to say, she had never seen someone who underestimated Suzaku's blood.

The reason why their tribe was jointly killed by other tribes was not because their tribe's Suzaku bloodline was too strong.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Great Elder went deep into the secret realm and hadn't returned for a long time, he attacked their tribe.

Now someone actually underestimated their bloodline so much.

If she didn't know that she couldn't beat Chen Hao, she would have wanted to teach this ignorant human in this small world a lesson.

"Do you know what kind of existence the Suzaku bloodline is... Cough cough cough..."

The woman in the red dress roared loudly.

Because of howling too fiercely, her injury suddenly became painful.

"What... Suzaku, you have the blood of Suzaku, my God!"

Hearing the roar of the woman in the red dress, Chen Qing, who had already packed her things, ran over and exclaimed loudly.

A look that has never seen the world.

It made Chen Hao not want to recognize her as a younger sister anymore.

"Suzaku, is that the legendary Suzaku?"

At this time, Ling Xiaoru also trotted over, her big astigmatism eyes flashed, and she looked at the woman in the red skirt.

He stared at her stubbornly, as if he wanted to see whether her words were true or false.

From Ling Xiaoru's expression, it can be seen that she has been deeply attracted by Suzaku!.

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