I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 121 The Place Guarded By Humans, The Deserted City

After Wang Chushan listened to Wang Shenjing's words, he fell into silent thought.

As Wang Shenjing said, although Su Feihong is not a child of their Wang family, the ancestor of the Wang family is her teacher.

His status in the Wang family is not much lower than that of some direct descendants.

Even if what she did outside could not represent the Wang family's position, the world would associate her actions with the Wang family.

If she is involved with a person who is against humanity.

Then the world will definitely attack the Wang family with this.

Although the earth family united to fight against the beasts on the surface, there are also various competitions behind the scenes.

After all, whoever is ambitious would not want 21 to become the overlord of the Lin family.

And Wang Chushan, as the leader of the younger generation of the Wang family, no matter how savage he is, he will not be a fool to ignore other matters of the Wang family.

"It's a pity that he is such a talented person. If he wasn't so murderous, it would be a good story for our Wang family that Su Feihong could be with him."

Wang Chushan has never met Chen Hao, but he is an idle minister of Wang Shenjing.

He can also imagine how powerful Chen Hao is, even if his fused genes are very powerful, but even if his genes can super-kill the enemy again, his talent is extremely terrifying.

"Oh, I think so too, but people are not as good as heaven, and I also hope that Su Feihong can meet a good man, but now that Chen Hao is not a good man at all, but a disaster!

"Not only did he deceive Su Feihong's feelings, but he may also implicate our Wang family!"

"Brother, if this matter is not dealt with, the consequences may be disastrous!"

Wang Shenjing looked anxious, as if he was really thinking of the Wang family.

"It's true that that guy can't be allowed to act recklessly, but he has the strength to kill the ninth-level peak powerhouse, and I'm afraid ordinary king-level shots can't take advantage of it!

It is also impossible for the ancestor to take action himself, so people in the world will laugh at our royal family for having no one, and to deal with an eighth-level genetic person requires the ancestor to take action.

Such actions will not only lose face, but will also be ridiculed by the world!"

Wang Chushan frowned and said.

For a moment, he also felt that this guy Chen Hao was extremely difficult, he was not so conceited that he could handle it by himself.

"Where is that Chen Hao now?"

Wang Chushan thought for a while, then turned to ask Wang Shenjing.

Wang Shenjing shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, "I don't know either, but after Su Feihong came back, she went to the western hemisphere within a few days, saying that she wanted to go to practice! The ancestor also agreed!"

"Western Hemisphere? Is there a crack in the space?" Wang Chushan was shocked. Su Feihong's strength was weaker than him, but she never expected to be stronger than him.

"Hmm! It seems that there are powerful wild beasts in the deserted city wanting to attack the space crack and enter the earth world. There are not a lot of strong people to do this!"

These things were also reported to Wang Shenjing by his subordinates after he was healed and left the customs.

Wang Chushan did not show a trace of surprise, he had known this news for a long time.

Bianhuang City is a 270 huge city built by strong human beings on the other side of the space crack.

It is used to guard the defense on the side of the space crack.

Prevent too powerful beasts from entering the earth world.

"You mean, that Chen Hao might also go to Bianhuangcheng?"

Wang Chushan changed his mind, and he heard the meaning of Wang Shenjing's words.

"Brother, not only is Chen Hao going to the deserted city, but the strong anti-human beings are not concentrated there!

I don't believe Sophie Hong would go there for no reason!"

Wang Shenjing said seriously.

These words are all guesses in his mind.

Seeing that Wang Chushan has taken it seriously, in order to maintain the face and honor of the Wang family, he will not easily let anyone bring a little stain on the Wang family. .

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