"Well, what you said is not unreasonable!"

Wang Chushan nodded.

He agreed with Wang Shenjing's statement.

Since the western hemisphere is the outbreak area of ​​fierce beasts, most of the fierce beasts from the wild beast world also stay there.

Humans have extremely weak control over there.

There is only one deserted city that specializes in dealing with king-level beasts.

Of course, there are also many people who want to fight hard in this deserted border city, and they will gain a foothold there, specializing in killing ferocious beasts.

Sometimes they will follow the strong to enter the world of wild beasts to explore.

Generally speaking, anyone with ambition, who wants to become stronger, will go to the deserted city, and then enter the world of wild beasts next.

"However, I have recently relaxed my mind and prepared to hit the king realm. I don't have time to go to the deserted city at all, and I'm not sure when I can break through the realm.

After I break through, I'll go find that Chen Hao, I'm afraid he has already entered the wild beast world!"

Wang Chushan frowned and said.

He believed that Chen Hao could kill a strong man at the peak of the ninth level with the strength of the eighth level, and he would not be content with mediocrity at all, and would definitely enter the world of wild beasts.

"If he makes an appointment with Su Feihong to enter the Wild Beast World together, I'm afraid he won't return to Earth in a short time.

How about that, that Chen Hao just killed Ji Rushan, we will directly report to the Earth Federation.

Let them handle this.

In this way, even if Su Feihong is discovered to be hanging out with Chen Hao, it will not have a big impact on our Wang family`”!”

Wang Chushan thought for a while, and said so.

Although he has never met Chen Hao, it can be inferred that he is a ruthless and extremely decisive person.

And a man without fear.

He dared to fight the ninth-level peak powerhouse, and even killed the ninth-level enemy with mysterious means.

such a person.

Wang Chushan felt that it would be better not to provoke him if he could.

"Big Brother..." Hearing this, Wang Shenjing shouted immediately, "If our Wang Family didn't ignore that Chen Hao, he wouldn't bother us!"

"What do you mean by that?" Wang Chushan suddenly became serious.

He stared at Wang Shenjing.

Exudes a sharp light.

He felt that Wang Shenjing was hiding something from him.

Sigh..... I went to Jiangyun base this time, besides Xu Fusheng and Ji Rushan, when we first arrived, Jiangyun base had already been occupied by a large number of ferocious beasts.

This guy Chen Hao took advantage of the chaos and robbed the resources there, and in the end, someone revealed that he brutally killed Ji Rushan's grandson, and the two of them fought fiercely. Ji Rushan was defeated, so he came to my rescue. .

Just like that, Chen Bi also hated me and started a family!

If it weren't for Su Feihong's face, I'm afraid I would be in danger!"

Wang Shenjing had a bitter expression on his face.

He was a dignified son of the royal family, but he was reprimanded and threatened by a person from a small place.

The sadness and depression in his heart are all evident in Wang Chushan's eyes.

There is no reason for this, there is such a thing, you are so confused, that Chen Ji already has hatred for my Wang family!

Why did it take you so long to say it!?"

Wang Chushan said angrily.

"I...I (Zhao) was also obsessed with ghosts. I believed Su Feihong's words and promised her immediately not to report the matter of Chen Hao.

She promised me that she would never contact that Chen Hao again.

Unexpectedly, after I healed and left the customs.

Su Feihong ran to the deserted city innocently, and only then did I know that I was cheated by her!"

Wang Shenjing's eyes were red, as if he had been deceived by the woman he loved.

Seeing him like this, Wang Chushan hated iron a little bit!

He inexplicably remembered a sentence.

Lick the dog until there is nothing left. .

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