I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 125 Better Kill A Thousand By Mistake Than Let One Go

"How can you be sure that person killed Xiao'er?"

Lin Zhentian frowned instantly when he heard the words.

He didn't explode on the spot, shouting to avenge his son immediately.

"No one wants me to help them catch wanted criminals?!"

Lin Zhentian sneered.

If he didn't have accurate information, he wouldn't be a fool and become someone else's tool.

"Master, although there is no definite evidence for this matter, but from the inference, that person does have the possibility of becoming the murderer of the "440" who is afraid of the young master."

His subordinates were a little guilty, and he was a little trembling in the face of Lin Zhentian, but at this point, he could only bite the bullet and continue.

Otherwise, once Lin Zhentian knew that he was fooling him, he would definitely hit him with a palm.

The subordinates collected themselves and glanced at Lin Zhentian.

Seeing that he was not furious, he immediately continued, "Master, before the young master was killed, there was a base city in the southern region that was attacked by a large number of beasts, including several ninth-level beasts and king-level beasts.

Fortunately, Xu Fusheng, a king-level powerhouse and the Wang family's children, and Ji Shanhe, a strong man from Jiangyun base, made the move.

However, that king-level beast was so powerful that Xu Fusheng couldn't defeat it for a while, so in order to avoid a large number of casualties, he left with the king-level beast. "

Said that the subordinate paused here.

He secretly looked at Lin Zhentian.

"Keep talking!" Lin Zhentian scolded.


"After there are no king-level beasts, they can barely deal with the strong men from the Jiangyun base and a few ninth-level beasts."


"At this time, a monstrous genius came out suddenly. The man's name was Chen Hao, and he was from Jiangyun Base. During the talent test, he was very mediocre, and he could even be said to be a waste.

Later, I don't know what opportunity he got.

Integrating at least mythical-level bloodline genes, the strength that erupts directly catches up with king-level powerhouses.

In the end, Chen Hao killed Ji Shanhe.

At the same time, he also killed the other ninth-order ferocious beasts, and left Jiangyun base.

According to the time calculation, he should have not left the southern region before the young master's accident.

Therefore, we deduce that the young master may meet that Chang Chen in the southern region!"

The subordinate is also a person with a clear head.

He knew he didn't have to explain too clearly.

Lin Zhentian also has his own judgment in his heart.

"Master, although this is just a speculation, there is a high probability that Chen Hao did it!"

"I'd rather miss it than let it go!"

His subordinates couldn't understand what Lin Zhentian was thinking, but he was anxious to find someone to replace him.

Otherwise, the murderer will not be found, and he will be the one who died!

And he didn't know that he had actually found the murderer who killed Lin Tianxiao...

"You're right, I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

"What's more, this Chen Shen is still wanted by the Federation!"

"Even if I become someone else's tool this time, I will admit it!"

Lin Zhentian thought for a while.

He knew that someone might want to use him to kill Chen Hao, after all, he had just issued a reward to catch the murderer who killed his son.

Chen Hao's deeds broke out.

However, he is not at peace now.

After the analysis of his subordinates, Chen Hao did have a hint that he might be the murderer of his son.

"Pass me to take the lead."

"Intensify efforts to find that Chen Hao, even if he escapes to the world of wild beasts, find it for me!"

"Of course in 3.4 we can't send all our manpower to find that Chen Hao, and continue to search for clues about the cause of Xiao'er's death!"

Lin Zhentian said harshly.

There was a murderous look in his eyes.

In fact, he had another purpose in chasing and killing Chen Hao, which was to warn the real murderer, so he would find it no matter what.

It has the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

If he knew that Chen Hao was the murderer who killed his son, he didn't know how he would feel. .

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