I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 126 Promoted To The Ninth Level, Ready To Enter The Wild Beast World

Just when the whole world is looking for Chen Hao again.

However, Chen Hao leisurely took three women to hunt the beasts on the sea.

"Brother, we have been wandering on the sea for many days, when can we dock!"

Chen Qing dug out the source of a ferocious beast.

Seeing that they have collected a large number of beast sources, many of them are beast sources of high-level ferocious beasts.

These are also the reasons why Chen Hao specially selected some high-level ferocious beasts to kill, otherwise they would not have collected more beasts.

"Well, you can leave now!"

Chen Hao glanced at the attribute panel and said flatly.

Name: Chen Hao

Genetic Qualification: 17%

Boundary: ninth level

Blood gas: 1010000/1326000


Beast Sha: Level 3 Sha Soul

Gene: Suzaku gene (SSS21P grade)

Kui Niu Gene (SSP Grade)

Unbranched Qishui Ape Gene (SP Grade)

Tengu Gene (SP Level)

When Chen Hao was wanted all over the world, he was already wreaking havoc in the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean.

A large number of animal sources made his blood energy suddenly millions, and he was successfully promoted to the ninth level.

Even the ninth-order fierce beast owned by the Pacific Ocean is not so easy to come across.

After all, the ninth-level ferocious beasts already have good wisdom, but they have the ability to premonition crisis.

Chen Hao, who has reached the ninth-level realm, coupled with the third-level evil spirit, has exploded combat power, which has reached the level of the late king level.

Ordinary ninth-tier ferocious beasts couldn't take his blow at all.

"If you want to improve your strength quickly, it seems that you have to enter the wild beast world!"

Chen Hao thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the woman in the red dress, and said, "Before Huo Lan, you said that the world of wild beasts is extremely vast, and the number of ninth-level beasts is as numerous as stars. I wonder if there is any risk in entering with our current strength!"

The name of the woman in the red dress is Huo Lan.

Now that her strength has recovered, after she had seen Chen Hao's terrifying strength, as soon as she regained her strength, she forced out a drop of her own blood essence and her own tribe's blood skills to pass on to Ling Xiaoru.

After all, even if her strength recovers, she is only at the ninth level. If she wants to play other tricks in front of Chen Hao, she is simply impatient.

"With your strength, there is no danger at all, unless you are unlucky to encounter a beast of the emperor level or a strong man from other tribes.

As for Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru, they only have the eighth-level realm, so you should be more careful. Ling Xiaoru still has some, after all, she has integrated the blood of Suzaku, even if she can't display the true blood ability of Suzaku.

But Suzaku is a Chaos-level divine beast, even if it can only display a little ability, with its burst of strength, ordinary ninth-level beasts are probably no match for it!"

Hearing Chen Hao's question, Huo Lan pondered for a while and said solemnly.

Her eyes fell on Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru.

Can't help showing envious look.

These two girls have Chen Hao to hunt and kill ferocious beasts for them, continuously providing a large amount of beast sources, which are easy to refine without evil spirit.

It's like being directly enlightened by someone.

The realm rapidly increased.

If it weren't for the eighth-order beasts on the ocean, it would be more and more difficult to find.

She thought that Chen Hao waved his hand only because he wanted to raise the two girls to the ninth level together.

"Brother, if we hadn't waited for me to reach the ninth level, we would enter the wild beast world!"

Chen Qing suggested.

She has just reached the eighth level, and if she wants to advance to the ninth level, she still needs to kill a large number of eighth-level beasts. If Ling Xiaoru is added to 613, there will be even more eighth-order beasts to look for.

Because Chen Hao raised his realm, he absorbed all the beast sources obtained from the eighth-level beasts he killed before.

Even so, he wasted a lot of time looking for these eighth-level beasts.

Now it takes more time to improve the realm of the two girls.

Chen Hao has no such patience.

He shook his head and said, "No need, with me here, there will be no danger. There are not many eighth-level beasts in this area. I am afraid that even if you overturn the entire ocean, you will not be able to find an eighth-level Lu that is enough for the two of you to elevate your realm." source.

And it also affects my progress.

The realm of the two of you should enter the wild beast world to improve!"

He always had a bad premonition.

Desperately want to improve strength to have a sense of security. .

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