I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 131 The Woman In White: I Want To Worship Him As My Teacher

"Senior, wait for me..."

The woman in white spread her white wings and caught up with Chen Hao and the others at a very fast speed.

After all, the flying speed of Chen Hao and the others is not fast.

"What's the matter?" Chen Hao looked at the woman in white who was chasing him, and asked with a frown.

After removing the ferocious beast gene on the surface, the woman in white revealed a fair and beautiful face, not inferior to Huo Lan at all.

Huo Lan is the hot beauty type, and the woman in white is dressed in white, which makes people feel like they have met their first love at the first sight.

Pure young lady.

But Chen Hao saw that she was asking for something.

Immediately frown.

Chen Hao is not a dog licker, and will not lick his face at 21 just because the other party is a beautiful woman.


The woman in white heard Chen Hao's indifferent and repulsive language.

For a while, I didn't know how to speak.

"Don't bother us if you have nothing to do, and don't bother us if you have something to do!"

Chen Hao said coldly.

Finished speaking.

He no longer paid attention to the woman in white.

Keep flying forward.

.” The woman in white hesitated to speak.

She has never encountered such a situation.

She has always been extremely confident in her appearance, no matter men, women, young or old, as long as she smiles and asks others, those people will agree to her without any hesitation.

Having a man is more willing to go to the fire for her, go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire.

And Chen Hao's attitude made her wonder for a moment if she had been disfigured.

He couldn't help but subconsciously touched his fair and tender face.

"Miss, what are you looking for with my brother?!"

"And why do you call my brother senior? I think your age should be about the same as my brother!"

Chen Qing looked curiously at the woman in white. Chen Hao left, but the three women did not follow in a hurry. They knew that Chen Hao would not leave at a high speed in order to find other ninth-level beasts.

A little behind, with their speed, they will soon catch up.

"Is that man your brother?"

When the woman in white heard the words, a gleam flashed again in her eyes.

It was as if hope was revived.

"En!" Chen Qing nodded.

"Wow, your brother is so powerful. He looked like he was in the ninth-order realm, just like me. I didn't expect to kill a beast at the peak of the ninth-order in two or three hits. You must know that the beast at the peak of the ninth-order burst out His strength is comparable to that of a human king-level powerhouse!"

Bai Yi's voice grew louder.

A look that has never seen the world.

"Huh... so what if he is strong, you have never seen his mouth before, and you can directly piss people off!"

At this time, Huo Lan interjected with a look of resentment.

As soon as she said this.

Both Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru burst out laughing.

Thinking of Huo Lan begging Chen Hao for a ninth-level beast source, they couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

"You two are not allowed to laugh!"

Huo Lan was extremely annoyed.

"Okay, Sister Huo Lan, don't be angry, my brother is in a hurry to improve his strength now, and he won't give you the ninth-level beast source at all.

You can only let some of them be given to you if you enter the wild beast world in the future and encounter more ninth-level beasts. "

Chen Qing comforted Huo Lan.

Although Chen Hao's strength has improved, 977's personality has amplified differences, but as Chen Xiang's blood sister.

Chen Qing knew Chen Hao somewhat.

"Hmph, after entering the wild beast world, do you think I still need to rely on him!"

Huo Lan didn't show weakness.

"By the way, little sister, you haven't said yet, what are you doing with my brother!"

Chen Qing turned her head to look at the woman in white and asked curiously.

"My name is Bai Ling, you can just call me Xiao Ling! Your brother is powerful, I want to worship him as my teacher! Become as strong as him!"

The woman in white said seriously.

Her expression was extremely serious, and she really wanted to worship Chen Hao as her teacher.

....." Chen Qing and the three daughters froze on the spot when they heard the words.

They have never seen such an operation. .

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