I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 132 The Bloodline Gene Of The Divine Beast Bai Ze

"Uh... Miss Ling, don't you know that the strength of a genetic person is linked to the level of the ferocious beast gene you fused!"

"If you want to have terrifying strength, you must first integrate advanced genes. If you want to have terrifying lethality, the fused beast must also be a type with strong destructive power."

"Your fused genes are different from my brother's fused genes. Even if you worship him as your teacher, it doesn't make any sense!"

Chen Qing managed to calm down the shock.

She looked at how Bai Ling was older than herself, and to be able to have a ninth-level realm at such an age, I am afraid that his background is not bad.

Unexpectedly, even this situation has not been figured out.

"I know this!" Bai Ling said.

As soon as the words came out.

Chen Qing was even more confused!

Knowing that you still have to apprentice, what kind of operation is this!

In this world, there is no shortage of master-student relationships, but many of them are for maintaining the relationship between the two, rather than learning art for real.

After all, as long as a strong enough ferocious beast gene is fused, there is no need to learn anything at all.

If Bai Ling's realm is still low, take Chen Hao as his teacher, and Chen Hao may be able to lead her to hunt fierce beasts in the wilderness.

Just like Chen Hao took Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru before.

And Bai Ling has already reached the ninth level, so he doesn't need to find a master to take him to hunt and kill fierce beasts in the wilderness. Even if he wants to find it, he should find those big bosses who have terrifying strength and above the king level.

So as soon as Bai Ling said that, the group met Beijing and went to Chen Qing and the three of them.

"Bai Ling, I think you should forget it, even if you are looking for a master, don't look for that guy, or you will be pissed to death"!"

Huo Lan comforted her.

Following Chen Hao for a period of time, she wanted Chen Hao to help with something every day, and Chen Hao always rejected her request with some reason.

In a word, there is no benefit, and there is no way to ask Chen Hao to help.

In order to repair her injuries, she begged Chen Hao to give her some beast resources, and Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru pleaded for mercy.

Chen Hao just donated some animal resources to her.

As a little princess of the Huo clan, how could she have encountered such an encounter.

"Actually, the ferocious beast gene I fused is not bad, and it can be regarded as the ferocious beast gene of the top mythical bloodline. It is no problem to fight some ordinary ninth-order ferocious beasts.

But once encountering a ferocious beast at the peak of the ninth rank, he has no power to fight back!

You have also seen the situation just now, if it wasn’t for that senior, I might be seriously injured too!”

Bai Ling said slowly.

"What gene have you fused?!" Huo Lan looked at Bai Ling, and saw that his blood was stronger than the ordinary ninth-level realm.

If it weren't for Chen Hao's perversion, Bai Ling would be considered a human genius and monster.

"The gene of the divine beast Bai Ze!" Bai Ling said bluntly.


Chen Qing and the others were stunned.

Huo Lan was also extremely horrified. Although Bai Ze's bloodline was not rated as the bloodline of Chaos-level beasts, it was the top among the top ones in the Mythical level.

It can be said that among the mythical bloodlines, there are few that are higher than Bai Ze.

"I didn't expect you to have integrated the genes of Bai Ze's blood!" Huo Lan, who has the blood of Suzaku, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Like Bai Ling, she is at the ninth level.

But Bai Ling is younger than Huo Lan, so it can be said that Bai Ling's talent (ma Zhao) is better than her.

"You won't be a human from the wild beast world?!"

Huo Lan asked subconsciously.

She couldn't believe that such a talented and powerful person could be produced in this world with thin aura.

Chen Hao had already shocked her immensely.

Now I meet a talented and evil Bai Ling again, which makes her, the little princess of the Huo clan in the wild beast world, doubt her life!

"I'm not from the Wild Beast World!"

Bai Ling replied blankly.

Huo Lan's sudden question made her stunned!

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