I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 133 Another Silly Woman In The Team?

Huo Lan was even more confused than Bai Ling when she heard the words.

The divine beast Bai Ze is also the least haunted existence in the wild beast world. If it is not a human race in the wild beast world, how can it have the blood of Bai Ze.

During the time spent with Chen Qing's two daughters.

Huo Lan also learned that the ability of this world to integrate the blood of fierce beasts is somewhat different from the blood inheritance of the wild beast world.

But it's also very different.

The fusion of this world with the gene of ferocious beasts and the blood of ferocious beasts with the world of wild beasts actually have the same effect.

It's just that people on earth have fused the beast gene, which is realized through technology.

However, the human race in the wild beast world did use exercises to run their vitality to refine the blood of the beasts.

However, no matter which one it is, they want to integrate the blood of the beast.

All need 217 to fuse the essence and blood of that ferocious beast, the source of the beast.

Seeing that Bai Ling has the blood of Bai Ze's beast now, Mie Gang was also extremely shocked.

She has the blood of Suzaku in her body, and it is also the inheritance of her clan's blood, and she has never seen the beast of Suzaku personally.

"Ah...Brother Chen Hao has gone far, let's not delay here!"

Ling Xiaoru suddenly yelled.

Noticing that Chen Hao had disappeared, he hurriedly asked all the girls to catch up with him.

"Sister Bai Ling, let's catch up with my brother first!"

Chen Qing said.

She also didn't want to distance herself too far from Chen Hao.


Bai Ling wholeheartedly wanted to worship Chen Hao as his teacher, and let him teach him the ability to stimulate the Bai Ze gene in his body.

Of course not.

So the women immediately spread their wings and flew towards the direction Chen Hao was leaving at high speed.

"Smelly bastard, I don't know how to wait for us!"

Huo Lan cursed.

She also wanted to ask how Bai Ling got the blood of Bai Ze.

After all, Bai Ze understands the emotions of all things and understands the appearance of all things in the world.

If she finds the Bai Ze mythical beast, maybe she can find the real Suzaku mythical beast.

In this way, the Suzaku blood in her body can be stimulated from the real Suzaku.

Once she can inspire Suzaku's terrifying strength.

Huo Lan felt that she had at least Chen Hao's terrifying leapfrog killing ability.

"I must inspire the true strength of the Suzaku bloodline, otherwise how will I avenge my tribe!"

Huo Lan silently followed behind Bai Ling.

Their speed is so fast that Huo Lan can't even ask Bai Ling while flying.

not for a while.

The girls finally (cbeh) caught up with Chen Hao.

Chen Hao had just cleaned up an eighth-level beast, and saw Chen Qing and others chasing after it.

"I thought you were going to find the beast yourself!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Bai Ling, but it was just a glance.

He didn't know what these women said.

Not interested in knowing either.

"Senior, can you accept me as a disciple!"

"I want to be as strong as you!"

Seeing Chen Hao looking at her, Bai Ling suddenly became a little nervous for some reason, but with the encouragement of Chen Qing and other girls, she still mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Chen Qing, why did you bring a silly girl back!"

Chen Hao did not respond to Bai Ling, but turned to ask Chen Qing.

"Brother, sister Bai Ling is not stupid!" Chen Qing said stupidly.

Although Bai Ling and Chen Hao are in the same realm, and Chen Hao has only recently broken through to the ninth stage, in Chen Qing's heart, her brother is the most powerful.

Therefore, when Bai Ling said to be Chen Hao's apprentice, she didn't feel anything.

After all, Chen Hao has a strength comparable to that of a king.

And Bai Ling also has the blood of Bai Ze.

The current strength is weaker, but the future strength cannot be underestimated.

"Not stupid, would you say such stupid things?!" Chen Hao sneered.

"Smelly bastard, Bai Ling has the blood of Bai Ze in her body, and she is willing to worship you as her teacher, but you just picked up the treasure, and you still look disgusted, I don't know who is stupid

Huo Lan also opened her mouth to help Bai Ling at this time!

She knew that she wanted to obtain the source of Bai Ze's blood in Bai Ling, so she couldn't ask rashly, otherwise Bai Ling would definitely not tell her.

Only the two stayed together for a long time.

After getting familiar with it slowly, it will not be abrupt to ask. .

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