I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 134 Ignorance? You Are Too Weak

"Bai Ze? Do you have the gene of the Bai Ze beast in your body?"

Chen Hao couldn't help being moved when he heard the words.

He didn't expect that this woman who was hunted down by a ninth-level ferocious beast would actually be fused with Bai Ze's genes.

"Bai Ze Divine Beast~ is so weak!"

Recalling the scene where Bai Ling was chased and killed by a ninth-level beast, - Chen Hao subconsciously said.

"..." Bai Ling was hit immediately.

"That is a fierce beast at the peak of the ninth rank, and its strength is comparable to that of an ordinary king-level human being."

"I was able to survive under its terrorist attack, which is already very remarkable!"

Bai Ling was frantic in his heart, and said aggrieved.

"Of course, it would be even better if I can kill beasts at the peak of the ninth rank in seconds, just like senior. I sincerely want to worship you as my teacher, senior!"

"I beg you to accept me as a disciple!"

Bai Ling showed a sincere look in his eyes.

"Forget it, even if you have Bai Ze's genes, you still can't reach my level!"

Chen Hao waved his hand.

Reject Bai Ling's stupid request.

Even if Bai Ling has the blood of Bai Ze, he is still a fool in his eyes.

With his frightening speed of improving his strength, he will break through to the king level in a short time. After entering the wild beast world, it may not be a problem to break through to the emperor level.

At that time, he will have the realm of the emperor level, and with his terrifying evil spirit, if he explodes, he may face the mythical level power, and he will also have the power to fight.

Lin Cangming, the patriarch of the Lin family, is the only mythical figure in the entire earth.

In this way.

Soon after, he was the second fisherman.

In the world of wild beasts, he is also the overlord.

Bai Ze's bloodline is indeed good, but as far as he is concerned, it is of no help at all.

Chen Hao didn't think about establishing any power.

Because of the system, he alone is a force.

What's more, he can copy the white hemolytic vein by himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao flickered and came to Bai Ling's side.

Patted her on the soft shoulder.

"Ding, the SSP-level Bai Ze gene was detected, is it a fusion gene!"

"Ding, the fusion of Bai Ze's gene was successful."

Chen Hao heard the system beep in his mind.

Make sure Ghost isn't lying to them.

But what surprised Chen Hao was that Bai Ling was like Huo Lan, with only one kind of beast gene in his body.

"Why do you only have a ferocious beast gene in your body? Are you a human race in the wild beast world just like Huo Lan?!"

Chen Hao didn't avoid anything, and asked directly.

"You... how do you know that I only have one beast gene in my body?!"

Bai Ling opened his small mouth, showing surprise.

As soon as Chen Hao's words came out.

Huo Lan couldn't help frowning, she wasn't surprised that Chen Hao knew that she only had one kind of beast blood in her body, but that Bai Ling, like her, only had one kind of beast blood.

Before Chen Hao could inspire the ability of the Suzaku bloodline, Huo Lan once thought that Chen Hao was also a member of her Huo clan.


But when you see Chen Hao, you can use the bloodline abilities of other beasts.

She dispelled the speculation in her heart.

Because they of the Huo clan will not fuse the blood of other ferocious beasts to impurity the purity of Suzaku's blood, otherwise it will affect the stimulation of Suzaku's blood.

It is equivalent to picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons.

But any clansman with a bit of IQ would not be like Chen Hao, who integrated the beast gene of a big star.

Even if Chen Hao erupts with terrifying leapfrog combat power.

Huo Lan also disagreed with his approach.

And Bai Ling, like her, only has the blood of a ferocious beast, the rare blood of the divine beast Bai Ze.

for a while.

Huo Lan became even more curious about Bai Ling's origin.

"I naturally have my own abilities!" Chen Hao would not tell Bai Ling, because when he copied the genes in your body, he only copied one type.

"I'm not from the wild beast world, I'm a child of the Bai family, you should have heard of it!"

Bai Ling made up his mind to worship Chen Hao as his teacher, so he even spoke out about his own background.


The only response to her was the shaking of the heads of the crowd.

Chen Hao and others said they had never heard of the Bai family!

..." Bai Ling was speechless.

Although their Bai family began to become lonely after the fall of their ancestor Bai Zhan, but it is still a top family. Unexpectedly, Chen Hao and the others have never heard of it.

This made her even more sad!.

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