I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 141 The Terror Of The Overlord Family

"Brother Bai, it seems that this niece Bai Ling has not agreed with you!"

"I hope that on the day of your grand master's wedding, she won't bring displeasure to Emperor Zun!"

The king of the Fang family's eyes fell on Bai Ling, seeing his angry and roaring face, he couldn't help reminding Bai Hong.

"Brother Fang Li was worrying too much, Bai Ling just heard that she was going to get married and didn't prepare for it for a while, she will settle down after a while!

Bai Hong did not compliment the king of the Fang family as much as he did to Fang Yi.

Although they are both king-level powerhouses, Bai Hong is in the middle of the king-level, and this Fang Li has not stepped into the king-level for a long time.

Otherwise, Emperor Fang Hua would not have arranged for him to protect his son specially.

"That's the best!" Fang Li casually suggested, and he didn't hope that Bai Hong could persuade Bai Ling immediately.

After Bai Hong finished speaking.

He winked at the eighth-rank woman who came with him.

Seeing this, the eighth-rank woman had no choice but to step forward and say to Bai Ling, "Ling'er is obedient, go back! The Bai family has no ability to make you do anything wrong after the ancestor left."

"Aunt Lan, are you going to force me to marry this playboy?"

When Bai Ling saw the woman coming out, his heart skipped a beat.

A woman is someone who has taken care of her since childhood.

Her parents died early, and the ancestors of the Bai family knew that she was very talented, so they specially arranged for people to take care of her.

Bai Ling has always regarded women as his most important relatives.

Unexpectedly, now even my most respected and beloved relatives have come out to persecute me.

"Ling'er..." Aunt Lan heard the words, she opened her mouth to say something, but stopped talking.

Why didn't she know Fang Yi's nature, and it would be a waste for Bai Ling to marry him.

"Playboy?! Hahaha, I didn't expect Miss Bai Ling to know my reputation outside. Don't worry, after you marry me, I promise you that you won't come out to play for a month!"

Seeing Bai Ling's angry look, Fang Yi felt even more cute.


The person who scolded Fang Yi was not Bai Ling, but Huo Lan, who could no longer bear his anger.

"Bai Ling won't marry such a shameless person like you!"

Huo Lan has a fiery temper, and she hates Fang Yi whenever she speaks.

As for the consequences, she didn't think much about it.

"That's right, Sister Bai Ling won't marry you, a scoundrel, and you don't look in the mirror to see your own face. Do you think you are worthy of Sister Bai Ling!!!

It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Seeing Huo Lan speak up, Chen Qing immediately spoke up to complain to Bai Ling.

He scolded Fang Yi severely.

"Oh, there are still so many beautiful girls, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you just now, don't be jealous, I can make you little ones!"

Fang Yi smiled.

He didn't get angry because of Huo Lan and Chen Qing's words.

Of course, if it wasn't for the beautiful woman to say that about him, the end would definitely not be like this.

In addition to Fang Yi's usual playfulness, his personality is also moody.

No one knows when he will get angry, he may be smiling one second, and murder and set fire the next.

With Fang Hua 193 Emperor Zun present, he was not willing to offend him at all.

In addition to Fang Hua, the Fang family also has seven emperor-level powerhouses.

One of the top ten aristocratic families in the world is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

Fang Hua is even more powerful at the peak of Emperor Zun.

If Bai Zhan, the patriarch of the Bai family, is still alive, perhaps the Bai family is still qualified to write the negotiations of the Wan family.

But now that Emperor Fanghua had agreed, if the Bai family dared to violate it, the end would not be as simple as Bai Ling not marrying.

Thousands of children of the Bai family may all face the wrath of an emperor.

What the Blue Star Federation said to prohibit strong human beings from killing each other is just to restrain the strong people who have no background.

For the horror family, it is a joke. .

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