I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 142 Smelly And Shameless, My Wife Is Not Easy To Bully

"Bah! Smelly shameless! Sister Qing is right, I don't know that I look like a pig's head, please don't laugh.

If you laugh again, I feel like throwing up!"

Huolan's mouth is powerful.

Chen Hao also didn't know how she, a human race in the wild beast world, learned these powerful offensive words.

If Huo Lan knew what Chen Hao was thinking, she would definitely say that she learned from you.

Chen Hao didn't interrupt, nor did he pay attention to the plan.

The spirit has been vigilant against the two king-level powerhouses.

After all, the people who threatened them were those two king-level people. To be precise, Chen Hao was only on guard against Bai Hong.

For Baihong in the mid-king stage, he is a little stronger than the ninth-level peak bird he encountered before.

Although ferocious beasts are stronger than humans at the same price, human beings have smarter minds than feral beasts.

Cooperate with some mysterious and weird beast genes.

Chen Hao didn't dare to be careless.

It's not that the other party can kill him, but that the girls are still not enough to look at when they are strong at the king level, especially Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru.

Huo Lan's words were indeed extremely hurtful.

Fang Yi smiled and retracted his sword instantly.

He can listen to the words of being humiliated once, but he can't stand the second time. After all, no one wants to listen to harsh words.

Moreover, his appearance is really hard to describe, if it wasn't for his father's equally dignified appearance, I'm afraid there would be more people laughing at his appearance.

"Bitch, shame on your face!"

"Fang Li, go and slap this woman, don't beat her to death, I will take her back and torture her slowly! Let her know what will happen if she offends me!"

Fang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of gloom in them.

Regarding his words, Fang Li showed a hint of helplessness. In terms of seniority, he can be said to be Fang Yi's uncle.

However, there are many children in the Fang family, and there is a world of difference between those with real power and those without background.

His talent is not bad, reaching the ninth level at the age of middle age.

Relying on Fang Yi, he was seen by Emperor Fang Hua, giving him enough resources to attack the realm of the king.

Originally thought that after he was promoted to the realm of king, he could work with Emperor Fang Hua.


Also followed Fang Yi's buttocks, wiping his buttocks.

"call out…………"

Fang Li's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Huo Lan in an instant.

The palm of his hand slapped her cheek hard.

The king-level speed is terrifying.

Of course, Huo Lan's reaction is not slow. She has the blood of Suzaku, and her strength and speed are much stronger than that of the same price. She only has the ninth-order late stage.

But it is no problem to deal with the ninth-order peak powerhouse.

However, the difference between the realm of the king and the realm of the ninth stage is not only one realm, but the crushing of quality.

With the blood of Suzaku, Huo Lan can be said to be an invincible existence under the realm of kings.

She was hunted down by Lin Tianxiao before, and it was also because of her serious injuries.

Of course, a cheater like Chen Hao is not in her invincible category.


The flames of the fire jade arms spread.

Instantly blocked Fang Li's palm.

"...Oh, I have some skills!" Only then did he show a little surprise, he didn't expect that the other party, who was at the ninth level, would be able to resist his palm.

Of course, he didn't exert all his strength with this palm.

After all, Fang Yi had already ordered Huo Lan not to be killed.

One hit won't do.

Fang Li didn't become angry from embarrassment, and attacked Huo Lan from another direction in a flash. (Li De's) This time his strength increased a bit.

The strength that Huo Lan displayed has already proved that she is not an ordinary ninth-level powerhouse.

"It's wishful thinking to suppress my old lady with the power of the king!"

Huo Lan yelled rape.

As the words fell, terrifying flames burst out from her body.

The fiery flame instantly bounced away from Fang Li.

Fang Li did not expect that a woman of the ninth level could burst out such a terrifying flame.

Instantly opened a distance.

Looking solemnly at Huo Lan. .

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