I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 143 Suzaku Bloodline Vs King-Level Humans

"It seems that I underestimated you, little girl!"

"However, even if you have integrated a good fire attribute ferocious beast gene, the level of the ferocious beast gene can only be regarded as a potential.

If the natural aptitude is average, there is no real strength.

Let me show you the horror of the realm of kings!"

As soon as Fang Li finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Spread in all directions.

For a moment, Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru, who were only in the eighth-level realm, immediately felt a coercion crushing them.

"Huh!" Chen Hao snorted softly, exuding evil spirits.

Let Fang Li's coercion weaken a bit.

In this way, Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru didn't have much pressure.

"Is this the power of a king-level powerhouse! It's terrifying!"

Chen Qing's face was pale, and she hadn't integrated any powerful beast genes, so the power she received was stronger than that of Ling Xiaoru.

In fact, Ling Xiaoru is not much better, the Suzaku blood essence in her body has not been refined at 750, and it will take a long time to slowly refine and fuse.

Only in this way can the ability of Suzaku be brought into play.

Even Huo Lan was born with the blood of Suzaku, so if he wanted to fully arouse it, he needed to arouse it slowly as his realm improved.

But even so.

The Suzaku flame emitted by Huo Lan is also extremely sharp.

Otherwise, Fang Li will not use his true skills, even if he is just entering the king level, but below the king level is like an ant.

The king level can kill the ninth level realm with one punch.

"Punch me!"

Fang Li didn't stimulate the genetic power in his body, but only used the king-level terrifying aura.

He punched Huo Lan directly.

This fist carries a terrifying storm.

Fang Li fused with the ferocious beast gene is an SSSR-level iron-skinned bird.

Huo Lan is arrogant, but not stupid.

In fact, the power of the king class in the two worlds is the same.

These boundary levels were also passed down from the world of wild beasts.

Therefore, Huo Lan did not dare to be careless.

Fang Li didn't use all his strength.

But if Huo Lan doesn't want to die, she must show her 100% strength.


The flames on Huo Lan's body came when the fist of the storm came.

It swelled instantly.

All of a sudden, her 100-meter range became a flame domain.

There is a figure of a giant flame bird chirping inside.

Immediately, the giant flame bird rushed towards the storm that Fang Li bombarded.


The two terrifying attacks collided together, erupting a powerful shock wave.

Wait until the shock wave spreads.

Seeing his attack, Fang Li couldn't help Huo Lan.

Another punch was thrown out even more fiercely in an instant.

But still unable to defeat Huo Lan.

(cbbj) The two fought fiercely for a while.

"Brother, should we help Sister Huo Lan?" Chen Qing stood beside Chen Hao. After Huo Lan and Fang Li started fighting, they instantly distanced themselves and stood outside the battle circle.

"No, Huo Lan is a bit annoying, but her strength is still good, and she won't be at a disadvantage in a short time. Let her fight against the king-level powerhouse!"

Chen Hao's face was calm, without showing any expression.

Even if Huo Lan loses to Fang Li, he won't be in a hurry to make a move. After all, this woman Huo Lan couldn't control her temper and started to curse at others.

Let her know that if she has no strength, don't show off.

"Fang Li, what are you doing, you trash, why don't you hurry up and take down this woman!"

Fang Yi, who was standing beside Bai Hong in the sky, saw that Fang Li hadn't taken down Huo Lan for a long time.

Immediately began to curse.

In his eyes, Huo Lan is just a ninth-order realm.

In the hands of the king-level Fang Li, he couldn't sustain a few moves at all.


As soon as Fang Yi's words came out.

Fang Li's strength was even more terrifying.

He thought it would be impossible to defeat Huo Lan without stimulating the ferocious beast gene!

After a punch bombardment.

Fang Li stepped back a certain distance, and began to stimulate the beast gene in his body.

Pieces of metallic feathers manifested on his skin.

In an instant, Fang Li transformed into a birdman with shiny iron-like feathers.

The feet become sharp claws, and the hands become a pair of wings composed of dense iron sheets.

exudes a biting cold light. .

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