I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 144 Mr. Fang's Lackey Has No Face

Fang Li was a little annoyed in his heart. He was a strong man at the king level, and he was dealing with a female doll who was only at the ninth level.

Unable to take the opponent with one blow, if this matter gets out, he will lose face at all in the circle of kings.

At this moment, Fang Li had no intention of staying any longer.

If he still can't win Huo Lan, it's not a big deal for him to lose face, and being looked down upon by Fang Yi, the son of Emperor Zun, I'm afraid he won't be able to rely on the ~ thigh of Emperor Hua above in the future.

"go to hell!"

Fang Li roared.

His iron wings fluttered, and there were densely packed feather-shaped iron pieces, which instantly shot towards Huo Lan at extreme speed.

It contained fierce evil spirit.

Huo Lan fully stimulated the blood of Suzaku in her body.

The same moves to attack Fang Li.

She knew that Fang Li was serious, so she didn't dare to take it lightly.

Suzaku's terrifying evil spirit erupted in his body.


The attacks of the two men collided together.

There is a huge explosion shock wave emitted.

Fang Li's attack still failed to hit Huo Lan.

"I don't believe that you, a ninth-level man, can compete with me, a king-level man!"

As soon as the blow landed, Fang Li used another move.

The energy in the ninth-level body is not as vast as that of the king, and his attack can't help Huo Lan for a while. He doesn't believe that Huo Lan can fight him for a long time.

The flame that Huo Lan erupted was extremely hot, and she could still resist Fang Li's attack.

If she hadn't been injured before, Lin Tianxiao's master and servant would not be able to defeat her at all, and had to rely on Chen Hao to save her.

"Fang Li, what the hell are you doing!" Seeing that Fang Li had been unable to take down Huo Lan for a long time, Fang Yi yelled again.

"Mr. Fang, be safe and don't be impatient. I'm afraid Brother Fang Li has just stepped into the king-level realm, and he will not be able to fully unleash the true strength of the king-level.

And that girl with the flame beast gene, the level of the beast gene fused probably is not low, at least it is mythical level!

People with such a bloodline will be able to hit the mythical level at least in the future!"

Bai Hong, who had been watching the battle, said.

He was just talking about it.

There are many strong people with mythical bloodlines, but Lin Cangming is the only one who can hit the mythical realm.

He knew that Lin Cangming's gluttonous bloodline was a chaotic bloodline.

Only those who can devour some beast sources will have the ability to break through to the mythical realm.

For other mythical bloodlines, it can only be said that they have a slight chance.

However, even so, there is no problem for a person with a mythical bloodline to break through to the emperor level.

Baihong itself is the blood of a mythical beast.

If he is given enough resources and time to break through to Emperor Senior level, he still has confidence.

...asking for flowers......

But the resources needed to break through the emperor rank are too many.

As a king, he might run out of time to hunt and kill ferocious beasts in the wild beast world, if he didn't meet the opportunity.

I'm afraid it won't be possible to break through to the emperor level.

Therefore, their Bai family forced Bai Ling to marry Fang Yi, and asked Fang Hua Emperor to spend some time to assist their Bai family to hit the emperor's realm at the king level.

They also know that Bai Ling has the bloodline of a top mythological level like Bai Ze, and once he grows up in the future, he will also be a strong man.

But without enough resources, what's the use of having a bloodline that is against the sky, and the bloodline will not automatically improve the realm.

"It's all rubbish, you think I can't see that the ferocious beast gene in that stinky woman is so strong, I need you to chatter here and talk nonsense!

Instead of staying here to watch a show, it's better to go up and help Fang Li take down that woman together. "

Fang Yi glanced at Bai Hong and didn't show him any face.


Bai Hong was dumbfounded, he never thought that Fang Yi didn't give him face so much, he was not from the Fang family.

Now Fang Yi's tone is almost treating him as the lackey of the Fang family.

"What are you, what are you doing here stupidly!"

Fang Yi glared at Bai Hong.

He was really stimulated by Huo Lan's previous words.

If he didn't take Huo Lan down and torture him, it would be difficult for him to express his feelings. .

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