I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 150 Talking About Talking, Everyone Here Is Younger Brother

"Where Bai Ling wants to go, don't meddle in your own business, old man!"

Huo Lan's voice overwhelmed Bai Hong's.

She is extremely tired of this constant chattering, forcing her family's children to marry others, and then gaining a chance of survival from it.

"Shut up, this is our family's business, not yours!"

Bai Hong glared at Huo Lan and scolded.

He didn't know who Huo Lan was, but she wasn't included in the list of some strong juniors [I think it's probably a guy who was very lucky and fused to a good beast, "Jiu Qi San Ren.

If it wasn't for the fact that Huo Lan and Fang Li had shown good strength in the battle just now, he wouldn't even bother to talk to him.

Hit her directly and blast her to death.

"You just shut up! A group of old guys who sell women for glory, what right do you have to make me shut up!!"

Huo Lan was not afraid, and immediately pushed back domineeringly.

"Sister Huo Lan is right!"

"You are a group of prostitutes for glory, forcing Sister Bai Ling to marry that pig head, I don't know what you think!"



Chen Qing was not strong enough to help Bai Ling, so she could only play her role in the battle of words.

"Hey, hey.... Pay attention to your identity, be a lady!"

Chen Hao couldn't see it anymore.

My cheap little sister seems to be a little swollen.

The opposite is a king-level powerhouse.

If you talk like this, what should you do if you become angry?

Sure enough, as Chen Hao expected.

Chen Qing's words just came out of her mouth.

A terrifying wind blade slashed towards Chen Qing very quickly.

Huo Lan showed enough strength to make Bai Hong feel that she is qualified to speak in front of him, and Chen Qing, a little girl in the eighth-level realm.

Insult him a king with such words.

Bai Hong didn't care about using the big to bully the small anymore.

Now he felt that the reason why Bai Ling rebelled against the family's arrangement was because he wanted to go to the Wild Beast World.

These extreme thoughts were all taught by cronies like her.

Therefore, Baihong is merciless.

He wanted to kill Chen Qing with one move.


Baihong's attack was intercepted by Chen Hao.

"Oh?! I didn't expect there to be a young man with outstanding strength!"

Seeing that his attack was broken, Bai Hong was a little surprised.

His eyes stopped on Chen Hao.

Can't help but look at the general.

He could feel that Chen Hao was only at the ninth level.

As for his attack just now, although it looked like a random blow, the destructive power contained in it could instantly kill a ninth-level ferocious beast.

Ferocious beasts are stronger than humans at the same level.


Chen Hao was actually able to break through, and it looked very easy.

"Go back!"

"Since Bai Ling doesn't want to marry that pig... Uh, sorry, I don't know what that pig's name is, forget it, let's just call him Zhutou.

I don't want to meddle in other people's business, but if it happens, just say something fair!

That pig's head is really not worthy of Bai Ling, let's find a sow from your Bai family to marry him!"

Chen Hao's voice is very calm, he is very ordinary..

It's like chatting everyday.

But his words were extremely hurtful.

Listening to Fang Yi in the distance, his breathing became a little heavier.

His complexion was one purple and one white, and he looked as if he was going to explode his lungs with anger.


"Hahaha... Chen Hao, your mouth is still as sharp as ever!!!"

As soon as Chen Hao's words came out, Huo Lan couldn't help laughing.

The other girls couldn't help but laugh too.

Even Bai Ling laughed.

"Bai Hong, kill him for me, I want him to die with no worries!"

Italian laughter, plus harsh.

He has never met anyone who dared to humiliate him like this. If Chen Hao's words were spread, he would definitely be among the upper-class princes. 2.9 would be ridiculed for marrying a sow!

How could he endure such harsh words!

"The ability to talk and talk will ruin my family business!"


Bai Hong roared violently.

Chen Hao's words not only humiliated Fang Yi, but also ruined the alliance between their Bai family and Fang family.

So even if Bai Hong didn't have Fang Yi's order, he would still kill Chen Hao.

As for the female Baihong, he is still a bit machismo, and he is unwilling to make a move.

But in the face of Chen Hao, a nasty kid.

He wants to kill and then quickly. .

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