I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 151 The Same Bai Ze Gene, Chen Hao Is More Terrifying

Following Baihong's voice fell.

He blasted a terrifying wind blade at Chen Hao.

The wind blade rushed towards Chen Hao in an instant, extremely fast.

With Chen Hao's speed, he could dodge, but Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru behind him couldn't dodge.

The horror of the wind blade is completely capable of erasing Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru, the two eighth ranks, from the world with a flick of a finger.

Chen Hao's expression remained calm.

When Bai Hong swung the wind blade towards him, he didn't think about avoiding it.

Therefore, the genes in the body are instantly stimulated.

The arms instantly turned into claws of ferocious beasts.

This is the activation of the Bai Ze gene he copied from Bai Ling.

Chen Hao did not underestimate Bai Hong.

Therefore, it not only stimulated the Bai Ze gene, but also gathered the terrifying evil spirit in the body on the claws.

When the wind blade swung over.

His sharp claws swung a claw at the wind blade at the same time.

The sharp claws containing terrifying evil energy instantly swung a terrifying gangster energy towards the wind blade.


Gang Qi collided with the wind blade.

A huge energy explosion sounded.

Shocked the world.

The shock wave with the power of terror and destruction rushed in all directions.

Even the sea opened a huge gap, almost bottoming out.

All the onlookers were bounced away by the shock wave.

"This guy has become stronger!" Huo Lan stared blankly at Chen Hao with a complicated expression.

Originally, she thought that even if she was weaker than Chen Hao after recovering from her injuries, there would not be much difference.

She has a hot temper, but she's not really a fool.

With her and Chen Hao's strength, even if they lose to the other two kings, it is not difficult for them to leave.

Otherwise, she is not afraid to come out and provoke Fang Yi.

Of course, this is also because neither Bai Hong nor Fang Li is a person with terrifying strength in the king class, so she has the confidence to escape.

And the strength that has erupted now is completely comparable to that of Bai Hong.

"As expected of the person I want to learn from!"

Bai Ling's eyes sparkled.

She did not dare to challenge Bai Hong's strength.

This is not Fang Li's kind of person who has been promoted to the king for a short time.

Although Bai Hong is only in the middle stage of the king level, he has been immersed in the king level for many years. If it is not for the lack of resources in the Bai family, Bai Ling feels that he can reach the late king level

But now Chen Hao is fighting Baihong with a ninth-level realm, and he has not yet fallen behind.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

"Another crazy junior. At your age with such a strong vicious beast aura, I'm afraid they all directly refined the beast source!"

Baihong's voice was flat, but his eyes were not as flat as his voice.

There are strange fluctuations revealed.

Among the high-level human beings, almost everyone knows about the evil beasts.

After all, ferocious beasts of the same level are stronger than humans, and someone has researched the reason.

That is, there is a terrifying evil spirit in the body of the ferocious beast, which is capable of powerful attacks in addition to its brutality.

Bad breath is a good thing.

Human powerhouses above the king level know it.

However, if this thing is absorbed by people below the king level, the evil spirit will easily run wild and out of control in the body, resulting in a state of human beings and beasts.

Only those with strong spiritual power at the king level can try to fuse evil spirits.

And now seeing the evil spirit contained in 513 Chen Hao's attack, Bai Hong couldn't help but feel a little startled, he just slowly merged the evil spirit, which was not at all as good as Chen Hao's burst of evil spirit.


The evil spirit contained in Baihong's body was less than one-tenth of the evil spirit emitted by Chen Hao's attack.

"But the evil spirit is not invincible. Under the crushing of the absolute realm, the evil spirit, chaos-level blood, and talent are all meaningless!"

Bai Hong's expression turned ferocious in an instant.

He stopped pretending, and the next moment he activated the ferocious beast gene in his body.

There is a pair of horns protruding from the top of his head.

Black hair instantly covered the whole body.

Under the feet are extremely hard hooves.

In the blink of an eye, Bai turned into a human-shaped black goat!.

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