I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 154 Son Of Emperor Zun? Die As Well!

"The emperor's peak powerhouse?"

"I'm so scared!"

Huo Lan couldn't help but pretend to be scared when she heard Fang Yi's background.

Jade hand patted the little heart.

The movements are extremely exaggerated, and everyone who sees her knows that she is acting scared.

But Fang Yi didn't think so.

He felt that Huo Lan was really scared. Although his emotions were a bit exaggerated, he had seen people who were more exaggerated than Huo Lan.

At the beginning, Fang Yi also thought that the man was still pretending to be scared.


After some persecution.

It turned out to be true.

Someone can really be afraid that the face will be distorted and the facial features will be displaced.

Only after that time did Fang Yi know the terror of his father, as long as he revealed his father's name, he didn't dare to disobey him.

The prestige of the emperor's peak powerhouse.

It can frighten some king-level, emperor-level and strong Pi Yi.

What's more, the ninth level of Miegang!

"Hahaha... Be scared, I see you are pretty, now kneel down and lick my toes, and then go back with me, I will consider letting your friend die!!"

Fang Yi laughed wantonly.

"Perhaps you can let your companions join me, and I will not treat my subordinates badly!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Fang Li!"

During the words, Fang Yi's expression became more and more dignified.

This is also the expression he showed after he reported his father's identity in the past.

As if he is the emperor.

Waiting for Huo Lan to run to him and worship him.

And see him like this.

Huo Lan immediately stopped what she was doing, showing a look of foolishness.

"This can't be a fool!"

"If you get close to him, will you be infected by his mental retardation?"

"If you get infected, you'll be as idiotic as him..."

Thinking of this, Huo Lan should not shudder.


For a moment, Huo Lan distanced herself from Fang Yi as if avoiding the plague.

Her voice was not lowered so that everyone could hear it. After all, there was no low-level person present.

. " Fang Yi's laughter stopped abruptly.

His face turned livid.

Only now did he realize that Huo Lan was indeed faking just now.

"Grandmother!" Fang Yi scolded fiercely.


What responded to him was a fiery flame.

Cover it up in the blink of an eye.


Fang Yi screamed instantly.

Only now did he understand how terrifying Huolan's flames were.

No wonder Fang Li at the king level, when he was enveloped in flames, would make a cry like killing a pig.

Now Fang Yi's voice is like killing a hundred pigs.

The sound was extremely miserable.

Fang Li and the woman he brought didn't dare to approach them.

The woman is purely lacking in strength, and it is useless to rush forward.

But Fang Li had a shadow on Huo Lan's flame!

Don't dare to approach the flames at all.

After all, the pain of being burned by the flames before is still vivid and deeply rooted in the soul.

He never stepped forward, and backed away involuntarily.


Moments later, Fang Yi uttered his final cry.

Then there was no more sound.

...asking for flowers...

Before falling into the sea, his body was turned into ashes in the flames.

With Fang Yi's death, the flames also dissipated.

There was no trace left in the sky, as if Fang Yi had never been here at all.

"Young master..."

Fang Li's lips trembled involuntarily.

He knew he was in trouble.

As if the sky was falling, no one present could survive.

The son of Emperor Fang Hua was killed, and the entire Bai family might be buried with him.

Although he is a member of the Fang family, but he is not well protected, so he will also be buried with him.

"It's over, this time it's really over!!"

Fang Li's heart was beating wildly, and he wanted to run out of his body.

He didn't think he could escape the pursuit of Emperor Fang Hua.


"You ugly bastard, do you know what you're doing.......

"If you don't want to live, don't hurt me!"

Fang Li's face suddenly turned ferocious, and he roared at Huo Lan.

As he spoke, he gathered his strength together.

The figure rushed towards Huo Lan at a high speed.

Only by killing Huo Lan can there be a chance of survival.

Otherwise, in front of Emperor Fang Hua, he wouldn't even have a chance to speak.


He hasn't rushed to Huo Lan yet.

Fang Li lost his breath.

Chen Hao kicked him, this kick was not weaker than Hong Feibai's kick!

"Okay, let's go!"

After he retracted his feet, he spoke lightly.

After all, Emperor Zun's son died here, so I don't know if there will be any trouble if he continues to stay here.

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