I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 155 You Can't Hold Your Thigh Anymore, The Bai Family Has To Save Themselves

As soon as Chen Hao said this, everyone immediately agreed.

After all, even Chen Hao can't fight against a strong person at the Emperor level at this moment, let alone an existence like Fang Hua who is also invincible in the Emperor level.

Immediately, they left with terrifying speed.

No matter how strong the spirit of Emperor Zun is, it is impossible to find them in the first time, and once they enter the world of wild beasts, they will be like fish and birds.

Chen Hao and others are also unwilling to stay in this world any longer.

They have offended too many people unintentionally, and there are many zero "powerhouses" among them.

After Chen Hao and others left.

There are only two women left here, one is Fang Yi's man, and the other is Aunt Bai Jialan.

The two looked at each other.

They didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Even Fang Yi, the son of Emperor Fang Hua, died here, and two king-level powerhouses lost to some ninth-level young people.

All this is completely beyond their imagination.

"Cough cough․..."

"Alan, what about them?!"

Just when the two women were in a daze, a voice sounded, it was Bai Hong's voice, he did not die.

But the voice was extremely weak, it can be judged that Bai Hong has no fighting strength.

"Elder Bai...are you alright!"

Seeing Bai Hong's extremely embarrassed look, Bai Lan asked worriedly.

There are not many strong people in their Bai family.

If even Baihong fell, it would be even worse.

"I'm fine!"

"Where is Fang Yi, where have the others gone?!"

Bai Hong endured the pain on his body, and looked around, except for the two women, he couldn't see anyone else, even the world was extremely calm, as if there hadn't been a battle here.

"Fang Yi...he is dead..."

"Killed by Bai Ling's friends!"

Bai Lan's voice trembled a little, and she also knew the consequences of Fang Yi's death.

Once Emperor Fang Hua came back and found his son dead, he would definitely not let them go.


Bai Hong exclaimed.

He was just blown away, unable to move his body for a moment.

Fang Yi was killed.

My whole body couldn't help shaking.

"That bastard Fang Li, doesn't he know how to protect Fang Yi? Doesn't he know that Fang Yi is the treasure of Emperor Fang Hua!"

Bai Hong was trembling with anger, wishing he could tear Fang Li's body to pieces.

"Fang Li is also dead..."

"Elder Bai, what should we do now, once Emperor Fang Hua comes back, he will definitely blame our Bai family!"

There was fear in Bai Lan's eyes.

She is a member of the Bai family, and the Bai family will be prosperous and both will be prosperous, and both will be damaged.

Even if she leaves now, Emperor Fang Hua will not let her go.

"Fang Li is dead too?! Trash!" Bai Hong was extremely angry. Once Fang Yi died, the Bai family would not be relying on Emperor Fang Hua just now. It would be a miracle not to be bombarded by him...

After Bai Hong learned of Fang Yi's death, his eyes instantly turned red.

He never expected that Bai Ling's friends would be so rampant that even Emperor Zun's son would dare to kill him.

"Bai Ling, you really killed the Bai family this time!"

His resentment towards Bai Ling deepened.

If Bai Ling was willing to marry Fang Yi, how could such a thing happen, causing their Bai family to fall into fire and water.

Bai Hong's eyes suddenly fell on the woman Fang Yi brought.

Then, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

Before the woman could react, he killed her with a lightning blow.

"Elder Bai, you..."

Bai Lan opened her mouth and widened her eyes, not understanding what Hong wanted to do.

"Hmph... This woman knows that Fang Yi was killed by Bai Ling's companion. Once she tells the Fang family, our Bai family really 1.6 has no chance of surviving!"

Bai Hong said coldly.

In addition to the fear at the beginning, he had to find a way to get the Bai family out of danger.

In the absence of certain evidence, he thought that Fang Hua would not dare to convict the Bai family. After all, Emperor Bai Zhan had some friends before. Those friends may not be as powerful as Fang Hua, but they are also the top human beings.

It's not easy for Fang Hua to offend everyone.

Among human beings, Fang Hua has not yet had the final say! .

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