I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 157 The Daughter Of The Fang Family Is Stronger Than The Man

Following Fang Jiandi Zun ordered the powerful Fang family to dispatch to investigate the cause of Fang Yi's death.

The news of Fang Yi's death also spread like wildfire.

After hearing this, the members of the Fang family showed different expressions.

Some people sneered, some laughed, and some felt sorry.

It's just that no one mourns.

Even his half-sisters and sisters, no one shed tears for him.

Only his mother cried and cried.

The Fang family shouted loudly, and Fang Jian must find the murderer.

But Fang Yi is gone.

This woman is a joke in Fang's family. There are many women in Fang Hua's emperor. The reason why she was able to command everyone in the past is because Fang Hua only has one son.

Mother is more expensive than child.

It is vividly reflected in it.

As soon as the Fang family left the courtyard.

There is a beautiful woman in a red dress, which is extremely dazzling.

Its appearance is extremely beautiful.

She stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, looking leisurely and beautiful.

"Sister, Fang Yi died, and my father will not favor him and treat us badly in the future!"

A woman in green behind the woman in red spoke.

Hearing the news of Fang Yi's death, the woman in green was obviously happy.

"Lingling, don't say such words in the future, lest there are ears in the wall, and it will be passed into father's ears!"

The woman in red turned her head, her expression was neither happy nor sad, and she said lightly with her red lips.

"Sister..." Fang Lingling couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw her sister say this.

She felt worthless for her sister.

The woman in red is the most talented person of the younger generation of the Fang family, Fang Hongying.

It's just because Fang Hua favors sons over daughters, her resources are divided even more. Although they are more than the average Fang family's children, it can be dozens of times less for Fang Yi, a fool!

And Fang Yi has abundant resources, not only did not use them to improve his strength, but they were used to squander them.

Fang Lingling was extremely resentful.

"Sister, with your talent, if you have Fang Yi's resources, you won't lose to Lin Qingdie from the Lin family!"

"Fang Yi has resources and squanders them, don't you feel angry!"

Fang Lingling's voice didn't decrease, but got louder.

After all, Fang Yi is dead, and she wants her sister to fight for it.

"There's nothing to be angry about. My father can give me a mythical bloodline, and I'm already satisfied!"

Fang Hongying's voice was flat, and her face showed no expression. She had no joy, no sorrow, no desire, no desire.

"Sister, you... well, I don't know what's good about you! You are obviously talented, but you always look like you don't want anything!

If Fang Yi's resources are handed over to you, I'm afraid you have already become the eighth emperor of the Fang family!"

Fang Lingling jumped up.

A little angry, Fang Hongying doesn't argue for anything.

"Good! Don't get excited!"

"Even without Fang Yi's resources, I can become Emperor Zun!"

Fang Hongying stretched out her hand to hold down the excited Fang Lingling.

When she said this, there was a flash of light in her eyes.

His ambition may not be as calm as it appears on the surface.

Sigh...Even though your talent is strong, sister, if you want to break through the emperor, you must have enough resources!"

"You must know that Lin Qingdie is already at the peak of the king, and I am afraid that he is preparing to hit the emperor state!"

Fang Lingling said helplessly.

"She has her chance, I have my way!"

"We are different!"

Fang Hongying's voice was still flat, without waves.

"The pinnacle of the king?"

"Me too!"

She said this in her heart.

Fang Lingling didn't know that her sister had unknowingly raised her realm to the late king level.

Otherwise, she might be so excited that she couldn't fall asleep and kill her.

at this time.

There was a woman running in hastily.

"Miss, there are disciples coming from outside the door!"

heard the words.

Fang Lingling jumped up again and shouted: "What are you ordering the disciples to do here!"

The Fang family has its own order disciples, who usually convey the words of the high-level Fang family.

Fang Hongying, who has a king-level realm, must have brought the order of the emperor and the strong. .

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