I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 158 Fang Hongying

Fang Hongying knew that it must be Emperor Fang Jian who was sitting in the Fang family to pass the order.

Sure enough, after seeing the order, he was indeed summoned by Emperor Fang Jian.

Fang Hongying did not hesitate and immediately set off to the place where Fang Jian was.

Fang Lingling was also very curious about why Fang Jian called her sister away. You must know that even if Fang Hongying was a king, she didn't have any position in the Fang family.

For the younger generation in the aristocratic family, the main task is to cultivate and improve their strength.

Therefore, Fang Hongyingbao does not need to perform any obligations in Fang's family.

Now that Fang Yi had just died, Fang Hongying was mobilized by the senior management of the Fang family.

Fang Lingling thought that the Fang family was going to dump resources on her sister.

for a while.

A little excited.

Both of them are sisters of the same father and the same mother, and their mother passed away unexpectedly in the early years. It can be said that 887 depended on each other.

Although Fang Yi is her half-brother, she really hates her from the bottom of her heart.

"Hmph... If my sister has enough resources, she will definitely be able to break through Emperor Zun!"

Fang Lingling knew that her talent was not good enough, she was in her twenties, and she was only at the seventh level.

After knowing that her talent was not enough, she distributed her resources to Fang Hongying.

Only one of the two of them is strong, so they will not be bullied by others in the Fang family.

Although no one dared to offend them, there were still people like Fang Yi who bullied others based on their background.

The sisters were bullied miserably when they were young.

Emperor Fang Hua has (cbec) more than a dozen daughters, and they are not at home all year round. If Fang Hongying is not so talented, I am afraid that they have forgotten their sisters.

Fang Hongying left quickly, and came back quickly.

Seeing her come back, Fang Lingling asked immediately: "Sister, what did Emperor Fang Jian want you to do?!"

"Do you want to increase your monthly resource share?!"

Hearing this, Fang Hongying shook her head.

"Emperor Fang Jian asked me to go to the deserted city to help Emperor Fang Bing find out the cause of Fang Yi's death!"

Fang Hongying did not expect Fang Jian to ask herself to investigate the cause of Fang Yi's death.

Although the two are siblings, their relationship is not harmonious.


"That guy Fang Yi is dead, it's none of your business, why did you arrange to investigate?"

Fang Lingling wished to kill Fang Yi's people and escape far away without being caught.

And now my sister is actually going to arrest the murderer.

"What does Emperor Fang Jian think, is there no one else in the Fang family?!"

Fang Lingling was indignant.

The Fang family has dozens of king-level powerhouses.

These people are specialized in these matters.

"This time Fang Yi and Fang Li died, and Fang Li was still at the king level, so the person who has the ability to kill them must be above the king level.

We can only send people at the king level to investigate!

And a few days ago, Emperor Zun of the Fang family found a beast with chaos-level bloodline in the world of wild beasts. The masters of the Fang family who have nothing to do have already been dispatched to the world of wild beasts!

So let me go!"

Fang Hongying didn't care, anyway, she also wanted to know who killed Fang Yi, after all, Fang Huadi's prestige was known to the whole world.


Fang Lingling wanted to say something else.

But Fang Hongying interrupted her, "Lingling, needless to say, since Emperor Fang Jian has already ordered, I can't help but disobey no matter what!"

The gap between a king and an emperor is like that between an ant and an elephant.

Even she does not challenge Emperor Zun's authority.

"Okay...... Sister, when are you leaving?!" Fang Lingling sighed.

"Emperor Fang Jian asked me to leave immediately, otherwise the murderer might have escaped into the wild beast world long ago, so I will come back and tell you, and then leave!"

"Ah, so fast..."

Fang Lingling was still a little worried, after all, she didn't need to think about it, how could she be weak if she dared to kill the Emperor's daughter!

Fang Hongying didn't say anything more, and explained other matters.

Immediately turned around and left, heading towards the deserted city. .

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