I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 159 The Space Rift Leading To The Wild Beast World

Chen Hao and the others didn't know that because of Fang Yi's death, the powerful members of the Fang family were already furious.

There are a large number of people dispatched.

After they killed Fang Yi and Fang Li, they kept flying towards the direction of the space crack.

Although they killed Emperor Zun's son, they didn't feel nervous.

Encountered high-level ferocious beasts along the way, Chen Hao even stopped to hunt them down.

After all, any ferocious beast is equal to history for him.

With the system, there is no need to spend time refining and absorbing the animal source. As long as the thought moves, the energy in the animal source will become his blood energy.

Now at the ninth level, his blood energy has exceeded one million.

But if you want to hit the king, you need to reach tens of millions of blood~ don't.

This requires absorbing a large amount of animal sources.

"If you want to raise your blood energy to the level of a king, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to hunt down the ninth-level beasts - quickly improve!"

"I didn't expect that after entering the ocean, I didn't even encounter a king-level beast!"

"Are king-level beasts so scarce?!"

"From the memory of the predecessor, there are many reports about the Jiangyun base, saying that the ocean and the west are densely packed with powerful beasts."

"It's all fake news now!"

After Chen Hao killed a ninth-level ferocious beast, he absorbed it into Lu Yuan.

Seeing that his blood gas has not increased much, he can't help but feel a little depressed.

"Hey, hey... I said you are endless! I don't know if we are fleeing at the moment, once Fang Yi's father is killed, we will be finished.

You still have time to hunt these beasts. "

When Huo Lan saw that Chen Hao had changed his direction specifically to kill a ferocious beast, Huo Lan was furious.

"Why panic, run away when you are afraid!"

Chen Hao gave her a supercilious look.

"You...you promised to protect me, this is our transaction condition!" Huo Lan said angrily.

"What's the rush? Didn't Bai Ling say that Fang Yi's father is now in the world of wild beasts, so it's okay to waste a little time!"

"Besides, we are not far from the crack in space now, even if Emperor Zun chases after him, he may not be able to catch up with my speed!"

Chen Hao said nonsense.

"You still can't catch up, you don't know the horror of Emperor Zun at all!"

Huo Lan rolled her eyes back.

"Brother, let's run quickly!" Chen Qing also panicked.

"Look at all of you, when you killed people before, you were extremely domineering, but now you are all like rats crossing the street!"

While speaking, Chen Hao waved his hand, enveloping everyone with his breath.

Disappeared in place in an instant.

Move with terrifying speed.

After having the beast source as a blood energy supplement, Chen Hao is not afraid of consumption at all.

...asking for flowers...

The speed is exposed.

Faster than king-level powerhouses!

After a while.

They finally saw the space crack.

Chen Hao stopped his speed and looked at the crack that pierced through the sky and the earth, as if the sky had been torn apart.

"Is this the crack that was torn open by the terrifying beast?"

"What kind of power do you need to open such a huge crack and connect two different worlds!"


Muttering in his mouth, Chen Hao was also shocked by the space crack in front of him.

Others are no exception.

"Even if it's not the first time I've seen it, it's still extremely shocking!"

Bai Ling also showed shock.

"Rare is more strange, there are even more terrifying void cracks in the wild beast world!" Huo Lan said contemptuously.

Although she doesn't know what the space cracks are, she has indeed seen some space cracks in the wild beast world.

It is also connected to different worlds.

There are also strong people in those worlds, so even the strong people of their Huo clan dare not enter rashly.

After all, entering other worlds without knowing it is equivalent to entering the domain of the powerful.

I don't know how to die by then.

This time, Huo Lan entered this world by mistake, and was almost killed by someone. .

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