I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 161 World End? Nothing To Do With Me

"Hmph... If I hadn't been injured, I would have killed Lin Tianxiao a long time ago, so there's no need for a stinky guy..."

Huo Lan is still extremely annoyed when she recalls the scene when she was hunted down by Lin Tianxia and Lin Fu.

" Chen Hao looked at Huo Lan speechlessly, and said lightly: "Don't wait for me to kill you before you speak up, well, I remember someone was hunted down, and they couldn't even eat!"

"You..." Huo Lan didn't want anyone to mention her distressed appearance.

"Hee hee, sister Huo Lan, you even robbed our barbecue!" Chen Qing made up the knife behind.

"I said it's no wonder you didn't have any worries about killing Fang Yi. It turns out that you are already veterans!"

Bai Ling looked weirdly at Chen Hao and the others.

Among them, there are only eighth and ninth ranks.

Even if Chen Hao has the strength to defeat the king-level, it can't hide that he is only a ninth-level realm.

Even with such strength, he actually provoked the two big families one after another.

"I'm afraid it's really difficult for us to pass through the space crack!"

"Lin Tianxiao's matter was aroused before, and his father also issued a huge reward. He has the beast source of two thousand king-level beasts, and a spiritual fruit that even the emperor can be moved by. It is said that it can increase the life span of a hundred years. Woolen cloth!"

Bai Ling looked at Chen Hao and said.

"Two thousand king-level beast sources?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao couldn't help but raise his brows. If he had these beast resources in his hands, he might be able to ascend to the king's realm!

If he hadn't killed Lin Tianxiao, he would have wanted to find the murderer.

"Nimma, as expected of the first family, it's only the death of a disciple, so such a high reward is offered!"

Chen Hao said quietly.

"It should not be the resources of the Lin family. I heard that Lin Tianxiao is talented among the disciples of the Lin family, but he is not at the top level!

No matter how strong the Lin family is, they will not offer such resources for rewards, after all, these beast sources can already cultivate a king-level powerhouse!"

Bai Ling shook his head, he didn't think the Lin family had paid so much for a disciple who had died.

After all, even the Lin family doesn't have such a huge background to squander.

It's not that they can't take out two thousand king-level beast resources, but they won't take out so many resources for a dead disciple.

"Oh? It's not the Lin family, but Lin Tianxiao's father? This old guy has a bit of courage, what strength?!"

Hearing this, Chen Hao was a little surprised.

"His father, Lin Zhentian, seems to have the strength of a king, but I heard from others that Lin Tianxiao's mother is not a human on Earth, but a human from the wild beast world, and she is from a powerful tribe of the Rainprint Clan!

I'm afraid these huge rewards are from his mother!"

Bai Ling spoke out all the information he heard outside.

"What? The Yu clan?"

As soon as the word Yu clan came out, Huo Lan shouted out loudly.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Hao looked at Huo Lan and asked.

He felt that this woman loved his hometown a little too much, but all the human races who heard about the wild beast world were extremely excited.

Has Suzaku flames on his body.

He actually wanted to mistakenly identify his clansmen.

"The Yu clan, they are involved in the attack on our clan!"

"I didn't expect that the people of the Yu clan would have discovered this world long ago, and they would even combine with the humans here.

"I'm afraid your world will be controlled by the Yu clan!"

"I'm afraid Lin Tianxiao's mother married her father just because she wanted 020 to spy on the strength of your world!"

Huo Lan looked extremely serious.

Seeing that she is so serious, she doesn't look like a liar.

Chen Hao and others are somewhat convinced.

But he didn't say anything.

After all, they are not strong enough, and they feel that it may be difficult for the Yu clan to control the world, otherwise they won't have to live in peace for a long time.

"You don't believe it? It's possible that you, the strongest in the world, have joined forces with the Yu clan!"

Seeing that several people were silent, Huo Lan continued to speak.

"Believe it, but then?" Chen Hao looked at her with strange eyes.

Please, they can't protect themselves now.

The destruction of the world has nothing to do with them.

Even if you want to save the world or something, wait until you have the strength to talk about it!.

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