As soon as Chen Hao said this, Huo Lan stopped abruptly and had nothing to say.

Although she hated the Yu clan very much, her current strength couldn't help the Yu clan at all.

"Let's still think about how to get into the wild beast world!"

Chen Hao looked at the space crack, and said lightly.

From Bai Ling's words, he learned that the king-level beasts in this world are all evolved from local beasts, or they are some beasts that came from the wild beast world and broke through evolution.

No matter which one, it can't increase the number of king-level beasts.

The strong human beings also curb their number. After all, there are too many king-level beasts, and the world will definitely be in chaos. When the time comes, countless people will die if they are uncontrollable.

And if he wants to quickly improve his realm, he can only go to the wild beast world.

However, because of Lin Tianxiao's death, the Lin family has sealed off the entrance, and will check for those who want to enter the wild beast world.

And he believed that the Fang family would also join the ranks of the blockade because of Fang Yi's death in the near future.

At that time, it will be even more difficult for a few of them to pass the level!

"After we killed Fang Yi, we rushed towards this side quickly, so even if the Fang family knew that Fang Yi was dead, they might not necessarily know who the murderer was.

So the person we are worried about now is the Lin family.||!"

Huo Lan thought for a while, and said so.

"I saw the reward offered by the Lin family before, and I didn't name anyone, saying that as long as I can provide effective clues, the Lin family will definitely reward you heavily.

I don't think they know that you are the ones who killed Lin Tianxiao!"

Based on the information he knew, Bai Ling analyzed it.

However, she didn't know that Chen Hao had been set as a suspect by the Lin family because of the relationship between the Wang family brothers.

"Under normal conditions in this deserted border city, how many emperors are sitting there?!"

Chen Hao asked with a frown.

As long as Emperor Zun doesn't make a move, he is fully capable of breaking through the checkpoint.

Moreover, the crack in space is so huge, with his speed, the king class can't stop it at all!

"I'm not too sure about this, but under normal circumstances, there are three emperors sitting in the town, but if there are powerful beasts that want to charge in, the emperors from other places will come too!"

Bai Ling thought for a while and said sincerely.

Human emperors will take turns guarding the border deserted city. Emperor Bai Zhan once told her that when a former emperor of the Bai family was guarding, he encountered a fierce beast of the emperor level and charged in. In order to prevent the beast from falling here.

"Three emperors!"

Hearing this, Chen Hao pondered.

In the end, he decided to enter the deserted city to see the situation.

Of course, you can't go in swaggeringly.

It is also a disguise.

The deserted border city is still in the earth, no matter how powerful the Lin family is, it is impossible to prevent others from entering the deserted border city.

After all, it is equal to the trading center of human powerhouses and various forces.

Some people who specialize in entering and exiting the world of wild beasts, after obtaining rare natural materials and earthly treasures, if they want to sell them, they usually choose to trade in the border deserted city.

Therefore, Chen Hao and others can still enter the border deserted city.

After stimulating some ferocious beast genes in his body, Chen Hao completely changed his appearance, and he was a genetic human shape combined with hybrid genes.

"", let's enter the deserted city first to see the situation, I don't believe that the Lin family can cover the sky with one hand!"

A light flashed across Chen Hao's eyes.

Before, he wasted time all the way and kept killing high-level ferocious beasts just to store some beast resources. As long as he has these beast resources, he can keep replenishing his blood energy for a period of time.

Even if there is a king-level peak (Wang Dehao), when Chen Hao can continuously replenish blood, I am afraid that if he wants to fight a protracted battle, he has no chance of winning.

When the lethality is not inferior to the king level, Chen Hao's blood is not as good as the king, but he can instantly absorb the energy of the beast source to replenish his blood.

Therefore, as long as there are enough beast sources, he will not be afraid of protracted battles or group battles.

"The trouble now is the emperor's strong..."

"I hope that there is no emperor of the Lin family in the deserted city!"

Chen Hao frowned, feeling a little jealous of the emperor in the deserted city. .

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