I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 163 Join Us! Kings And Beasts Also Change

Chen Hao decided to enter the deserted city first to check the situation.

Others, of course, have no opinion.

After all, in their hearts, whether it is the Lin family or the Fang family, they have not yet confirmed that they are the murderers who killed Lin Tianxiao and Fang Yi.

Of course, several people decided to separate.

Do not enter the border deserted city together.

Otherwise, there must be danger, and the few of them will be taken over by someone.

After some discussion.

It was decided that Chen Hao was alone.

Huo Lan is with Chen Qing, and Bai Ling is with Ling Xiaoru.

Chen Hao is the strongest. He is alone, and he can act faster. If any of them have an accident, he can also help.

After making the decision, Chen Hao said: "I'll go in first, if I don't come out after a quarter of an hour, it means there is no problem, you should go in one after another.

If you can enter the barren 000 beast world, go there first!

Then we will meet again inside!"

"Okay!" Huo Lan nodded. After all, she was quite familiar with the wild beast world, and she could be alert in advance if she encountered danger.

This is also the reason why she was able to run around in the wild beast world after her tribe was wiped out.

"Brother, be careful!" Chen Qing reminded, her face was full of worry.

In fact, the few of them also knew in their hearts that no matter if the Lin family or the Fang family were to arrest the murderer, the target would definitely be Chen Hao.

After all, he is the strongest, enough to attract the attention of the strong.

Although Huo Lan and Bai Ling are strong, they are not enough to kill Lin Tianxiao and Fang Yi.

"Do not worry!"

Chen Hao chuckled lightly.

After the voice fell, he used his speed to leave.

Fly towards the huge deserted city.

As it gets closer.

Chen Hao was also shocked by this huge piece of land suspended in the air.

When he looked at it from a distance, he didn't realize how huge it was, but now that he got close, Chen Bi felt that it was bigger than the entire Jiangyun Base.

You must know that Jiangyun base is a base city that can accommodate tens of millions of people.

It is comparable to the size of a big city in the previous world.

"When you get close, not only do you feel that this suspended continent is huge, but even the space crack is extremely huge. Such a large piece of land is just right for the width of the space crack!"

Chen Hao was shocked.

"Brother, it's shocking!"

Suddenly a voice rang in his ears, Chen Hao followed the prestige and saw a team composed of several ninth-level powerhouses, staying not far away.

Like him, he stared blankly at the cracks and suspended land in the huge space (cbcj).

One of them saw that he had seen it, and showed a slight smile, expressing goodwill.

"When I saw it for the first time, I was shocked for a while, but now I am still shocked every time I see it!"

"Let me introduce, we are the Black Destroyer Team, and I am the captain named Long Jing!"

The man still introduced himself.


Chen Hao replied lightly, but did not introduce himself, which made Long Jing a little embarrassed.


"This brother has just been promoted to the ninth rank. Is there a team? If not, you can join our Black Destroyer team!"

"Don't worry, our team has already entered the Wild Beast World three times, and there have been no casualties!"

As Long Jing said, his figure slowly moved towards Chen Hao.

It looked like he was eager to win Chen Hao into the team.

"Oh? Have you ever entered the wild beast world?!"

Chen Hao showed a hint of interest.

See here.

Long Jing thought that Chen Hao was attracted by his words, and immediately became even more excited.

"That's right, don't look at us as only five people, but each of us is a ninth-level top powerhouse, even if we unite, even a king-level beast will have to be replaced!"

Long Jing's voice suddenly became louder.

heard the words.

Chen Hao's eyes fell on him, feeling his aura was only in the late ninth stage, three of his four teammates were in the middle stage of ninth stage, and one had just entered the ninth stage and was in the early stage.

With such a powerful team, Chen Hao didn't believe that they could deal with king-level beasts. .

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