I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 164 Fudge? Nonexistent

Long Jing looked extremely confident, and at the same time he also believed that Chen Haoran would join them.

Because Chen Hao looked like a newcomer who had just been promoted to the ninth level, and then came to the deserted city to try to enter the world of wild beasts to find opportunities.

And Chen Hao came here alone, there is a high probability that he has never fought alone before.

The Earth is different from the Wild Beast World.

Not only are the ferocious beasts more powerful in the wild beast world, but the density of them is also astonishing-unmatched.

If you don't have a companion, you may just kill a beast, and several beasts will sneak up on you.

So if you want to survive in the world of wild beasts, forming a team is essential.

"How? Our team allocates resources very fairly!"

Long was startled and said to himself.

He was not in a hurry, after all, he and Chen Hao had just met, and if Chen Hao could not wait to join them in a few words, he still needed to think about it, after all, a careless person was no different from a pig teammate.


Chen Hao will not join any team, he just wants to ask about the current situation of entering the wild beast world.


Before he finished speaking, Long Jing interrupted.

"You don't need to rush to make a decision. You can try to follow us into the wild beast world once. We will cooperate with each other tacitly, and it will not be too late to make a decision at that time!"

Seeing Chen Hao's look of wanting to refuse, Long Jing immediately thought of another plan.

The reason why he wanted Chen Hao to join them so much was not only because Chen Hao didn't look like a treacherous person, but also because they planned to go deeper into the world of wild beasts this time. After all, they were just exploring before and didn't get any good things.

After years of development by strong human beings in the wild beast world, the precious spiritual plants near the cracks in the space have long since disappeared.

Latecomers who want to gain something have to go where no one has gone before.

"Uh... yes!"

Chen Hao thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be a good idea to follow these people into the world of wild beasts.

"Haha, you won't be disappointed!"

Hearing this, Long Jing suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing him like this, his teammates knew that Chen Hao had been persuaded by Long Jing, and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

To be honest, they were also fooled by Long Jing and formed a team inexplicably.


A woman in the team came over to inquire. She was of average appearance, but she had a hot body, giving off a different charm.

"Haha, Lily, our team is so strong, of course this brother promised it!"

Long said in surprise.

Li Li couldn't help rolling her eyes, and said helplessly, "I know how to fool people!"

"What are you talking about, this is what I am. With our strength, we have no problem dealing with top levelless beasts!"

Long patted his chest in shock.

Hearing this, Chen Hao immediately felt that this guy was unreliable. He said just now that he had no problem dealing with king beasts. Now that he agreed to join them temporarily, he changed his words to deal with ninth-level beasts.

...asking for flowers......

Isn't this completely deceiving.

Fortunately, Chen Hao didn't intend to really join them, he just wanted to mix into the wild beast world with them. 【

"By the way, I still don't know how to call my brother!?"

After Long Jing laughed, he wanted to introduce Chen Hao to his teammates, but found that he didn't know Chen Hao's name yet.

"Chen Hao."

Chen Hao didn't hide anything, he didn't think anyone knew about him as a little guy.


And there are not tens of thousands of people with the same name, but thousands.

Don't worry about giving away anything because of a name.

He entered the border deserted city carefully just in case, and he didn't think that the Lin family and the Fang family would be able to find out that he was the murderer.

"Chen Hao? It's kind of familiar!"

"Haha, welcome Brother Chen to join us, let me introduce you to this beautiful girl named Li Li!"

Long was shocked to hear Chen Hao's name, and felt a little familiar, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He smiled and introduced to his teammates.

In addition to Li Li, their team also has a woman, Su Muyu, who is at the beginning of the ninth level.

The remaining two teams, namely Wang Hu and Gu Xin, are both in the mid-ninth stage.

Chen Hao knew at a glance that these people were used to fighting alone, and they didn't have the harmony of an ordinary team!

Forming a team is also because the wild beast world is too dangerous, and the chance of increasing survival is small!.

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