I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 167 Dead, But Also For The Benefit Of The Family

"Captain, you were either going home or hunting beasts in the wilderness, while I stayed in the deserted city to rest.

I rushed out to assemble after receiving your signal.

Therefore, I heard a sliver of news in the city!"

Wang Huwen said in a low voice.

"Well, what news did you hear!?"

Long Jing nodded, he came from his family and was going to enter the wild beast world again, so he gathered the team for this time.

It was originally agreed to have a round in the city.

But when he came over, he encountered a strong ninth-level ferocious beast, and he couldn't handle it alone, so he called his teammates to kill it together.

After finishing it, I ran into Chen Hao when I came back.

"Fang Hua Emperor's son died, the news was just half an hour ago!"

"The empress of the Fang family has blocked the entrance to the wild beast world. Now if you want to enter the wild beast world, you have to ask the Lin family to verify your identity and ask the Fang family to ask!"

Wang Hu immediately revealed all the information he knew.

"Hmph, these aristocratic families are becoming more and more rampant. They think that they can do whatever they want if they have the strength. They still need to be reviewed by them to enter the wild beast world. Aren't these people afraid of resentment and resistance?

Hearing this, Long Jing immediately snorted coldly.

In Long Jing's view, the current behavior of the Lin family and the Fang family is undoubtedly challenging some people's bottom line.

After reviewing their identities now, do they need to check other people's gains in the wild beast world in the future?

Long Jing could want to come here.

I think other people think of this layer too.

"I'm afraid it won't take long for some people to come out and object. They think that with Lin Cangming and Fang Hua, they can't resist?

Hmph, I really don't know what kind of heart a person who has been fighting with fierce beasts all year round has!"

Long Jing sneered.

The strength of their Long family is also good, although they are not as good as the Lin family and Fang family, but they will not be overbearing.

"It's been a while since the Lin family blocked the space crack!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid some people can't bear it anymore, there are indeed many strong people in the aristocratic family, but the strength of some undisciplined people can be terrifying.

How could they endure a passage that used to pass freely, but is now being checked by people!"

Li Li clicked her tongue and smiled, her expression was full of disdain for the family.

I'm afraid she also has the experience of being bullied by the family.

"I've also heard about the Lin family's affairs, and they also know that there are people whose things cannot be touched, so they still haven't checked on some people with powerful backs.

However, those of us who are scattered and unorganized will be audited by them!"

Gu Xin also felt dissatisfied.

"Isn't this going to cause turmoil!" Long Jing said helplessly.

He is helpless to his weak strength.

For the bottom-level personnel, they can be superior with the strength of the ninth level, but unexpectedly, there are restrictions on each level.

Unless you have no ambitions, you can stay in a small place with peace of mind, maybe you can enjoy the feeling of the emperor with a ninth rank.

Chen Hao remained silent at the side, and he didn't have Lin Tianxiao's death, which actually gave the Lin family an excuse to exercise some hegemony.

**Brother Chen, don’t worry, although the Lin family is domineering, but I’m not afraid of them, we can still pass through the space to sew smoothly!”

Long Jing saw that Chen Hao was silent, and his expression was a little dignified, because he was disappointed that he could not enter the world of wild beasts.

Therefore, a word of relief.

"Let's go, let's enter the deserted city first to see what's going on!"

After sighing, Long Jing led the crowd into the deserted city.

Chen Hao silently followed behind them. With the current situation, he could only observe and pretend.

He also didn't know what he was exposed to.

After all, his killing of Lin Tian (Li Li Zhao) Xiao was not discovered at all. As for Fang Yi's death, it has not been long.

Those who left the two women behind didn't kill them because they felt that the two eighth-level women simply didn't have the ability to report back quickly.

Among them, encountering one or two high-level beasts on the road is enough for them to feel good.

Therefore, the Fang family also doesn't know who killed Fang Yi and blocked the passage, but they are just envious of the Lin family's blocking the passage.

"The two disciples are dead, and they can still seek benefits. They are worthy of a family!"

Chen Hao secretly sighed in his heart.

Had to obey. .

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