I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 168 Captain Chatterbox, Are You The Water Dragon King?

Chen Hao followed Long Jing and others into the border deserted city, but did not cause any movement.

Looking at the deserted city where people come and go.

In addition to ninth-level powerhouses, Chen Hao also saw many seventh- and eighth-level genetic people.

"Don't look at it, there are some people who come here looking at the background, and many of them are people who dare to take risks and risk their lives. Even if they are only at the seventh level, as long as they find a strong person to bring them here, they can live well here.

Of course, the strength shouldn't be too weak, otherwise the low-level ferocious beasts from the Desolate Beast World won't even have a place to run!"

Long Jing noticed Chen Hao, and immediately opened his mouth to explain.

Chen Hao didn't know whether he was talkative or kind, and he took care of everything in order to win him over.

He could only nod his head to show that he understood.

In fact, he paid attention to these seventh and eighth ranks, and wanted to see if there were too many 863 people. After all, both Chen Qing and Ling Xiaoru were eighth ranks.

If there are not many eighth-orders here, they will definitely look very abrupt when they come in.

Now that I looked at it, I was relieved a lot.

"Let's go to Longlai Restaurant!"

"Just ask about the latest situation!"

After Long Jing made a suggestion, he led everyone to fly to a deserted city.

There are many family businesses in Bianhuang City, and of course there are some industries jointly established by strong people.

Longlai Restaurant is a restaurant opened by the Long Family.

In addition to allowing the Long family to have a place to settle down, it is also a place for the Long family to collect information.

Long Jing went there, he could use his status as a disciple of the Long family to inquire about the latest developments in the world of wild beasts.

After all, there is a powerful dragon (cbbe) family sitting here.

Although he is not Emperor Zun, he is also a king-level powerhouse.

After a while.

Chen Hao saw the Long Lai Restaurant that Long Jing had mentioned.

It is said that the restaurant is indeed a big restaurant, but it occupies an extremely large area, and the guest rooms arranged by others are all small buildings with independent courtyards.

It's not a building with dozens of floors in the base city, which only gives one room.

Fly all the way.

Chen Hao found that the style of the deserted cities is like this. There are no high-rise buildings at all, and there are only two or three floors at most, and most of them are single-story houses.

"We can fly on it now, it is the public area, so it doesn't matter, and there is also the king area in the south, but you can't fly at will. Of course, the king class is not within the restricted range.

It is equivalent to saying that we are weak and cannot fly over the head of the king!"

Long Jing spoke again to explain.

Chen Hao was speechless. He knew this, not only in the deserted city, but also in other base cities where flying is prohibited.

Even if you are weak, don't challenge the majesty of the strong.

After several people landed.

Then he followed Li Ruolong to the restaurant.

Randomly in the lobby, find a place to sit down.

Chen Hao saw a lot of people inside, eating and discussing various topics.

After Long Jing made arrangements for them, he left.

"The captain is pretty good, he has a good background, and he doesn't have any pretensions. You can get the information collected by the Long family here.

There's nothing wrong with following him!"

Li Li leaned against Chen Hao and said softly.

Chen Hao glanced at her, and then said: "You seem to be interested in him!"


As soon as this statement came out.

Su Muyu squirted out the tea that was just in his mouth.

"You..." Li Li was a little ashamed, but then she sighed and said, "How did you see that!

"Is it so obvious?!"

Chen Hao nodded seriously.

As for Li Li's words, go to Su Muyu who was stunned to the side.

"Sister Li, are you serious?" Su Muyu couldn't help asking.

"En!" Li Li didn't hide her, and followed Long Jing into the wild beast world three times, and she felt that Long Jing was more and more attractive.

"The captain is really good!" Su Muyu said from the bottom of her heart.

"You are not allowed to rob me!" Li Li threatened.

..." Su Muyu couldn't help rolling her eyes, she didn't mean that to Long Jing.

Of course, she also knew that Li Li was just joking.

"If it's not bad, marry me!" Chen Hao said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

Although he just met him, he also felt that Long Jing was okay to be a person, but he was a bit nagging. If this kind of person was in the age of technology in his previous life, he would definitely occupy the position of Shuilong Ren in the chat group for a long time.

"You don't understand!" Li Li looked helpless.

Hearing that Chen Hao continued to drink tea, he really doesn't understand as a bachelor.

I'm not interested either, it's more fragrant to fight fierce beasts. .

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