I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 169 Report A Wave, Let's See How Happy You Are

Suddenly, Chen Hao saw several people rushing in angrily at the gate of the restaurant.

One of them scolded loudly as he walked: "What the hell, the people of the Lin family are getting more and more excessive. When entering the space crack, they not only have to check their identity information, but also search for packages, whether they are carrying important materials to the enemy.

His grandma, I entered the world of wild beasts to hunt and kill ferocious beasts, what kind of enemy do you have, are you collaborating with ferocious beasts?!"

"Hmph, these pinnacle families are really getting more and more rampant. Before, it was only the Lin family who blocked the passage, but now the Fang family is doing it too!"

"Now there are only two families. Will all the top ten families participate in it in a few days? It's unreasonable, it's too deceiving!"

"The main thing is to bully those of us who come from a poor family. In fact, the people who enter the wild beast world most frequently are those from a poor family."

"We worked so hard to kill ferocious beasts in the wild beast world to open up a situation, but luckily we didn't get anything. A large number of spiritual lands ended up in the hands of these families!"

These people can see that when they entered the space crack, they received some unequal treatment.

about two families.

Chen Hao pays special attention.

Prick up your ears and continue listening.

The people in the lobby of the restaurant also stopped their work one by one, attracted by the words of the irritable old man who had just entered the door.

"My dear friends, I'm afraid they encountered difficulties from the Lin family at the entrance of the passage!"

Someone stood up from the chair and shouted loudly: "Hmph, so I also planned to enter the Wild Beast World today, but unexpectedly the Lin family wanted to search my backpack, I don't know what their plan is!

I just want to get some benefits and deliberately make things difficult. That is the life-saving medicine I prepared for entering the world of wild beasts!

It's just too deceiving, and doesn't take me seriously!"

The more the man spoke, the angrier he became.

The few people who just came in did encounter the same thing as him.

all of a sudden.

Get angry together.

However, no matter how angry they were, they still could only complain here.

Chen Hao felt the aura from them.

They are all people in the ninth-order realm.

It can be said that the entire hall, and even the people who enter and exit here, are all adventurers below the king level.

In the eyes of the king, no matter whether they are from aristocratic families or solo travelers, those below the ninth rank are all ants.

Although I can only vent it verbally, let everyone join in one by one!

"Hey... If you want me to say, it's all because of that guy who killed the disciples of the two families, so that they have an excuse, and I don't know which bastard will hurt everyone!"

A man is so weak that instead of scolding the person who bullies him, he scolds the person who caused it.

It was like falling to the ground and blaming the road for being too hard.

"Hmph! You weaklings, you should kill me. I don't know about the Lin family's children, but that Fang Yi of the Fang family, relying on his father as Emperor Fang Hua, does all kinds of nonsense all day long. How many girls are killed by him?" persecution.

...asking for flowers...

And Lu Feng, the genius and monster from the year before last, reached the peak of the ninth rank at the age of 27, and is expected to hit the king rank at the age of 30. You must know that he was born as a commoner, and becoming an emperor in the future can also win some voices for us people from humble backgrounds!

That Fang Yi was lucky, he ran into Lu Feng by accident, and was jealous that he had better talent than him, so he asked the Fang family to attack Lu Feng at the king level.


Simply lawless!"

"I agree with this brother, if you don't kill this kind of person, what are you doing with them? Besides, do you think that these families have no intention of blocking the passage without the death of their disciples?

I'm afraid it's already planned in my heart.

Now there are people who are still deceiving themselves and others, thinking that the passage is blocked only because of the death of two disciples, neither of whom is a king-level disciple, I don't believe they will care!"

Seeing someone standing up to refute himself, the person who complained about the murderer, wanted to continue to speak and insist on his point of view.


There were more and more people who refuted him, and one by one they began to call him a lackey, and he was blushing and left in a hurry!

"Huh... what's so great about you people, you can only hide here and complain, wait until I report to the Lin family that there is a murderer here, let's see how arrogant you are!"

After the man walked out of the restaurant, he looked back, his eyes were full of resentment!.

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