I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 170: The Lin Family Arrives Domineeringly!

Chen Hao sat in his original position, looking at the angry and aggressive people around him, angrily denouncing all kinds of wealthy families.

Can't help but shake his head.

In this world where power is paramount.

The weak will definitely not be merciful. Although these people hate the rich and powerful families extremely, no one has dared to run out to resist.

Of course, there is no comment on him, it is natural to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

It is only natural that there is no willingness to be this early bird.

"Boring, it's not been a day or two since I was oppressed by those "740" families. Every time I come here, I hear these people complaining, and I haven't seen any of them who are willing to work hard to improve their strength and then resist the wealthy families!"

Li Li didn't follow the anger around her. After all, she was a clear-headed person, and she also knew these things.

If they have the chance to become lackeys of the wealthy family.

She believed that most people would kneel down and join in.

"Alas... this is the tragedy of the weak!" Wang Hu said bitterly.

In fact, he and Gu Xin had an unsatisfactory life before they met Long Jing. When they entered some safe places in the Wild Beast World, there was nothing like them.

Encountering fierce beasts with rare bloodlines is also monopolized by wealthy families. For a long time, these wealthy families have fused with powerful bloodlines one by one, and what they fused are all high-end goods.

Without a strong bloodline, wanting to become stronger is simply wishful thinking.

Su Muyu didn't feel anything, after all, she met Long Jing as soon as she came to Bianhuangcheng, and she had Long Jing, a child of the Long family.

There was no trouble at that time.

But looking at the people around her, she more or less knew how difficult it was for a commoner.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chen Hao's calm face, without any influence from the surrounding environment!

There was a flash of color in the beautiful eyes.

"This guy is not only very talented, but also doesn't have the arrogance of some young geniuses. He will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. If we can be with him..."

Thinking of this, Su Muyu's cheeks suddenly turned red.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

Ever since Long Jing casually said that she and Chen Hao are well suited.

She pays attention to Chen Hao consciously or unconsciously.

It's like meeting someone who's heartbroken.

Time passed little by little.

Chen Hao didn't know what Long Jing was doing, and he didn't come back for such a long time.

Estimate the time.

He felt that Huo Lan and the others might have already entered the city.

Although most of the people here in Longlai Restaurant were venting their dissatisfaction, Chen Hao also heard some useful information from them.

Knowing that the Lin family blocked the passage, they are not only looking for the murderer who killed Lin Tianxiao, but also want to seek benefits from it...

Therefore, it is not an easy task to pass through the space crack.

Even if the space crack is huge.

The spirit of the king-level powerhouse is blocked, and anyone who forcibly breaks through will be chased by the powerhouse of the Lin family!

I feel that if a few girls enter the city, they should not be stupid to break through.

So Chen Hao has nothing to worry about.

As long as you stay in the deserted city carefully, there is no danger at all, just like him now, drink tea with peace of mind.

After all, in the deserted border city, there are many big people's industries.

No matter how strong the Lin family and the Fang family are, they dare not investigate one by one.

Now Chen Hao can only wait for Long Jing to see if he can also arrange for a few girls to enter the world of wild beasts together.


Right here, Longlai Restaurant suddenly shook 3.3.

Fortunately, it was also a moment.

"What's the matter?"

"what happen?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and at the same time they stopped cursing the wealthy family.

"Listen, people inside. I am Lin Tianyin from the Lin family. I suspect that there is a murderer among you who killed my younger brother Lin Tianxiao. Now come out one by one on your own and let us investigate!"

Outside Longlai Restaurant, a loud voice came in. .

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