I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 174 The Incomparably Powerful Lin Tianyin


Seeing Long Jing's defeat, Li Li's body flickered, and she appeared beside him to help Long Jing up.

Falling with her figure.

The members of the Long family who followed Long Jing out just now also fell at the same time.

Protect Long Jing.

Just in case Lin Tianyin would kill him.

These people only have the strength of the ninth level, and because they are only ordinary members of the Long family, they have not merged with the blood of high-level fierce beasts.

There is no ability to leapfrog fighting.

But it is impossible for them to see Long Jing die here, although in the hearts of the Long family, Long Jing has no potential and is lost to everyone, but no matter what he says, he is still in the direct line.

Therefore, the Long family still wanted to save his life.

These members of the Long family did not speak, they were not qualified to speak on an equal footing with Lin Tianyin, they did not have that strength, nor did they have any identity.

It can only show the appearance of facing an enemy.

Seeing this, Lin Tianyin's eyes flashed ridicule.

He never thought about killing Long Jing, he was just a waste, not worth his shot, and the Lin family didn't want to offend the Long family.

In the subtle influence of the wealthy family, it is also a front.

Especially now that more and more civilians are rising.

If the wealthy families do not unite, it may not be long before the current wealthy families may have to change a new batch.

For example, the Bai family, which used to be on par with the Fang family in strength, is not even as good as some small families that have just risen after all the emperors died in battle in the wild beast world.

These small families are afraid of the top overlords.

Superficially catered to, but actually want to replace it.

In order to be able to occupy the position of overlord all the time, the Lin family took advantage of Lin Tianxiao's death to implement some plans that had been planned before.

In the past, the Lin family was obliged to protect human beings, but now the world is becoming more and more stable with the emergence of more and more powerful human beings. As long as it is not attacked by beasts exceeding the mythical level, there is no danger at all.

Both the Lin family and the top family want to seek benefits from the entire human race.

The so-called human alliance government can only manage the human base city.

Desolate World of Beasts and Border Desolate City are unruly.

Of course, the border deserted city is still controlled by some top families, but it has not exerted its greatest interests.

Lin Tianyin's secret collection of customs clearance benefits before was actually a temptation by the Lin family.

If everyone accepts this unspoken rule, it will be much easier for everyone to accept a certain percentage of resources when they come back in the future.

With the high-level support of the Lin family, Lin Tianyin became rampant.

…‥Seeking flowers.0

Anyone who has not paid the benefits will not be able to pass through the space crack.

Before, Old Wang was blocked by him.

Glancing at the seriously injured Long Jing, Lin Tianyin snorted coldly.

As he thought in his heart, as long as there is no killer, the king of the Long family will not make a move. After all, the king level is another level.

Once the king makes a move, no matter what the result is [things will go wrong.


After all, the king is the backbone of the families.

Whenever one person is injured, it means that the power of the family is weakened by one point.

Innocently weakening the power of others, what do you want to do?

At that time, the two families will definitely fall into a stalemate, or fight.

"I didn't enter your Long family's restaurant, I have already given your Long family face!"

"You even ran out to stop me, isn't that just asking for shame!"

Lin Tianyin sneered.

"Who is still not convinced now? Everyone wants to resist me to investigate the murderer. Could it be that you are guilty?"

Ignoring Long Jing and the others, he turned his eyes to the people who came out of Longlai Restaurant.

After seeing Lin Tianyin defeat Long Jing.

Turning his attention to himself, he suddenly became tense. .

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