I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 175: The King's Peak Powerhouse, Wu Xinyue

Some people even had the idea of ​​fleeing, but they saw the strength Lin Tianyin showed just now.

And dare not escape.

Otherwise, the moment of departure.

Even when they died, they didn't have the background of Long Jing. If they died, they would die in vain. No one would stand up for them.

"Cough cough..."

"Lin Tianyin, don't bully people too much. Is there any murderer you mentioned here? You know in your heart that you just want to find an excuse to affect the reputation of my Long family!"

"Beating me, a mentally damaged person, is nothing. If there is a "290" thing to do, I will fight with my cousin Long Gang!"

Long Jing struggled to his feet.

With Li Li's support, he stared at Lin Tianyin.

His complexion was extremely pale, and the blood energy in his body was consumed so much that he was unable to fight any more.

Lin Tianyin clearly came to bully the Long family.

He is not strong enough, so he can only move out the strongest of the current young generation of the Long family.

Before reaching thirty, he had already stepped into the realm of the king.

Future achievements are limitless.

He carried out the dragon gang, just to prove that there are still talented and powerful people in their Long family.

And he is even more outstanding than he used to be.

The Long family has not gone lonely, but has a strong successor, and the Lin family is not allowed to come out to provoke.

"If you lose yourself, you can only rely on others. It's as if there is no one in the younger generation of my Lin family!"

Lin Tianyin became more and more disdainful.

The young people under the age of 30 in the Lin family already have five kings, and there is also a terrifying genius who dominates and suppresses this generation of young people who can't raise their heads, Lin Qingdie!

Only one Dragon Gang grew up in the Long Family.

Feel free to take it out too.

If it hadn't been for Long Jing's death when he was young, he would have been Emperor Zun with his talent!

Now even a person with mediocre talent like myself can't win, and he has to move out his juniors to suppress the scene.

Lin Tianyin felt that Long Jing was ridiculous.

"I gave the Long family face and let you, a useless person, live, but that doesn't mean I dare not kill you!"

"Go as far as you can now!"

"To prevent me from finding the murderer is to oppose my Lin family!"

Lin Tianyin's voice was extremely resonant.

He didn't know if there was a murderer among them, anyway, he wouldn't return empty-handed now.

Otherwise, Lin Tianyin would become a joke of everyone.

After the battle just now.

There is a lot of attention around, and some strong people also throw their spirits over.

If he retreated easily, he would damage the dignity of the Lin family.

"What a breath!"

"A ninth-rank person is so arrogant and domineering. Do you really think that the Lin family has won the world?!"

Suddenly there was a voice coming from a distance.

Falling with the sound.

A figure appeared in front of Lin Tianyin.

It was a woman, wearing a white tight-fitting combat uniform, showing her plump figure.

Not only is her appearance beautiful, but her skin is also white and crystal clear, like an eighteen-year-old girl.

However, there is a hint of vicissitudes in her eyes, which shows that her age is not as young as her appearance...

"Wu Xinyue!"

Lin Tianyin recognized the person.

He was a little apprehensive.

It's not that Wu Xinyue's strength has reached the realm of a king [it's that this woman is famously violent!

She is not from any family.

But there is a strong and protective master.

That's an empress with the same irascible temper!

Even if Wu Xinyue beat him up violently, no one from the Lin family would come out to find justice for him.

After all, apart from Lin Cangming, the patriarch of the Lin family, who has never seen the end of the dragon, there are not many people in the Lin family who can resist Wu Xinyue's master!

"Wu Xinyue, don't worry too much!"

Lin Tianyin said bravely.

He could feel that Wu Xinyue was at the level of a king, but he didn't know what level she was at the level of a king.

However, since she has Master Emperor Zun, it is frightening that she has reached the late stage of the king!

After all, Wu Xinyue was also the king before thirty!


1.9 Wu Xinyue uttered a word in a cold voice.

The terrifying peak momentum of the king was crushed in an instant!

Lin Tianyin instantly turned pale!

Can't help but step back.

He looked horrified.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xinyue was already at the peak of the king.

"This...she is a few years younger than Long Jing!"

I was horrified in my heart.

At the same time, he was extremely lonely, and there was a sense of sadness rising. This is the gap brought about by talent.

He is about the same age as Wu Xinyue, and he is about to attack Emperor Zun.

He is still at the ninth level!.

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