I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 179 Aesthetic Problems

Outside Longlai Restaurant.

Chen Hao stayed by the side of the black destroying team all the time, restraining the aura in his body, making himself more ordinary.

With the appearance of Wu Xinyue and the king of the Lin family.

More and more people are paying attention here.

He didn't want to expose any flaws because of his carelessness.

Of course, this is just because he is cautious.

After all, he didn't think anyone could recognize him. No matter how short his rise was, even if he shouted his name, no one would notice him.

Chen Hao's gaze followed the crowd, looking at Lin Qingdie.

Dressed in a tight black suit.

It further brings out the whiteness of its complexion.

The appearance is equally stunning.


Suddenly, he heard Su Muyu beside him say something to him in a low voice.

Chen Hao turned to look at her with a strange expression!

"Why are you looking at me!" Su Muyu was at a loss.


Chen Hao looked back, he thought Su Muyu was that kind of lily!

But looking at it, I don't think so!

"You haven't answered my question..."

Su Muyu pouted.

"It's okay!" Chen Hao glanced at Lin Qingdie and said lightly.

"It's so beautiful, why do you think it's okay? There's nothing wrong with your aesthetics!" Su Muyu stared at Chen Hao as if looking at a monster.

"...." Chen Hao was speechless.

Saying it's okay is just too lazy to evaluate it, how could it become a problem with aesthetics.

Besides, whether people are beautiful or not is none of my business.

I muttered something in my heart.

But I am too lazy to talk to Su Muyu anymore.

I was still thinking about whether to leave now to make it easier, after all, this place has become the focal point.

Chen Hao not only observed Lin Qingdie, but also the other two kings.

Estimated their strength.

And he didn't know that one of them was Lin Tianxiao's father.

"Tianyin, you said there is a murderer who killed my son here?"

Lin Zhentian landed beside Lin Tianyin, and asked in a deep voice.


Lin Tianyin didn't know how to speak for a while, he couldn't understand what was going on here.

He was also reported indiscriminately and just made an excuse to show the majesty of their Lin family.

After all, he didn't receive much benefit from the space crack channel.

I feel that the Lin family has been silent for too long, and some people have already forgotten how powerful they are.

Only then will some people come here in a mighty way.


Seeing his hesitation to speak, Lin Zhentian snorted coldly, completely guessing what Lin Tianyin was doing.

...asking for flowers...

"Uncle, it's actually easier to find the murderer if you investigate like this!"

Lin Tianyin said awkwardly.

Lin Zhentian is indeed his uncle, otherwise it would not be his turn to block the passage with Lin Zhentian!

After all, everyone knows that this is a fat job!

As soon as the words came out.

I really reminded Lin Zhentian, otherwise it would take me a year and a month to find the murderer.


He knew that the Lin family blocked the passage, but they just wanted to use it to seek benefits.

As for his son's life and death, few people were sad at all.

The ancestor of the Lin family has not come back for a long time, and the current Lin family has changed!

"I'll spare you this time!" Lin Zhentian said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Lin Tianyin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He took advantage of Lin Tianxiao's death to show off his power, and he was really afraid that Lin Zhentian would become angry and slap him to death!

"Uncle, don't worry, as long as there are some clues, I will definitely not forgive the murderer!"

Lin Tianyin patted his chest and said.


Lin Zhentian nodded, his eyes scanned the people facing him.

Now that Lin Tianyin has already started, he will definitely not miss this opportunity.

He had long felt that the murderer was staying in the border deserted city.

It's just that I can't—check it out. .

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