I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 180 Battle Of King Realm Powerhouse

Lin Tianxiao has the strength of the ninth-level peak, and anyone who can kill him.

Except for some powerful ninth-level talents, they are powerhouses above the king level!

No matter what kind of person.

They will all come to the deserted city, after all, as long as the deserted city has enough resources for them to improve their strength.

Those strong people who stay in the human base city are either supported by their families or supported by the government!

Otherwise, there will be no resources to practice at all.

His bounty has a huge effect on the human base "June 17".

But it is different in the border deserted city.

There are a large number of complicated people here, and there are some people who are wanted in the world, and they are ostentatious, and they have not taken action to deal with them.

After all, you don't know how many people are lurking here once the fight starts.

Moreover, there are a large number of people who are not interested in the family at all, and they also know that the so-called wanted people in the world are tricks played by some aristocratic families.

If you want to arrest those wanted people, you may be surrounded by crowds.

Lin Zhentian has always wanted to use the strength of the Lin family to investigate the border deserted city.

However, the top management of the Lin family did not agree at all.

it's good now. Lin Tianyin started.

He can learn to do it.

"Wu Xinyue, it's none of your business here, go away!"

After Lin Zhentian glanced around, his eyes fell on Wu Xinyue.

This is the first stop of his investigation.

And Wu Xinyue is the obstacle at this moment!


Wu Xinyue snorted when she heard the words, and remained motionless.

She has expressed her meaning with actions.

Just don't leave, see how you feel!

"Don't mind your own business!"

Lin Zhentian's face was gloomy, and his voice was hoarse.

"What are you, let me go!" Wu Xinyue's voice was cold, and as her voice fell, there was a turbulent aura of terror.

Her words did not give Lin Zhentian any face at all.

Even if Lin Zhentian is not at the peak of the king, he is still at the late stage of the king!

Now being scolded like this.

Lin Zhentian's face became even more ugly.

"Tianyin, take care, don't let anyone leave here!"

He told Lin Tianyin.

"Understood!" Lin Tianyin responded immediately, he knew that Lin Zhentian was going to use force!

Although I don't know if he can defeat Wu Xinyue, but looking at his momentum, he won't give up.


Lin Zhentian shouted loudly.

He is now a father who lost his only son, and someone is hindering him from investigating the murderer who killed his son, so he will be the first to take action...


The vast aura surged out.

Towards where Wu Xinyue is, go to the mine deposit!

Like a tsunami.


Wu Xinyue let out a drink.

There is also a terrifying aura rushing towards Lin Zhentian, and it is even more majestic than that.

After the two huge auras collided.

A wave of terror erupted.

Fortunately, the border deserted city is strong, otherwise it would be broken.

The people around are not weak, and some aftermath can still be resisted.

After the two breaths collided.

Lin Zhentian's figure disappeared and he moved extremely fast.

Wu Xinyue also disappeared in place.


When the two fought against each other, some ninth ranks had just seen their figures.

The shock wave from the collision. 0.5

Set some people back in an instant!

"Nimma...... Is this a king-level battle? It's too scary!"

"They haven't stimulated the ferocious beast gene yet, and they were able to unleash such a sharp attack. If they activated the gene, we wouldn't be the ones to suffer?!"

"I can't keep up with their speed!"

"Tsk tsk, that's because you are too weak, I can still catch even a trace of afterimage!"

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