I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 184: The Hate Of Winning His Wife Is Sworn!

Chapter 184

Chen Hao just wanted to leave with Long Jing and the others, just making up an excuse.


Suddenly, he sensed that someone was sweeping his body with spirit.

Now his spirit is comparable to the peak of a king.

The moment of being probed.

He knew where the spirit came from, and when he saw the past with his eyes, he found that he didn't know that person.

When I was in doubt.

From the corner of the eye, he saw Wang Shenjing.

He didn't have a deep impression of Wang Shenjing either, but he had a certain understanding of his younger sister Wang Shenai.

These two brothers and sisters have some similarities in some demeanors!

Therefore, Chen Hao also thought of Wang Shenjing for a moment.

"The royal family?!"

Staying with Wang Shenjing, Chen Hao thinks he is 90% sure that the one who mentally probes himself is a member of the Wang family.

When Chen Hao looked at Wang Chushan.

Wang Chushan also looked at him, and the two squinted their eyes slightly, looking at each other, as if two bolts of electricity burst out from their eyes and collided with each other.

All exude a fierce momentum.

It was not Chen Hao who showed his momentum first, but since the other party was not kind, there was no need for him to be weak.

Seeing Chen Hao suddenly look away, he let out a sharp breath.

Long Jing and the others were also shocked.

I don't understand why Chen Hao suddenly looks like he has encountered an enemy.

They all followed Chen Hao's gaze.

Immediately saw Wang Chushan staring at Chen Hao.

"Wang Chushan? Chen Hao, do you know this guy?"

Long asked with a startled frown.

He knew Wang Chushan, after all the Wang family couldn't compare with their top families, but they also had a strong emperor.

As a direct descendant of the Long family, he pays more or less attention to the affairs of other families.

"I don't know!" Chen Hao said in a deep voice, glanced at Wang Shenjing and said again: "But the guy next to him has a little bit of trouble with me!"

In fact, Chen Hao didn't think it was a big deal, anyway, he felt that Wang Shenjing was a bit annoying, always looking at himself like a resentful woman.

"Wang Chushan broke through to the king level!"

Long Jing sensed Wang Chushan's aura and frowned even more.

He couldn't even beat Lin Tianyin, who was only at the peak of the ninth rank, let alone Wang Chushan, who was at the king rank.

Wang Chushan is only in his early thirties.

It has also broken through to the king level, and will definitely be able to step into the emperor realm in the future.

Thinking that their Long family now only has three emperors, one of them was injured and remained at the emperor level.

Among the younger generation, only Longgang is expected to be Emperor Zun.

...asking for flowers......

Others were speechless.

Long Jing suddenly felt a little urgent, afraid that some small families would catch up to their Long family without knowing it.

He reached out and touched the spiritual fruit hidden in his bosom.

At this moment, he is somewhat thankful that Wu Xinyue found him a spirit fruit that restores his spirit, giving him the hope of climbing the Emperor Zun.

Glancing at Chen Hao next to him, he nodded inwardly when he saw that although his face was serious, he didn't feel panicked at all.

When he looked at Wang Chushan again, Long Jing said: "Wang Chushan, if your brother has a problem with my brother, I will apologize for him, give me a face, how about taking a step back!"

Long Jing's voice was very flat, but Wang Chushan heard it, and Wang Shenjing beside him also heard it.

Wang Shenjing exploded in an instant, and roared: "To take the hatred of your wife is irreconcilable!"

As soon as the voice came out.

Wang Chushan wanted to turn around and leave. Su Feihong hasn't married you yet, and she doesn't even have a confirmed relationship.

But Long Jing and the others stared blankly at Chen Hao.

They didn't expect Chen Hao to do such a thing.

Being watched by several people, Chen Hao's forehead turned black.

Want to yell!

When did I take someone else's wife away?

I'm still single!


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