I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 185 Lost In Less Than A Second

"Chen Hao! You..." Su Muyu's small face was astonished, and complicated emotions were mixed in it.

Wang Shenjing screamed in grief and genuinely, without doubting the truth of his words.

After all, if his wife hadn't run away with someone else, he wouldn't have burst out with such sorrowful emotions.

Others are no exception, having the same idea as Su Muyu.

I really thought Chen Hao stole his wife.

"Where is the mad dog that ran out!"

Chen Hao said coldly, without explaining "430".

His cold eyes looked at Wang Shenjing, as if looking at a dead person.

He was sentenced to death in his heart.

Wang Shenjing speaks insanely, and slanders him now, and he does not know what unwarranted charges will be brought to him in the future.

It is better for this kind of person who has no bottom line to disappear in this world.

"Brother, kill him!!!"

Wang Shenjing also didn't want Chen Hao to live on, otherwise every time he saw Chen Hao, he would feel like he was wearing a green hat!

Now humiliate him as a mad dog!

It is simply intolerable.

"That's good, I just got promoted to the king rank, so I haven't done a lot of activities yet!"

Wang Chushan's tone was flat.

In the data, he knew that when Chen Hao was at the eighth level, he had the strength to kill ninth-level beasts.

Now that he is at the ninth rank, I am afraid that his strength has been improved by his wife.

However, it doesn't matter, in Wang Chushan's eyes, there is a world of difference between the king and the ninth rank.

Especially after he stepped into the realm of the king, he has a self that can beat hundreds of levels.

Therefore, no matter how strong Chen Hao is at the ninth level, even if he is invincible at the ninth level, he will still not take it seriously.

This is the confidence of a king.

"Boy, your talent is good, but your personality is too aggressive, and you offended people who shouldn't be offended.

"After going to hell, reflect on it!"

Wang Chushan looked at Chen Hao and said, the more talented Chen Hao is, the more he cannot stay.

After all, they have already formed an enmity, if they don't kill Chen Hao before he grows up.

It will definitely bring disaster to their royal family in the future.

"Wang Chushan, don't go too far!"

Long was shocked and scolded, he would protect Chen Hao no matter what.

Otherwise, he can't get over it.

He already regards Chen Hao as his teammate, if Wang Chushan is killed today, how will he meet people and face his teammates in the future.

"Long Jing, I advise you not to interfere, or don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Chushan said in a deep voice.

If the king of the Long Family hadn't come out, he had nothing to be afraid of.

Long Jing is a waste, he also knows, so he will not take it seriously

"You..." Long Jing was extremely angry.

I'm so angry that I can't speak!

Unexpectedly, Wang Chushan, who was promoted to the king rank, was so arrogant.


Wang Chushan snorted coldly, too lazy to continue talking to Long Jing.

As the cold snort fell, a terrifying aura emerged.

There was a sound of brushing.

His figure moved instantly, came to Chen Hao, and blasted a terrifying blow.

He is bursting out the power of the king.

There is no feeling of underestimating Chen Hao.

The speed is too fast.

Even if Long Jing wanted to stop him, it would be too late, let alone Su Muyu and Li Li, two women who were too weaker than Long Jing.

Without thinking too much, they all imagined what would happen to Chen Hao next.

"Don't..." Su Muyu screamed even more.

4.8 Bang!

The voice did not fall.

The sound of terrifying power collision exploded.


There was the sound of bones breaking.

At the same time, an afterimage flew out with the air wave!

It's Wang Chushan.

From which direction did he rush over, and from which direction did he fly out.

Even the speed is the same.

even faster.

He was defeated in less than a second!.

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