I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 194 Qingluan Gene


Lin Zhentian's eyes were filled with anger, and he didn't expect that he would be hurt by a ninth-level boy.

There is a bitter evil spirit in his arm, which constantly erodes his blood energy.

While thinking about countermeasures.

Then I saw Chen Hao's figure turned into an afterimage, blasting towards him~.


There was no time to react, just when I wanted to resist, a scar was opened on the chest!

Chen Hao's sharp claws are extremely sharp.

The scales on his body - completely irresistible.


Lin Zhentian took a deep breath while flying backwards.

The wound was filled with terrifying evil spirit.

It made him unable to use the blood energy to heal the wound, and he could only let the blood flow out continuously.


"Are you who I am?!"

Seeing Chen Hao attacking again, Lin Zhentian shouted in a hurry.

He is in a hurry.

Chen Hao has an evil spirit at the level of Emperor Zun, and he is not an opponent at all.

The attack is extremely sharp.

Wounds can't heal at all.

Only the longer the time, the more serious the injury.

There was a puff.

Another deep scar appeared on Lin Zhentian's body.

If it weren't for the fact that the fused beast was defensive, it might have been killed in Chen Hao's hands.


Chen Hao didn't say a word, the sun flames rushed towards Lin Zhenzhen!

Want to burn it up.

Quick win!

Otherwise, the emperor of the Lin family will come!

If he wants to escape, it will be a little troublesome.

Lin Zhentian's screams resounded throughout the world!

There is a wound left by Chen Hao on his body, which is now burned by flames, and the pain in it can make ordinary kings faint.

"Lin Qingdie......"

Lin Zhentian roared.

He had no choice but to scream!


Chen Hao snorted coldly, of course he wouldn't wait until someone came out to rescue Lin Zhentian.

The terrifying evil spirit instantly condensed on the sharp claws.

Immediately stab at Lin Zhentian's head!


However, his speed was still a step slower.

Or Lin Qingdie's speed was too fast.

As soon as Lin Zhentian shouted, her figure appeared in front of him, instantly blocking Chen Hao's attack.

Lin Qingdie turned into a green luan!

Her claws resisted Chen Hao's sharp claws.

In an instant, a terrifying wave of air oscillated towards a radius of ten thousand meters.

Lin Qingdie's cold eyes showed a hint of surprise!

He didn't expect a ninth-order man to be able to compete with him in terms of strength.

Chen Hao, who was opposite him, was equally astonished.

But it wasn't because of Lin Qingdie's strength.

It's her fused genes.

The moment he touched it, the sound of the system sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the SSSP-level Qingluan gene was detected, is it a fusion gene?"

"Ding, the Qingluan gene has been successfully fused."

Chen Hao fused the ferocious beast gene in Lin Qingdie's body without hesitation.

ask for flowers...

Unexpectedly, Lin Qingdie turned out to be a fusion of Qingluan genes.

The level of this Qingluan gene is about the same as that of the Suzaku gene!

It's just that Suzaku is one of the four spirits and has the reputation of a spirit beast.

And Qingluan is a kind of divine beast phoenix.

The same powerful beast.

Chen Hao can be sure that Lin Qingdie is a human from the earth, not a human from the wild beast world like Huo Lan, who has the bloodline of a divine beast.

for a while.

It's really different to have an awesome ancestor, even this kind of chaotic bloodline can be brought back!

Even if Qingluan is not as rare as Suzaku, it is still a Chaos-level beast!

Too late to think about it!

Chen Hao instantly used his strength to back up quickly.

With similar genetic levels, Chen Hao has absolutely no strength to crush Lin Qingdie.

If you tangle with her again.

It will only attract other experts from the Lin family!

So he is going to leave!

He retreated in the direction where Huo Lan and Chen Qing were.

He glanced at both of them.

Did not intend to take them!

"I've offended the Lin family now, so it's not good to stay here!"

"Enter the world of wild beasts first, and find a chance for yourself!"

Chen Hao used spiritual voice transmission to the two women.

Don't wait for them to react.

The figure disappears in an instant!

It turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the space crack!

The speed is so fast that people are stunned! .

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